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Full Name Brad Newbold
Nickname Wudan 
State/Province, Country West Valley City
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ICQ ID 175766111 
AIM ID Wudan07 
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Member Since 7/8/2003 10:24:48 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Custom Animation Tool I started writing this very simple animation tool several years ago when I could find no one to write it for me. I sat down with a C book and started to read, and here we are, several years later. Thanks to this site, NeHe, and some really goo... 
Posted March 5, 2006 9:27:49 PM
Mac OS X File Access Ok, I'm having what must be a really easy question to answer, but I can't find the answer to it anywhere. If I want to put files inside my Application Bundle (call it ''), how can I open the file in code? In Windows I use relative paths,... 
Posted March 7, 2005 7:52:27 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The Eerily Familiar GameDev.Net Daily Strangely, like the original Daily, still very anti-Nintendo. Why is that? Do you have some false notion of a 'gamer-elite' class, that perhaps if you are not sitting in a smelly basement jamming on buttons you are not a 'true' gamer? I can... 
Posted August 1, 2008 7:50:15 AM
Ray/Box collision: Intersection point? If you get the depth returned by whatever collision function you use, you can get the intersection point by scaling your initial ray's direction by the depth, and adding that to the origin of your ray. 
Posted May 26, 2008 11:46:57 PM
The Daily Revenue, revenue, revenue. If you can't secure that, you're losing money, right? What can you do about the playability of used games? Scratches in discs can be removed, and the used games I've bought at GameStop or elsewhere (we have a local ret... 
Posted May 26, 2008 11:34:26 PM
Quantic Dreams: "no uncanny valley any more" For those who don't know what the 'uncanny valley' is, it's that narrow strip of land between real actors and simulated actors (either CG or animated, or even animatronics fit in to the category) where the viewer does not 'buy' the effect and can be... 
Posted December 19, 2007 9:33:35 AM
GPU Caps Viewer v1.1.0 - OpenGL Graphics Utility It's better because you don't have to sift through a bunch of pages to get at a list of what your card + driver supports. 
Posted April 30, 2007 11:00:53 AM
The British Board of Film Classification examines our reasons to play While it is an interesting read, it's less of an 'examination of why we play' and more of a 'summary of a survey about attitudes towards gaming', which roughly balances out to being 'less interesting than I thought it was going to be.' 
Posted April 17, 2007 2:40:00 PM
Displaying HUD without ortho view My thoughts tend to run to 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. You'll probably always want to draw your HUD last in each frame, and it sounds like you already understand the possibility of you HUD getting drawn over if you get too close to things (yo... 
Posted November 5, 2006 8:26:32 AM
Monetary value of current work? Quote:Original post by aerojockey Quote:Original post by cbenoi1 From an accounting perspective, you cannot get accrued development as an asset. ... A rough evaluation would be via what we call "comparables". You can talk to contract develo... 
Posted September 25, 2006 10:55:07 AM
Genesis, The First Dynamic MMORPG! Quote:Original post by Matt Carr Those graphics look fantastic and I like the camera angle because it's so Ultima VII. I'd love to see (or make) an Ultima VII/Serpent Isle remake with those graphics. That's exactly what I was thinking. Alas, no... 
Posted August 13, 2006 3:18:29 AM
Kutaragi on the Cell Processor Looking back over the weeks since E3, it should be plain to see that Sony is on damage control duty. You can say about that what you will, but there's only one reason for marketing to be spinning this hard: bad product. Microsoft did... 
Posted June 19, 2006 12:39:56 AM
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