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State/Province, Country Yukon Territory   Canada
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Member Since 10/7/2005 2:30:28 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
tgfcrew project This is a creature called the Tir Commander. She hunts souls for her master Torikuma. This pic also served as a color test. We are still working our some bugs. I would like to know what you guys think. 
Posted December 23, 2005 12:12:47 PM
3rd person Camera Hi everyone, I am looking for info, web links and such about 3rd person cameras. Are there any docs out there that describes this in details. Or images i can see.  
Posted February 28, 2006 4:24:13 PM
tgfxcrew looking for ENGINE DEV CREW Team name: THE TGFXCREW Project name: C.O.D. PROJECT Brief description: We are a group of talented individuals from across the known world whose mission is to design the Chronicles of Dust, a 3rd person action adventure video game for the Xb... 
Posted December 22, 2005 12:14:25 PM
Check out Chronicles of Dust I am the creator of the Chronicles of Dust video game. I wanted to let everyone know of our project. Please drop by our side and see our game come to life. Feedback is welcome and I will respond to each one. ----------------------------------... 
Posted October 12, 2005 2:54:52 PM
Chronicles of Dust Project - needs you This is to comply with the template rules stated in the sticky. I tried to edit the other post but it was closed. Team name: tgfx crew Project name: Chronicles of Dust Brief description: We are a group of talented individ... 
Posted October 12, 2005 2:34:05 PM
Chronicles of Dust - Xbox 360 Project We are a group of talented individuals from across the known world whose mission is to design the Chronicles of Dust, a 3rd person action adventure video game for the Xbox 360. We are currently looking for 3D artists and programmers. -----------... 
Posted October 7, 2005 2:39:44 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
CHRONICLES OF DUST - seeking character modelers - [images/videos/music] shown inside! Thats right its open. Right now out target is PC. Later on when funding is established we will port it over to xbox or whatever platform we want.The C4 engine can do this. 
Posted February 8, 2006 2:23:46 PM
CHRONICLES OF DUST - seeking character modelers - [images/videos/music] shown inside! What is everyone's problem about porting to 360 or other platforms. We'll port it when we get there. This thread should not be about if we have a dev kit or how we are going to port it over. It clearly said that we need help in the area of: Quo... 
Posted February 8, 2006 1:59:32 PM
CHRONICLES OF DUST - seeking character modelers - [images/videos/music] shown inside! I needed some time to think things over. The project is far from over. We did not come this far to give up so close to the finish line. We are going all the way. Any help would be great. Thanx 
Posted February 7, 2006 3:39:51 PM
funding a project hmmm...200-400 not much and i am wondering what your terms would be. 
Posted January 10, 2006 10:46:41 AM
tgfxcrew looking for ENGINE DEV CREW I know but i cant give away eveything but things are in the works to give people a better idea of where i am taking this. But untill then we need programmers and we are close to getting a state of the art engine.... 
Posted January 10, 2006 10:40:56 AM
tgfxcrew looking for ENGINE DEV CREW "DrEvil" its more like $100,000 and no we don’t. "zer0wolf" - All the info i can disclose is on the website and on here. Any more would be giving it away. Over the past few months we spent allot of time on the concept side of things... 
Posted January 6, 2006 2:30:03 PM
tgfxcrew looking for ENGINE DEV CREW Still Looking for a Crew or a Compnay that is willing to work with us. 
Posted January 6, 2006 9:23:06 AM
tgfcrew project Thanx for the great comments. We have made quite alot of progress since this pic was released. The pic was laso used to set mood and color skeme but i still think we should go darker.  
Posted January 5, 2006 3:39:42 PM
High Quality Audio is available! WoW Tony your audio is great. Top of the line man. I love it. Chronicles of Dust Project 
Posted December 22, 2005 2:49:12 PM
Check out Chronicles of Dust New 3D models and Scenes were added to the site C.O.D. Media. Many have emailed me and asked to see some of the models and here they are. ---------------------------------------------- Chronicles of Dust Project HOME : ... 
Posted November 1, 2005 12:39:23 PM
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