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Full Name James Sharam
Nickname weasalmongler 
State/Province, Country Bristol   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
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Job Title PhD Student 
Job Description Investigating Quantum Information Processing 
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Member Since 1/13/2002 7:11:58 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Tile based isometric game networking model Hi all. I am developing a multiplayer isometric view strategy game and I've come to the important time of choosing a networking model and was hoping to get some input from people here about which would be the best to go forward with. Firstly, here... 
Posted July 12, 2010 9:41:34 AM
GLSL Normal Mapping Hi all, I've been working on implementing normal mapping into my game and generally everything is ok, but there is a strange problem for some models which means the light direction is different. I.e. 90% of the models in the scene are lit fro... 
Posted May 25, 2009 7:03:25 AM
Collision Detection Algorithm Help Hi all, I'm working on a 3D space combat game and recently I've been trying to get collision detection working. The algorithm that I've gone with appears to be very slow, so I was wondering if anyone had any better ideas for how to go about i... 
Posted April 17, 2009 5:08:34 AM
Need a good joystick input flight model Hi all. I'm making a 3D space combat game and I'm struggling to turn joystick input into a smooth "arcadey" flight model. My current implementation just treats the joysticks offset as a rotation speed, using the following code: //Joystick... 
Posted March 31, 2009 6:52:01 PM
FTGL Font not rendering on ATI hardware Hi all, I've been working on a game for a little while which uses the FTGL library for font rendering. I'm rendering using FTBufferFont objects and everything works fine on my Geforce 8800, but on my friends ATI 3800 it draws nothin... 
Posted March 26, 2009 9:39:14 AM
SDL Segfault Crash since using SDL_net Hi all, I've got a very bizarre problem. I've been using SDL for input and graphics in my game for a little while with no problems. Recently I've just started using SDL_net for networking and ever since then the program crashes in a variety of 3rd... 
Posted March 13, 2009 9:34:53 AM
3D Space Combat Game Requires Artists Team name: Decideable at a later date, not really important for making a game. Project name: Decideable at a later date. Brief description: I am a 23 year old PhD student from the UK who is currently making a space combat game in my spare ti... 
Posted February 28, 2009 7:58:39 AM
Winsock2 TCP connection slow Hi everyone, I've been working on getting a little multiplayer game up and running but I've run into a few problems. My program is cross platform and works on both Linux and Windows, using slightly different implementations of the same i... 
Posted August 24, 2008 9:01:48 AM
Feedback on network code Hi everyone. I'm pretty new to network programming, and while I understand the concepts I wanted to know what people thought of my current TCP network code. #define PORT_USED 7749 //Completely random, change if it conflicts #define MAX_CLI... 
Posted May 10, 2008 10:13:33 AM
GLSL Linking problem Hi, I have a problem while linking a very simple shader with GLSL. After searching google for a while I am aware that NVIDIA seems to have some problems with their drivers, but I was wondering if it was something that could be fixed. The compil... 
Posted May 6, 2008 11:14:11 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Driver issues :'( ATI on linux is slowly getting better, but it still has a long way to go. I have an ATI HD5850 and I run arch linux on a separate partition. Basically, the open source drivers are great, they have kernel mode setting and run very well f... 
Posted November 6, 2010 7:58:11 PM
Tile based isometric game networking model Thank you for your input. I will go with the standard client-server model. If things don't work well then I will consider the other one. Thanks again. 
Posted July 13, 2010 2:32:19 PM
Rotating a vector Sorry for the very brief reply, don't have much time. I'm assuming you are working in 2 dimensions. If so then first calculate the vector normal to C. This can be done using the formula: Cnorm = (-y, x), if C=(x,y). Normalize Cnorm. Then the ve... 
Posted April 24, 2010 8:27:46 PM
What can you say about my plans? To be honest, I would say that the racing game would be much more complicated to build, but at the same time there is a lot of redundant stuff there as primarily it is a 3D graphics course. To me an explosion simulator is just some particle system. I... 
Posted December 3, 2009 4:34:33 AM
Help calculating x,y position of traveling ship Let startpos=(X,Y), endpos=(Xfinal, Yfinal). Then: dir = endpos-startpos intermediateposition = startpos + dir*(elapsedtime/wholetimeoftrip) Hopefully this makes sense, the position you want is just the start position + the direction of move... 
Posted October 30, 2009 7:45:20 AM
linux X11 opengl If I understand correctly, XNextEvent() should only be called if there is something in the message queue ( XPending() checks how many messages are in the queue ). If there isn't anything in the queue then it should just do a render, i.e: wh... 
Posted October 27, 2009 4:40:56 PM
2d Vector based Collision Unfortunately I don't have any good links to vector tutorials relating to collision detection, but I wanted to comment on a few points you brought up. Firstly, if you are working on a 2D platformer you will not be needing the cross produ... 
Posted October 26, 2009 4:53:56 AM
Blender, Is it good or not ? I agree, blender is absolutely fantastic and can do pretty much anything that you might want it to for games. 
Posted October 17, 2009 6:55:50 AM
GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY when setting up OpenGL Have you tried with the proprietry nvidia driver? I'm not sure I'd trust nouveau just yet, it is still quite early in development, especially for 3d stuff. 
Posted September 23, 2009 8:06:04 PM
GCC Compile Error.. Help Whoop, sorry, Witchlord is correct. -L is the correct way to add a library path. If you follow exactly what he says it should work. 
Posted August 16, 2009 10:57:25 AM
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