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Get to know carlsfinch...  Banned
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Nickname carlsfinch 
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Member Since 6/8/2007 6:57:29 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
My First Allegro Game Tankwars I call it Tank Annihilation My first Allegro game I made in Dev C++. I'm giving up Java. C++ is much easier, and has much more libraries to choose from, and it's faster, and there's no stupid Runtime Environment for your gamer/viewer/customer download just to play your game.... 
Posted June 10, 2007 7:30:53 PM
Just bought a PSP and GTA but have question I was reading about the GTA bug they released in the 05 game, and the game they released in 06 that fixed the bug. I would like to know how i can tell if I have the 05 or 06 game? How can I tell? 
Posted July 3, 2007 3:12:11 PM
keyboard error cant get working in either language Hi, I recently downloaded, and installed Code::Blocks, and said hey, it´s time to start coding, but found out that ¨ ¨ my single and double quotes isn´t being read with the compiler, the computer or something, for it keeps giving me illegal character... 
Posted July 1, 2007 10:37:56 AM
Code::Blocks Installation problem I tried downloading and installing one of the nightly builds June 26th version for linux, but when using my installer package app it told me I didn´t have dependecies libwxtool2.8-0 so I went to synaptic package manager and downloaded all of the... 
Posted June 28, 2007 12:59:53 AM
Getting the Xbox360 controller to work in linux? I followed the instructions at and step by step this is what I got. if you can make sense out of it here is exactly what i typed in my terminal what happend, and what errors I got. c... 
Posted June 24, 2007 12:38:57 AM
Mac, Good for programming? Hello, I am a PC user, and after watching WWDC2007 key notes; I am definitely sure I want to buy a Mac since I am a student, and I get a discount, but because of John Carmack's ID Tech 05 Engine he is deploying/been secretly making for the past 2 yea... 
Posted June 15, 2007 10:51:16 AM
No Sound coming from my system Ubuntu 7.04 on a Gateway M320 There is no sound coming from my system. It´s plays the sound file since it now supports most all audio files, mp3 files, and ogg, but there is no sound coming out from my computer, no sound from test configurations, and no sound from web. What codec... 
Posted June 22, 2007 7:28:12 AM
No Sound coming from my system Ubuntu 7.04 on a Gateway M320 There is no sound coming from my system. It´s plays the sound since it now supports most all audio files, mp3 files, and ogg files that I own, but no sound, no sound from test configurations, and no sound from web. What codecs/drivers should I down... 
Posted June 21, 2007 9:52:43 PM
Linux distribution which one? I'm getting back to linux since I'm buying a Mac,and I'll have the oppurtunity touse Boot Campt or whatever the Leopard OS calls it to boot up Windows Vista, so I decided I'll make my old laptop run linux. Which one? I use to run Fedora 5 (<... 
Posted June 17, 2007 3:00:51 PM
Wine Linux Just one Question I´m using Ubuntu 7.04 and I have successfully downloaded the latest wine package, successfully built it, and have successfully installed my first windows exe on my linux laptop Dev C++ how do I create these as a shortcut on either m... 
Posted June 21, 2007 7:32:30 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
keyboard error cant get working in either language Found the problem. It was the option of the Keyboard layout just plain old US English look """"""""""" all day long """"""" Well I like linux, it's a good challenge, and a something to do as a hobby. peace 
Posted July 2, 2007 12:25:49 PM
keyboard error cant get working in either language Quote:Original post by let_bound FWIW... The single quote is the ' character, but what you typed here was ´ (acute accent). The double quote character is ", but you typed ¨ (diaeresis). I don't know if they look the same on your system, but... 
Posted July 2, 2007 11:47:32 AM
keyboard error cant get working in either language OK, so here it is I will send both of you a private message today, because I really need to get this fix. This is both in Java, and C++ no matter what I try to code in I get errors. In C++ I´m getting error: stray \302 error: stray \250 a... 
Posted July 2, 2007 9:29:33 AM
Getting the Xbox360 controller to work in linux? Quote:Original post by Perost Well, I have no experience with joysticks under linux, but here's an old guide on the Ubuntu forums, and here's a thread with some changes that are needed to get it to work under the latest Ubuntu. It's probably a... 
Posted June 24, 2007 11:24:04 AM
Wine Linux Just one Question I figured it out. Once I ran winefile in the terminal I was able to get the exact address at the window bar, and then was able to create an APP Launcher with that specific directory after wine, so like for instance my app that has the command wi... 
Posted June 21, 2007 8:17:48 AM
Installing SDL in Linux Ubuntu distro I think I got the packages and I definitely found Synaptic nice, really nice. So Synaptic is basically this free p2p program for linux packages, downloads, and installs them for you, and all you have to do is find out which package you need and know... 
Posted June 19, 2007 2:27:25 PM
Installing SDL in Linux Ubuntu distro Quote:Original post by eedok the way I did it was I enables universe and multiverse in synaptic and did a search for sdl and downloaded the -devel packages and it worked fine. Where is Synpatic? Is that the Add/Remove package once you click... 
Posted June 19, 2007 1:46:54 PM
Tic-Tac-Toe I would read ¨How Do I Make Games?: A Path to Game Development¨ by Geoff Howland you can basically find it on this site here. here hereś the link again if the link doesn´t work, or tag is wrong. 
Posted June 19, 2007 9:11:48 AM
[SDL] Drawing a simple rectangle problem OK, I haven't used SDL, but this is a good question. I'm working in Allegro, but like I said this is a good question to increase my help/debugging/programming skills. You said that maybe you problem is from the line SDL_FillRect( screen, &scr... 
Posted June 16, 2007 9:44:16 AM
2D tool Quote:Original post by cat_mint Hi community, I never used a Graphic library or engine. I have very simple requirements and need to know if this is difficult to implement, which engine to use and if you think it would be much effort (for a beg... 
Posted June 16, 2007 8:50:47 AM
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