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Member Since 7/5/2005 3:47:36 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Best way to handle SDL events (input) Hey everyone, I was just wondering what is the best way to go about handling SDL events (for input). I've used the polling method before, where on each pass of the main game loop, you just loop through all of the backed up events using SDL_Po... 
Posted January 14, 2007 5:23:52 PM
Enum - from string to GLenum Hey, a friend and I are writing a Quake III shader parser, and are having some trouble with the following: in the shader, there is a line as follows: blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE which would then be translated in to C++ as follows: glBlendFunc(GL_ON... 
Posted January 22, 2006 2:32:33 PM
mnEngine A friend and I (began it this summer), are designing an OpenGL gaming engine, just for the hell of it (and its been loads of fun, lol) (opens in a new window) This is what it does so far: Loads & Renders Quake III .bsp file... 
Posted January 14, 2006 10:48:18 AM
Resolution Enumeration & SDL I've been scouring the net for the past few days trying to find out the best way to enumerate Available display modes and color depths... but have found almost nothing worth while. I was hoping that you guys wouldnt mind sharing with me how you ha... 
Posted January 14, 2006 2:59:16 PM
gluBuild2DMipMaps() problems... OK, I'm currently adding texturing to Quake III maps that I have loaded... when I call gluBuild2DMipMaps with either of these 2 textures: textures/gothic_door/km_arena1columna2R.jpg textures/gothic_door/km_arena1columna2L.jpg it crashes... th... 
Posted November 6, 2005 5:13:13 AM
Texture Manager Info OK, I've currently started creating a texture manager. The way it works is like so: You make a new mn_Texture struct which holds the width, height, format, texture id passed back by OGL, and the location of the img data itself(which winds up ge... 
Posted November 8, 2005 5:41:21 PM
Physics Engine Questions... OK, heres the scoop: A friend and I have a partially working OpenGL engine that we've been working on currently it supports the following: Quake III BSP maps(doesnt have bezier done yet, and doesnt do textures fully right, doesnt have colli... 
Posted November 5, 2005 12:51:25 PM
log4cpp build OK, heres the deal I cannot for the life of me, get log4cpp to build using Dev-CPP I was hoping someone here could either a) show me how to compile it so that I can use it, or b) send me their binaries to that I can use them I am using Wi... 
Posted October 24, 2005 7:17:30 PM
PNG 32bit weirdness OK, just recently I added TGA and JPG support to my texture loader, and now have added PNG support, but theres a problem... When I load a PNG with transparency values(an alpha channel), and convert it to red byte, blue byte, green byte, alpha byte... 
Posted August 11, 2005 12:01:46 PM
MD5Anim question OK, i've got a question about the MD5Anim format... I can load MD5Meshes and render them fine, but when i tried to load Anims, i got totally confuzzled, heres my question I am trying to render the baseFrame as though it was a static pose, just... 
Posted August 8, 2005 6:05:54 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Enum - from string to GLenum nope, SDL also uses #define's [!-- edit --] AND enums... - so basically ignore this post, lol [-- edit --!] 
Posted January 22, 2006 3:07:21 PM
Enum - from string to GLenum mmk - thanks for the suggestions. and, as I have allready started on it, I guess I'll go with the if-else's... I dont really care about the ellegance of the code, but speed is an issue.. so I guess this will work... I noticed glGetStrin... 
Posted January 22, 2006 2:57:56 PM
Freeware Game - Detritus HOLY SHIT I think I borked my thumb middle finger getting this new high score... I was all sweaty n shit... Woah - Freegin AWESOME and ADDICTING game I was spinnin in circles like CRAZY - LEMME TELL YA! - I couldnt even see the BG there w... 
Posted January 18, 2006 7:29:52 PM
Freeware Game - Detritus Oh, I don't know if this will help much, but the machine my post was in referrence to was: AMD Athlon XP 3200+ 768MB DDR400 (PC3200) RAM ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 256MB And also, I played at school, and noticed an issue that had been already posted,... 
Posted January 18, 2006 5:40:30 PM
Freeware Game - Detritus I am also experiencing frequent runtime errors (once when I died (I got hit by a flying object)) Also, the no brakes is frustrating (although I think that is how asteriods is anyways so... GJ!) and I also found another bug, but this one is us... 
Posted January 17, 2006 6:38:51 PM
mnEngine But won't the performance be cut nearly in half? (especially if its running on top of DirectX, and even if DirectX emulates OpenGL when there is no OGL support, you will still have the overhead from all of the function calls and such, right? Yes... 
Posted January 16, 2006 3:06:25 PM
screenshot And actually, it might be even easier to download the PNG library and use that (its only about 20 lines of code for me...) infact, here it is: bool captureScreen(const char *filename) { FILE *outFile; outFile = fopen(tmpFileName, "w... 
Posted January 14, 2006 4:10:30 PM
Resolution Enumeration & SDL Well, that was the glimpse of hope that I had found... The only problem i found while using it is that I dont know how to setup the PixelFormat... From what I got out of it... it only uses the BitsPerPixel part of it, and nothing else... 
Posted January 14, 2006 3:23:29 PM
mnEngine Oh, shoot forgot that part again. It's written in C++ (using Dev-CPP as our IDE, which compiles with mingw). This is my first ever time using C++ or OpenGL, so I think things are coming along fairly well, learing lots of new stuff. I had bee... 
Posted January 14, 2006 1:55:09 PM
mnEngine lol - forgot I had that part in there... (I also posted this on another gaming site that I visit quite a bit... Didn't want to retype it all, so I (and who wouldn't) copied and pasted. Thanks for your reply! And yes, I agree, Normal Bump Mapp... 
Posted January 14, 2006 1:26:10 PM
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