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Get to know Max_Payne...  Banned
Full Name Max C.-B.
Nickname Max_Payne 
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Job Title Computer programmer, technician and webmaster 
Job Description Me, and lots of hot computers 
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Member Since 7/16/2001 6:44:16 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Partial Template Specialization WTF I am working with VC++ 2003 and I get an error which makes no sense to me, and the MSDN pages are not helping at all. If someone would be kind enough to suggest a fix... template <size_t A> void foo() { } template <> void fo... 
Posted June 21, 2006 3:35:28 PM
Worst CG Ever? I don't know what you guys think about this, but that trailer almost made me cry. The CG is so horrible, even a 2 year old kid wouldn't be scared. Don't get me wrong, I think the movie could be almost remotely entertaining... If they redo all the CG... 
Posted June 12, 2006 7:43:23 AM
Do you know the Upright Citizens Brigade? Just wondering how popular that humor TV series was. My friend Kurt showed me some episodes about a year ago and I found it very amusing. To my knowledge it hasn't been televised in Canada, although it could appeal to alot of people as the humor is m... 
Posted May 22, 2006 12:03:19 PM
McGuyveresque Air Conditioning: The Sequel I made a thread some time ago about my air conditioner problem (nearly new horizontal unit, doesn't fit in vertical windows). It's getting hot here, and well, no success selling the unit at a bargain price, and I'm not having any success finding some... 
Posted May 29, 2006 3:39:29 PM
MSN Messenger Library? I'm looking for a library that implements the MSN messenger protocol and is written in C/C++ (preferably C++). It would be nice if it supported MSN display images. I know there is DotMSN, but that is for .NET only, and portability matters to me.... 
Posted May 23, 2006 7:41:40 PM
Windows: Mounting SSH drives? Does anyone know software that can be used to mount your home directory on a remote machine (linux) where you have a shell account and an SSH login? Has anyone tried any? This would greatly simplify my coding at the university, as the remote... 
Posted May 18, 2006 10:29:54 PM
Help Me Find a Name... I will be working on implementing a compiled binary code optimizer this summer as a research project. One of the *critical* issues happens to be finding a name, so I can refer to the project and all it entails in other terms than "it" and "m... 
Posted May 8, 2006 11:21:52 AM
Air Conditioner.... Funnel? (MacGyver Style) I just moved into a new appartment. It's newer and better... I actually have windows in my living room now (amazing!). One problem I'm having is, summer is coming quickly, and it's going to be hot in here. I do have an air conditioner (7800 BTU) w... 
Posted May 4, 2006 1:38:23 PM
Irradiance Caching I need some help solving this problem... I've been working on implementing irradiance caching last night from Ward's original paper, but I'm getting some nasty artifacts. (ignore the boxes being black, I fixed that). It seems that some values... 
Posted April 7, 2006 9:33:10 AM
Toying With Global Illumination I have recently been toying with a new GI renderer of mine. It's a brute force monte-carlo path tracer, but smarter. My previous one took several days to converge (ultra naive implementation)... This one, by using techniques like recursive... 
Posted April 6, 2006 10:20:09 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The Google Image Game NO. Not kidding. It seems to be some kind of nude skin for one of the Max Payne 2 characters. [Edited by - Run_The_Shadows on June 24, 2006 11:18:42 PM] 
Posted June 24, 2006 11:18:39 PM
Kutaragi on the Cell Processor They've been saying this for years. In the end we all know that distributed processing through outdated processors (they will be outdated by the time they are deployed) in your appliances and a low-bandwidth wireless link is NOT going to help your co... 
Posted June 15, 2006 1:20:58 PM
Question about the Big Bang Assuming the universe contains a finite quantity of energy and space is inifinite in all directions, then there is such a thing as a "center of mass" of the universe (Note that I'm not saying we can easily find where that would be). Of course now if... 
Posted June 14, 2006 8:36:05 PM
Worst CG Ever? Quote:Original post by Katta Quote:Original post by Max_Payne If they made the skull and fire look realistic, and the skull-head moved in a way that looked natural, it would already be alot better.Realistic? You have walking biker-skeletons in your... 
Posted June 12, 2006 11:50:56 PM
Worst CG Ever? Quote:Original post by JBourrie Seriously, how good can you make a guy with a flaming skull-head look? The source material isn't exactly gold. Well, the movement looks unsmooth and so does the fire. If they made the skull and fire look realistic... 
Posted June 12, 2006 4:28:00 PM
Criss Angel's water walking Quote:Original post by Maega How does one explain the girl swimming under him if it is vertical posts? They wouldn't be placed far enough apart for her to do that. It doesn't have to be ALL horizontal, or ALL vertical. It can be transparent... 
Posted June 9, 2006 12:20:10 PM
Criss Angel's water walking ... He's walking on some sort of transparent bridge. If you're wondering how people can swim underneath, well, it's not very thick, that's how. As for people crossing his way, the bridge can simply be cut into two or three parts to allow people... 
Posted June 8, 2006 6:01:07 PM
Dinosaurs and Evangelism Quote:Original post by Mithrandir Unless God created himself? That's a trick I would like to see. Well, one way or another, it would seem kind of strange to think that our universe did not exist forever, and yet was created out of *nothing*,... 
Posted June 8, 2006 1:08:31 PM
Nerd fits I know gamedev doesn't like to get into debates, but I can see a few arguments for Linux... It's just a fact that you can do alot more on linux without restarting because of the higher level of control it gives you. No software on linux... 
Posted June 7, 2006 11:24:51 PM
King of Men and eektor's formal debate thread Quote:Original post by Sneftel I've got a better idea: Why don't you guys do it over PMs instead? So as not to not deprive us from the humoristic value of this "debate". 
Posted June 7, 2006 1:18:22 PM
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