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Get to know Kerkhoff...  
Full Name Matheus Von Der Kerkhoff
Nickname Kerkhoff 
State/Province, Country Rio Grande do Sul   Brazil
GD Gathering City Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
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Member Since 12/23/2005 8:01:53 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Again.... here is the last version... This is my 2d engine =D tell me what you thought...give me ideas... I'm a very bad with layouts eauhuah this layout is very...very ugly I know... 
Posted February 8, 2006 1:17:29 PM
New game team...=D okay...following the template now =D Team name: Undefined, but, "Black Mamba Entertainment" would be good, and easy to make a logo Project name: Do vice games =D Brief description: I think that the games can be a lot complex or more simp... 
Posted February 8, 2006 4:50:42 PM
Predator Engine demo =D Hi my friends... here is the Predator Engine with some basic controls... download this file: Next controls will be the check box, the check button, radio buttons, numeric updown, a... 
Posted February 3, 2006 3:43:10 PM
Fullscreen and glOrtho Hi... I'm having problems with glOrtho in fullscreen mode... here is my create window function void PDevice::BuildWindow(const LPCTSTR AWindowName, SRect* ADimension, PWindow* ANewWindow, bool AFullScreen) { DWORD WStyle; DWORD WExSty... 
Posted February 2, 2006 4:10:51 PM
Drawing techniques Somebody has a good drawing technique? I run my program that is redraw everytime and my mem usage explode = ( if I draw the object only when it receives event...the mem usage increase with the amount of events that I fired. = ( like...e... 
Posted January 29, 2006 6:51:58 PM
Function pointer problem... Hi...check out my problem.. I have a X class that have this attribute: void (*FOnMouseClick)(PInputEventReceiver* ASender); and this method to set this attribute: void OnMouseClick(void (*AOnMouseClick)(PInputEventReceiver* ASen... 
Posted January 28, 2006 10:06:06 PM
Texture problem.. Hi, I'm having trouble with textures in opengl... I'm loading some texture files (.bmp) but the last file is used to all objects in the scene = (( here's my loadtexture code void POpenGLDriver::LoadTexture(std::string AFileName, unsigned i... 
Posted January 20, 2006 4:16:22 PM
Outline font bug?? Hi, I have downloaded the lesson 14, with outline fonts, I changed the output text to some work with accents and like I thought, the GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT gets nuts... (test strin = "Test àçê?õá") = ( how can I workaround this problem?? and How can... 
Posted January 11, 2006 7:46:26 PM
GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT bug??? the GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT structure does not work with accented words??? if it doesn' can I get the letter width using wglOutlineFonts? thanx... 
Posted January 11, 2006 8:10:40 AM
Print text problem... Hi everyone.. I want to write text on the screen using outline fonts... firstly, I have tried to use the HFONT size attribute, but it doesn't work. After that, I tried to use the glScale function to resize my text, BUT, the text became inv... 
Posted January 11, 2006 7:13:38 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
New game team...=D addicting games =) 
Posted February 8, 2006 10:18:10 PM
New game team...=D I'm sorry about the first thread...I'm hope that now this is good for you =D thanx for warning me ;)  
Posted February 8, 2006 6:39:25 PM
C-Unit MDX Tutorials and Framework I'll kill myself... Me and my modest engine = ((( I loved your gui layout =) congratulations...very nice work =D 
Posted February 8, 2006 12:12:36 PM
Predator Engine demo =D ahá got you =) the code of fps is the same...the only difference is that my thread system of paint control (=P) is inactive... the same code...without the at 90fps.. and with the at ~10000 =D hehehe [Edi... 
Posted February 5, 2006 11:06:39 AM
Predator Engine demo =D ok...I have made some changes...look if now the fps is more logical (I got 1000 in my radeon 9800xt) =P Thanx... I'm sorry...but I'm a new programmer yet heheh 
Posted February 4, 2006 11:50:28 PM
Predator Engine demo =D this routine...allways give me the timeelapsed with 0... and an error of division by zero =P heheh 
Posted February 4, 2006 10:32:14 PM
Predator Engine demo =D look this... int beginframe = 0; int endframe = 0; int timeelapsed = 0; while (MainApplication->Running() && !FQuit) { beginframe = timeGetTime(); MainApplication->Refresh(); endframe = timeGetTime(); time... 
Posted February 4, 2006 9:18:02 PM
Predator Engine demo =D I really don't use it.. I use a label to show the FPS..... you think that the Predator Engine's way is the better way to show fps?? I need to know how good my engine is working..and if I don't know how much fps it is running...I'll nev... 
Posted February 4, 2006 8:41:49 PM
Predator Engine demo =D I'm sorry about this... but I tried the examples and all of them has gave crazy values... here is my draw it count the frames correctly =D lastFrame = timeGetTime(); while (MainApplication->Running() &&... 
Posted February 4, 2006 12:52:31 PM
Predator Engine demo =D no...the fps code is running in the main thread... I don't know...but I don't see nothing wrong... it count the frames until one second pass(ff)..and in another variable(fps)... and using timeGetTime() function in the place... 
Posted February 4, 2006 10:11:51 AM
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