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GD Gathering City Brixworth, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
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Member Since 7/2/2002 6:11:07 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Vanquist Finally plucked up the courage to post on here, anyway this is my little hobby project... Vanquist is a multiplayer combat game where players do battle in armoured hovercraft. Game play is usually based around two teams trying to gain control... 
Posted November 9, 2005 11:46:25 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Vanquist Thanks for the comments :) The game itself uses the OpenGL api since I have always intend to port it to linux I tried to think ahead when choosing the api's so it uses OpenGL, OpenAL and RakNet. The tree generator is something Ive been playing... 
Posted November 10, 2005 5:32:17 PM
Post Your Screenies! Nice screenies! I would post on Image of the Day, but it depresses me just reading that forum :) A few screenshot from my game... First two show off my random tree generator. Next one is an external view of a single player level.... 
Posted October 13, 2005 6:42:39 PM
Screenshot of current project and how many lines of code is it? 21,454 lines of code, not including server and map editor.  
Posted September 13, 2005 2:18:01 PM
scotch Quote:Original post by Sander Glenfiddich is good yes. I also like Glenmorrangie (especially the port variant and the 18 year old). If you'd like something with a bit more of a bite then I recommend getting a Genfarclay's 105 (60% vol). Good call... 
Posted April 5, 2005 6:06:31 PM
Post your screenshots! Couple of screenshots from my game. (testing the missiles) (two against one, Im not doing well) 
Posted March 27, 2005 5:39:11 PM
Particle Smoke Trails Having just implemented such a system on my current game, I feel this is one of those very few times I may have something to contribute. I like the idea of distance based, wish this topic had come up a few weeks back because I implemente... 
Posted February 23, 2005 5:10:50 PM
Terrain showoff Quote:Woah, nice! REALLY nice sky you've got there. Agreed! AxoDosS, any chance of some more details on your cloud generator? OK my turn... Ive posted screenshots of this before, its still WIP and the HUD changes day by day. Terrain engine... 
Posted January 30, 2005 10:51:08 AM
Post terrain screenshots here (continued) Some nice work guys! Here is my contribution, 3 very different terrain engines. My first terrain engine, uses the ROAM algorithm. Almost embarrassed to post it, but hey we all have to start somewhere. Ok this second one is a bit of... 
Posted December 27, 2004 3:36:34 PM
Games you *finished* making Quote:Original post by Roboguy that kind of reminds me of bzflag... :) I never said it was on original idea, but I stuck more to the retro style then they did. Besides my work wont allow us to install games, so I wrote this in my luncht... 
Posted November 20, 2004 4:25:36 PM
Games you *finished* making MultiPlayer BattleZone based on the old Atari arcade game if anyone remembers that?  
Posted November 20, 2004 3:05:32 PM
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