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Member Since 7/18/2005 1:05:06 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Java Christmas card This is a quick Java card I did for Christmas. It's based on my simple particle engine (, but modified to support falling snow. You can see the final version here: Me... 
Posted December 27, 2005 5:03:56 PM
Java Rendering problems. I've been trying to create simple little games in Java, but get discouraged when I find that I don't know the things necessary to pull it off. The project sits on my HD for months until I think of something else that eventually doesn't work. ... 
Posted December 20, 2005 8:35:37 PM
Ftp file transfer in Java I've connected and logged into the ftp server. I use an FtpClient ( object to connect and login. What I want to do is upload a file that I have onto the server. When I tell the... 
Posted December 10, 2005 5:39:21 PM
Java Screengrab cam I thought up a cool idea the other day and would like to know if something like this is possible/has already happened. Here goes: The internet has webcams. Webcams are connected to a computer running software that uploads a picture to a webserver... 
Posted December 9, 2005 11:12:25 PM
Java to C++ switch help I first started to learn C++ 2 or 3 years ago. I found it was too hard for me, and quickly switched back to Quickbasic, where I grew more comfortable with programming in general. Around 6 months ago I started Java, and loved it. I noticed it was fair... 
Posted October 18, 2005 9:29:31 PM
Java particle engine I've been programming in java for around 6 months, and just got into graphics. (Finally!) I finished a particle engine, in which there's simulated gravity that affects the particles in different ways. I've been able to get basic physics working(bounc... 
Posted September 14, 2005 9:48:10 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Blending not wished Quote:Original post by XVincentX Wow... I found the trouble Testo->PreloadText("Non Instanced Mode",-1); TestoI->PreloadText("Instanced Mode Enabled",-1); Testo and TestoI are ID3DX10Font. They make a mistake with the ID3D10... 
Posted November 23, 2008 7:24:32 PM
Stopping hardcoding Maybe the OP just wants to make things a little more modular. In a menu system, for instance, specifying menu styles (shapes/textures/effects) with external files in the form of XML or a structured data storage format. When you utilize your syst... 
Posted November 17, 2007 11:54:21 PM
Wierd Rendering Effects There's probably a change in render states somewhere in the call to draw the picture. Figure out exactly what's going on in the process of drawing your image, and find out if any internal rendering states are being changed to make rendering a pi... 
Posted June 11, 2007 4:11:15 PM
capturing a movie of your game? I've been using CamStudio. It's free because it's open source. Not sure why no one else knows about this. Do they know something about it that I don't? 
Posted June 4, 2007 6:30:43 PM
Xna Sprite Rotation Problem I think I know what you mean: Texture2D image; Vector2 origin; origin = new Vector2(image.width/2, image.height/2); Now in draw you do something like this: batch.Draw(tex, Position, null, Color.White, angle, origin, 1.0f, SpriteEffects.N... 
Posted June 1, 2007 7:32:29 PM
Java Rendering problems. NICE! Thanks a lot, BertS. 
Posted December 21, 2005 3:08:44 PM
Good tutorial On TIle Making? To sum it up, basically follow these steps: Offset the texture by half of the width, and half of the height. This will help to see where you need to blend the edges of the tile. In your paint program, try ble... 
Posted December 20, 2005 11:09:19 PM
Java Screengrab cam Thanks for the idea. Any others? I guess I'll try out something with Java's FtpClient. Not sure if it'll work or not, but It's worth a shot since I don't know any DirectX. [Edited by - j14rk1n on December 9, 2005 10:29:50 PM] 
Posted December 9, 2005 11:29:02 PM
Spinning a Wheel With The Mouse Physics I'm not any kind of wiz at this sort of thing, and I don't know the specifics of the situation. I can offer some hints, though: 1.The wheel-spin velocity should be held in a variable. That is, each update should spin the wheel _this_ much. 2. Hav... 
Posted October 25, 2005 8:56:56 PM
Java to C++ switch help Yep, I've already taken a look at JOGL, but I can't seem to get into that. I feel particularly motivated to learn DirectX now for some reason. I think it might have something to do with playing Ragdoll Kung Fu... I already know the C++ basics, and... 
Posted October 18, 2005 10:06:25 PM
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