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Get to know spiralmonkey...  
Full Name Alan Kapler
Nickname spiralmonkey 
State/Province, Country Ontario   Canada
GD Gathering City Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Current Occupation
Job Title Technical Director 
Job Description Visual Effects Artist/Programmer 
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Member Since 7/8/2005 2:29:36 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Fast (but approximate) cartesian to polar coord conversion I was hacking around trying to develop a faster way to convert cartesian to polar coordinates without needing to use and expensive atan2(x,y) and sqrt(x*x + y*y) to get the angle and distance and came up with this fast approximation. I use it for co... 
Posted September 2, 2009 5:19:03 PM
Multi Monitor Framerate Frustrations - insights appreciated Hi, I have a program which renders D3D graphics to 2 monitors (fullscreen mode, vsync on) but each of the monitors seem to have slightly different refresh rates. They're running on the same graphics card (NVidia). I have been unable to so... 
Posted August 21, 2008 3:54:45 AM
Arrgh! Viewing a child window when in D3D fullscreen mode Hi All, I'm having a frustrating problem. I have a virtual aquarium called Dream Aquarium that runs in double-buffered fullscreen D3D, and I'm having problems adding a file requester to it. I open a file requester with GetOpenFileName(&ofn) but it... 
Posted July 29, 2008 4:04:45 PM
acceptable directx practices I'm designing a directx app that's to run on most non-sucking graphics cards from say 2000 and beyond, and i'm wondering what people have found the general support is for certain directx practices. - is it okay to specify a SPECULAR component... 
Posted August 15, 2006 2:04:41 PM
Texturing dilemma Hi, i'm working on texturing fish for my virtual aquarium, using the old-school non-pixel shader method, and i've hit a problem i'm having trouble figuring out. I'm applying 3 maps - a diffuse map (modulated by point color), and the fish's refl... 
Posted August 14, 2006 2:09:28 AM
Know anything about Free Promo CDs? I was contacted by someone from a company called International Masters Publishers about including the free trial version of my screensaver in one of their 'free Cds'. Does anyone know anything about this kind of marketing and should i be appreh... 
Posted May 4, 2006 1:18:00 AM
Licensing of software technology Hey all, I've just been approached by an individual about licensing some technology i've created. I've been working on a virtual aquarium for 1.5 years and this individual wants to use it to create a 12-screen wide super-panoramic virtual aq... 
Posted May 1, 2006 8:43:26 PM
Rare http problem Hey all, I'm experiencing a seldom-occuring problem with my auto-updater. I have a lot of users and the code below seems to work for 99% of people. However, for the odd user, it doesn't. Consistently they say they use Norton Firewall (perhaps j... 
Posted May 3, 2006 2:14:34 AM
Upload a file using http? Hey all, Does anyone have experience with uploading a file to server using http? I'm trying to avoid FTP. I'm sure i must be missing something or quite possibly grossly misunderstanding how http works. I admit i have very little understanding o... 
Posted February 4, 2006 3:18:18 AM
Dream Aquarium Here's a still from my new virtual aquarium / screensaver, still in beta testing mode. Please give it a test run at Please let me know if you have ANY problems installing and running it. enjoy! [Edited... 
Posted December 2, 2005 12:28:04 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Fast (but approximate) cartesian to polar coord conversion Thanks Emergent, does (o-p) need to be normalized for that to work? 
Posted September 2, 2009 10:39:05 PM
Arrgh! Viewing a child window when in D3D fullscreen mode Further investigation reveals that the filerequester works successfully after every 2nd pd3dDevice->Present() call. That's why it seems to be working randomly about half the time. After 1 present() it will fail to hide the window, but after the... 
Posted July 30, 2008 12:04:05 AM
Arrgh! Viewing a child window when in D3D fullscreen mode I could, but will that not affect my app's performance? I want to keep my wait for vsync and be able to run at the maximum refresh rate with as much efficiency as possible. Is there not a way to make sure my D3D window can be temporarily stowed awa... 
Posted July 29, 2008 11:17:52 PM
Know anything about Free Promo CDs? You're right, that's a typo (fixed now). Yes, i looked them up before and saw the lawsuit. They seem annoying to their target market. Regardless they may be a good route to get my product out there, though they told me this CD would only be... 
Posted May 4, 2006 1:17:00 PM
Rare http problem quite right hplus, my bad - that worked its way in only as i was 'distilling' my code. I've fixed it in my OP. So other than that the code looks like it's legal and should work? I suppose i need to look into proxies (which i know ABSOLUTELY... 
Posted May 3, 2006 6:04:32 PM
Licensing of software technology Actually, after talking more the deal isn't quite what i thought. Turns out they'd probably want ME to create the content (fishtank) or just use what i have. Boils down more to a licensing fee plus time worked on it. So my question becomes, w... 
Posted May 3, 2006 4:57:26 PM
Licensing of software technology Thanks all for your good advice. Looks like i'm getting a lawyer. This project, if it goes through, will actually be for a major Las Vegas hotel! I just found that out. Las Vegas - where their motto itself is an agreement of non-disclosure. ... 
Posted May 3, 2006 2:41:15 AM
Upload a file using http? alright, FTP it is. thanks!  
Posted February 4, 2006 5:50:22 AM
Dream Aquarium Hey All, For those who were digging my aquarium screensaver, it's now for sale! Though still in beta, most bug i know of have been fixed, thanks to many of you who sent bug reports. I still need to work on behavior, but I've added 3 new fis... 
Posted February 3, 2006 10:15:58 PM
FTP and auto-updating - how can i make it secure? Quote:Original post by Michalson You have two problems: You don't understand the concept of FTP accounts - if you actually control the server you would be able to setup a limited access account that could only see and read certain files, and... 
Posted January 19, 2006 11:59:26 AM
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