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Get to know gip...  
Full Name Rafael Donato
Nickname gip 
State/Province, Country Sao Paulo   Brazil
GD Gathering City Sao paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
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ICQ ID 131408137 
AIM ID rgdonato 
Yahoo IM ID rgdonato2002 
Current Occupation
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Job Description Software and GameDeveloper 
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Rating 1007  (Rate this user)
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In our forums
Member Since 11/7/2001 1:53:09 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Ball bounce physics Hi, I was about to make a game that uses physics. I will don't use any 3ed party tools, but I don't be able to simulated the ball bounce. My "formula" must be wrong. I want to make a ball bounce without loose of energy, it will always bounce, but... 
Posted November 5, 2006 5:44:02 AM
My game for MSN contest (worlds best app) Hi! I finished my HTML+javascript game Othello! for MSN and I'm in MSN World's Best App Contest. If someone want see it, go to using I... 
Posted January 13, 2006 7:02:12 AM
MSN Othello! Here is my Othello! game for MSN contest. You can play it by World's Best App link below: P.S.: Use Internet Explorer to link above with... 
Posted January 14, 2006 10:47:45 AM
Problem when creating an image for use as a off-screen buffer. Hi, I’m trying to create an image using the J2ME in the C55. This image will be used like an "scroller", and I need to have it with 700+ pixels of width and 64 of height. But when I create it with more than 200 pixels, it doesn’t create... 
Posted August 16, 2003 6:43:19 PM
Joystick Kernel Program Hi everyone.. i need to know if someone is able to tell me how i can control the joystick only to ONE button press... In this program i made, when you press a button in joystick, appears the message a thousand of times.. and i want that a... 
Posted January 11, 2003 1:17:16 PM
Help with lines!!! Hi! Someone could help me? I wanna print points (pixels), lines, circles using an ANSI C Compiler or C++. I used before the Turbo C++ and have the graphics.h. Is there anyone for gcc or any other compiler? Thanks!! Rafael G. Dona... 
Posted April 25, 2002 6:26:28 PM
HELP WITH AVI !!!! Hi everybody. I’m an Brazilian guy and I’m trying to load an avi in the initial sequence of animation of my game.... Only this is missing to fiish it. Anybody knows how play an avi movie without directx or SDL or OpenGL? ... 
Posted December 18, 2001 4:15:45 AM
HELP with an avi Hi everybody. I’m an Brazilian guy and i need a serious help... I actually using a Borland c++ Compiler and do not know how can play an .avi filestream... Anyone can help me, please. I need a source code. Rafael G. Donato 
Posted December 1, 2001 6:19:18 AM
I need some HELP for the Borland C++ Free Compiler 5.5 Hi Everyone! I’m a Brazilian and I download the Borland free compiler 5.5, but I am having some problems. When I build an API for Win32 using the C++ language and windows.h, appears a Invalid Debug for the file c0x32.lib Where and how I can d... 
Posted November 7, 2001 2:36:39 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
My game for MSN contest (worlds best app) I won the contest in second place!!! Thanks for all!!! :D:D:D 
Posted February 6, 2006 5:34:39 PM
MSN Othello! I won the contest in second place!!! Thanks for all :D 
Posted February 6, 2006 5:34:11 PM
My game for MSN contest (worlds best app) Quote:Original post by Kambiz ActiveX Failed what should I do? You need launch the link with Internet Explorer and MSN Messenger opened... Mozilla Firefox and others browsers will doesn't work 
Posted January 29, 2006 7:10:41 AM
My game for MSN contest (worlds best app) Well, now there's 2 videos to be seen... check at here: Game init: Game end: Enjoy ^^ 
Posted January 29, 2006 6:59:38 AM
MSN Othello! Quote:Original post by malCanDo Nice screenshots! Can you give a bit of technical info, such as how you supported MSM gaming in your app, any issues you came across etc? Mal Well, thanks! I used HTML (DHTML) with javascript only.... 
Posted January 16, 2006 6:39:06 AM
My game for MSN contest (worlds best app) Sorry, I started to make this game at day 26/12 (when I knowed about contest)... then I really forgotten :$ 
Posted January 13, 2006 7:57:01 AM
Where do you live? Looking for local yokals I live in Brazil, São Paulo, SP!!!!!!! uhuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! "Be forgotten is worse than death..." Rafael G. Donato 
Posted December 3, 2002 6:20:29 AM
ASCII iColored n C/C++ URGENT! quote:Original post by Fruny [quote]Original post by gip Download the tuts for BloodShed DevC++, because this uses the same system of Cygwin( the Mingwin32 ) mingw32 uses the Windows API cygwin uses the POSIX API. In cygwin gcc -... 
Posted December 3, 2002 3:58:36 AM
ASCII iColored n C/C++ URGENT! If you are using Cygwin why don’t you use the conio.h? There’s a special edition for Cygwin... try find it. Has very great commands to manipulate the ANSI characters and the screen, like ------------------------ gotoxy( int x, int y... 
Posted December 2, 2002 4:47:36 AM
Using LUA for scripting Hi!!! Do you know where find good tutors for LUA? can be in english or portuguese brazilian too I need some.. Thanks!! Rafael G. Donato 
Posted November 21, 2002 4:16:04 AM
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