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Get to know ttdeath...  
Full Name Tudor Tihan
Nickname ttdeath 
State/Province, Country Cluj   Romania
GD Gathering City Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
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AIM ID TudorTihan 
Yahoo IM ID TudorTihan 
Current Occupation
Job Title CEO&Lead Programming 
Job Description Gremlins tutor and plantations evil master. 
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Rating 986  (Rate this user)
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Member Since 5/18/2004 1:19:18 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Direct3D 10 skinning Hi guys and gals, Does anyone know of a tutorial / sample on how to skin a single character properly in DirectX 10, with and without the awful sdkmesh. I am porting something from DX9 and since I'm a DX10 noob I am having problems getting... 
Posted September 19, 2009 2:00:14 PM
Animation export from 3D Studio Max to DirectX Hello, I am trying to use the Panda exporter to export a 3D model from 3D Studio Max 7.0 to .X file format. My model is of a guitarist playing and the animation is simple hand waving and body rocking rhythmically. I test by loading the file in... 
Posted June 28, 2008 12:47:33 PM
Indie's top 10 books to read Hello fellow indy developers, Please help me build a top 10 must-read books that are relevant to developers nowadays. The idea is that this list should help any studio that has some good skills in programming (developed software before, even... 
Posted July 19, 2007 4:23:28 AM
Casual PC game with publisher, for Romanians only Team name: Zamolxis Interactiv, LLC Project name: Casual game and web design help, possible long term collaboration in IT outsourcing. Brief description: We've been contracted by a publisher to make a casual game similar to Bounce Out Blitz... 
Posted November 20, 2006 11:33:28 AM
Graphics and music for a casual game Company name: Zamolxis Interactiv, LLC, incorporated in Romania Project name: Short term art outsourcing, maybe collaboration for future projects Brief description: My name is Tudor Tihan and I am the General Director of Zamolxis Interactiv ... 
Posted August 8, 2006 12:25:22 PM
Hardware requirements for Half Life 2 modding Hi, Can anyone help me estimate the hardware requirements for a mod for Half Life 2? I would want to do both the actual modding and the level building, including 3D Max objects creation and texturing with Adobe Photoshop. What sort of the hard... 
Posted June 26, 2006 8:00:32 AM
Help for limiting the I have an MMO idea posts.. (?) Hi, Don't shoot me, but I've just come across this link about MMO games: MMORPG I am wondering how many are in the making/different genre. I think this may put the market into different light for beginners. Come to think, it may not, aft... 
Posted May 14, 2006 3:32:34 PM
Jeeky mobile game Hello, Jeeky is a mobile game I have writen for Qualcomm's BREW system. Main features: -10 full color levels -10 enemy types -holes that move in the ground -enemies that known Jeeky down on the ground -easy to start playing, very hard... 
Posted March 26, 2006 10:20:42 PM
Best engine for particular problem Hello, I am having a particular situation that I want to solve and I need your input on this because it is slightly outside my area of expertise. It is about a 3D game demo with the following particularities: -revolves around a historic... 
Posted January 17, 2006 8:44:40 AM
Paper games help/info needed Hi everybody, I am thinking of making a paper game, electronically of course, but I am still trying to collect game ideas. In my country, we mostly played Hangman, Tic-Tac-Toe, and Ship (version of Airplanes). Can you describe your favourite p... 
Posted January 12, 2006 3:17:54 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
gods of the awesome programming! heed my call! I prefer to use descriptive names and "this" extensively or put the parameter as p_foo so that in the functions (mostly in C not C++) I can do foo = p_foo. The principle of the idea is to limit the occurrences of extraneous characters in code. Using... 
Posted March 29, 2010 9:14:52 AM
trying to load converted 3d model (in XNA) Also I think Panda has an option about the automatically resizing the textures to the power of 2, right in the exporter. 
Posted June 29, 2008 1:52:22 PM
MMOi want some one to develop a game WOW took probably an army of people 100 man years to make. Does your company have anything remotely close to this, resource wise? Is your client's deal providing enough funding to feed that army or people (even outsourced) through the 2+ years of... 
Posted March 25, 2008 3:15:12 AM
So will this program eventually make the Mona Lisa? How many possibilities? Theory of combinatorics: Combinations of 800x600x256 taken by 800x600x256. (don't know the actual English name for the terms, but it's like this: if you have 3 letters A,B,C and 2 spaces to put them, then the combination... 
Posted February 11, 2008 6:07:13 PM
Development Contract Firstly, the issues do not start, legally, from the moment you start working, but from the moment you sign. So you really should have all issued cleared up before you sign anything. Secondly, while this is a standard protection statement for softw... 
Posted February 11, 2008 8:26:08 AM
MSVC++ Release Build: Unresolved Externals with SDL There is most likely some library missing in the Release configuration. Check Linkers's Input for additional libraries and add in Release configuration the libraries you see there when Debug build configuration is selected. I say this because I do no... 
Posted February 10, 2008 8:56:42 AM
how to create this data structure? As I said, I don't really get what you are trying to do. My solution was for an arbitrary number of cubes of same size that occupy the same space as a 3D Model (convex model). In this case each cube contains a part of the model's volume. What d... 
Posted January 30, 2008 12:13:28 PM
how to create this data structure? Isn't this going to consume a lot of memory? Especially for those cubes inside the actual object whom you may not get to ever modify (or see for that matter). I don't really understand voxel or marching cube however. Perhaps you're onto some... 
Posted January 30, 2008 8:42:19 AM
Weird added text!? Looks like a non-null terminated string being displayed. This can happen sometimes when you get buffer overruns. If your compilable code looks like "window.SetTitle("My Title");" then adding a "\0" is a dangerous hack, because all compilers shou... 
Posted January 27, 2008 4:15:26 PM
Array vs. Hashtable Different tools for different problems. Hashtables will almost always be faster if the index is unknown, but they have a threshold (depending on your key system) of capacity fill after which the access time is becoming bigger and bigger. Hash... 
Posted January 26, 2008 12:30:32 PM
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