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Member Since 4/27/2004 1:32:32 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Which of these two is faster on modern hardware... Let's say I'm rendering hundreds of identically shaped quads (think billboard particles for example). Which is better to do, in terms of being 'friendly' to the hardware: 1) -Hundreds of vertices, in world space, each with unique XYZ coordinates ... 
Posted October 10, 2006 9:17:30 PM
Wrapping math.h functions - yay or nay? What are the benefits, if any, of writing a wrapper class around the standard C/C++ math functions like sin/cos/log/exp? I've seen it used some places (like OGRE) and I'm debating doing it myself. The first disadvantage that comes to mind is having t... 
Posted September 4, 2006 5:09:47 PM
Landscape raytracer This is a raytracer that a partner and I made for an assignment for our computer graphics class. It's a "QAEB" (quasi-analytic error-bounded) raytracer that marches rays forwards and checks for an intersection at every step, varying the stride distan... 
Posted April 17, 2006 9:47:08 PM
The physics of walking+friction in a FPS environment I've made a simple terrain engine and implemented collision resolution based on bounding spheres. Now, I want the player to be able to walk on the terrain. Part of my frameloop looks like this so far: 1) set acceleration to zero 2) add gravity ... 
Posted May 10, 2004 12:26:17 AM
Physics, floats, and precision troubles My game world is 16384m x 16384m, where the scale is 1 unit = 1m. Since Direct3D uses floats, I thought it would be convenient to also use floats to represent position and acceleration for my world objects and terrain heightmap. Now the trouble co... 
Posted April 27, 2004 1:16:16 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Which of these two is faster on modern hardware... Hmm.. ok. Makes sense to use 1) then (with indexed lists, not strips). My problem with point sprites is that I can't get them big enough (NVIDIA seems to have a point size limit of 64). If the solution is 'use a bigger texture, not bigger point size'... 
Posted October 11, 2006 11:52:58 PM
How to create "Crysis clouds"... If different cloud particles potentially use different textures, are you binding/rebinding different textures for each cloud particle? Using an atlas? How do you keep performance good while switching textures for so many particles? Also, is the light... 
Posted September 26, 2006 11:36:01 PM
Wrapping math.h functions - yay or nay? Yeah it's a pretty arbitrary choice and just a big nitpick. On a totally unrelated note, does MSVC++ auto-generate the FSINCOS instruction if it sees a sin and cos done closely together on the same value? edit: Yes, namespace makes more s... 
Posted September 4, 2006 7:03:20 PM
Landscape raytracer Quote:Original post by jamesw Very beautiful! How long does it take to render one of those pictures and on what machine? On my A64 3200+ it takes about a minute and a half to render at 640x480, 
Posted April 18, 2006 2:12:10 AM
what happens when the frametime is less than tick? If you have 200 graphics frames per second, and only 100 physics frames per second, do you simply extrapolate objects’ positions by their current velocity until the next physics frame is reached? 
Posted May 24, 2004 9:32:35 PM
Recovering from collision The way I solved the problem you're describing was to respond to collisions only after the bounding sphere has penetrated the mesh, instead of predicting whether it would collide next frame. However, instead of moving back to its last position once... 
Posted May 12, 2004 2:14:45 PM
SSE, SSE2 and 3DNow! Microsoft’s VC7.1 optimizing compiler that they recently released for free can optimize your code to take advantage of these extended instruction sets without you having to write any assembly on your own. I’m not sure though whether the r... 
Posted May 11, 2004 8:49:17 PM
Help Slacker with Terrain Height? Assuming that your faces are triangles, I've solved this problem not too long ago using this method: 1) Identify the triangle in your mesh which your X,Z coordinates correspond to. 2) Find the surface normal vector of this triangle. If you hav... 
Posted May 10, 2004 8:19:16 PM
Physics, floats, and precision troubles If I use a fixed timestep, for example 0.01s, many frames can go by before the physics step is executed. What happens to user input then? Should I accumulate all inputs during the ’idle’ frames, or only get the instantaneous input state d... 
Posted May 2, 2004 5:40:11 PM
Physics, floats, and precision troubles I fixed the problem by using doubles and switching to a normal integrator (pos/vel/accel). Everything works nicely now and I can expand my world to whatever needed size. 
Posted April 27, 2004 4:51:12 PM
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