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State/Province, Country Kosice   Slovakia
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Member Since 2/28/2006 10:24:10 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
UBrothers Bloom Busters Website Promotion - Traffic Hello there, I'd like to know whether you have some tips about how to promote out game and drive huge amounts of traffic to our website. What approach works the best? The web and game is here: Thanks, 
Posted May 2, 2008 2:46:52 PM
Bloom Busters released ! Hello, After 2 years of development, BLOOM BUSTERS from UBrothers is released. The distribution started in February 2008 and continues through the major portals and distribution channels all around the world. You are welcome to try the game ri... 
Posted April 19, 2008 7:45:14 AM
FlowerMan wins the GRAND PRIZE ! Dear readers, We are very glad to share our happiness and success with you! Our game FLOWERMAN has won THE GRAND PRIZE ! We won the 1st place in Gametrust's Casual Game Evolution Challenge Contest 2006 sponsored by AOL games You can check... 
Posted July 6, 2006 12:19:29 PM
Blood particle problems - Bad antialiasing when rotating a sprite Hi all, i am rendering all sprites (and particles also) in my game using ID3DXSprite interface of DirectX9 and I have this problem. I am trying to create green blood particle effects, so i have solid green color sprites of blood particles of di... 
Posted June 1, 2006 7:01:34 AM
Ubrothers FlowerMan Hi all! FlowerMan website has new updated content - check it out: check out CONTENT page 1 and page 2 for new screenshots and NEW VIDEO! Marek Uhrin  
Posted May 2, 2006 6:20:05 AM
Flowerman Hi all, this is the picture of main character in our new game Flowerman. See our website for details. U-Brothers [Edited by - UBrothers on May 2, 2006 5:10:52 AM] 
Posted March 12, 2006 10:03:02 PM
QueryPerformanceCounter Performance Hi all, this is not really a DirectX question, but I am developing game that uses DirectX and I wan to know your opinion on this: I am using QueryPerformanceCounter function for game timing and I am calling it quite often per frame (each... 
Posted April 17, 2006 5:42:19 AM
Amazon PC games market statistics Hello, I'd like to ask you.. Does anyone know some information about,, etc.. - statistics about number of pc games sold online per month/per year? How many units of PC games do they sell per month? How m... 
Posted March 28, 2006 6:35:28 AM
FLOWERMAN from U-Brothers Dear readers! Visit for news about FlowerMan game! any feedback is welcome, enjoy! [Edited by - UBrothers on March 14, 2006 7:49:12 AM] 
Posted February 28, 2006 10:33:36 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Bloom Busters released ! Hi, The characters are totally unique and original, never posted them anywhere. But the most important is that you like it! :) thanks! Let me know your feedback from the game itself then... 
Posted May 2, 2008 2:42:56 PM
Bloom Busters released ! Hi guys! Thanks a lot for your feedback. We are very happy you like the game and website too! Thats very pleasant to hear... I will add system reqs to the website soon (currently they are in readme files included with the game installer), howe... 
Posted May 1, 2008 2:38:03 PM
Bloom Busters released ! Many reviews of Bloom Busters are written all over the web, thank you guys all positive contributions and efforts. Check them out for example here: 14(!) reviews h... 
Posted May 1, 2008 6:38:32 AM
Bloom Busters released ! Hey guys, new updates on our web, anyone checked the gameplay video or demo?  
Posted April 23, 2008 2:17:24 PM
BEST Casual Game PUBLISHER Hi Tom, I never said I WANT to be a salesman ;) I said I have to be (like) a salesman if it is necessary.. Of course making games is mostly passion and joy and I'd love to focus only on these things, but if you want to sell it to at l... 
Posted August 9, 2006 5:24:13 AM
BEST Casual Game PUBLISHER Thanx for explanation of Tom's ideas. I understand your and Tom's opinion, but I disagree. You can (if not must) do both at the same time. Of course it would be better to make the game first and then only sell it. But I think it is often two... 
Posted August 8, 2006 10:50:14 AM
BEST Casual Game PUBLISHER Tom, I think you must be very bored by these kinds of "questions" :) but I understand that. Who wouldn't be, right? Thank you for your exhausting explanation ;) And... We want to make games, but we (ALL) need to be "salesmen" too. Maybe y... 
Posted August 8, 2006 6:42:53 AM
BEST Casual Game PUBLISHER Hello guys, Quote:Original post by JaEvans ... I do not believe that the old core game route of doing things i.e. Developer > (agent)> Publisher > Sales/retail is even that relevant anymore and it does not serve the developer at all.... 
Posted August 7, 2006 12:12:20 PM
DirectSound You are right that it is not very clear to use GetCurrentPosition to detect if last byte has been played. But notifications are not very exact also. You will never receive notification at the very exact cursor position that you want - it will always... 
Posted June 25, 2006 5:40:37 PM
DirectSound Yes verification of current play/write position can be a solution (I have used it too and it worked well), but since this experience, that notifications do not work right, i can not be absolutely sure, that there will be no more problems with them. ... 
Posted June 25, 2006 4:45:38 PM
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