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Get to know MarkusK...  
Full Name Markus Kark
Nickname MarkusK 
State/Province, Country Nordrhein-Westfalen   Germany
GD Gathering City Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Member Since 8/11/2005 7:55:03 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
GPU Particles (GF6800) Hi there, I wrote this DX App a while ago after I read Lutz Latta's article about "Building a Million Particle System"... I must admit, I didn't reach 1M particles *g* but 65k is sufficient for a small camp fire I think *g* The whole update pro... 
Posted February 18, 2006 10:02:24 PM
Navigation Mesh & Cost Function Hi there, I have a problem, finding the "best" path on my navigation mesh (convex polygons of arbitrary size, auto-generated from level geometry). Here is a picture to illustrate my issue: The blue polygons (A-J) are my navigation po... 
Posted January 15, 2010 10:45:55 AM
Artifacts when using XYZRHW vertices Hi, I ran into a strange problem, while rendering icons and fonts/characters for a GUI. As usually I set up a vertex structure with XYZRHW coordinates, I apply an offset of { 0.5/textureWidth, 0.5/textureHeight } to the UV-coordinates. Then I rend... 
Posted February 24, 2006 10:58:05 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Navigation Mesh & Cost Function Quote:Nice to see that code finding good use! It was nice to find some actual code that isn't written in pseudo-language or described by mathematical equations that I can't understand :) Quote:If, on the other hand, speed is not the biggest... 
Posted January 25, 2010 5:05:00 PM
Navigation Mesh & Cost Function Problems "solved" ;) I added an incomplete funnel search into the A* pathfinder for distance calculation and it looks beautiful so far. I took the code from Modified Funnel Algorithm, refactored it a bit to suit my data-structures and needs and it... 
Posted January 22, 2010 2:50:27 AM
Navigation Mesh & Cost Function Thanks for your reply. I "played" around with the multiple-nodes per edge solution, but my coworkers were not very pleased with it. There were still situations where the calculated path was a not "realistic enough" (as they say). *AllDesignersShouldB... 
Posted January 18, 2010 5:11:47 PM
GPU Particles (GF6800) First of all, thanks for the response. The glowing thingy is only called 'Smoker' because it uses a simple smoke update process :) Ok,ok,ok.... here it is: Click here to download malicious software that will steal your credit card ;) (sou... 
Posted February 23, 2006 7:21:11 AM
[SOLVED] Particle System using Hardware Instancing Hmm, afaik there should not be much difference between 6000 or 6500 particles. Can go into details / post some code how you update and render your stuff ? I did something similar months ago and it worked fine with 1 or 65k particles - but I didn't... 
Posted February 15, 2006 5:07:05 AM
what's the key to make a forest scene Rendering Instanced geometry is the way to do this. Try to reduce the number of DP calls you have to make. In our current project we make heavy use of this. Nearly every object in the world is rendered with instancing using vs.1.1 / 2.0 shaders - it'... 
Posted February 14, 2006 3:15:01 PM
one shader to another Quote:Original post by ashade ...can a vertex shader output (the vertex with light calculated) be the input of another vertex shader??? how do I do that? You can't. And imho it's not really useful. Why do you want to do the lighting in object-spa... 
Posted February 14, 2006 3:11:36 PM
Deferred Shading, Can you do Bump mapping? Sorry if I nail you down on this, but I believe that there is no tradeoff in quality. :) If I sent the LightVector in textureSpace to the pixel shader it will be interpolated (therefore normalize it again). The so called ps.2.0 way will sent... 
Posted August 12, 2005 12:58:42 PM
Deferred Shading, Can you do Bump mapping? Quote:Original post by Namethatnobodyelsetook In PS2.0 it is common to transform the normal from the tangent space normal map from tangent space into world space, then dot3 the world space light with the world space normal. The dot3 doesn't require... 
Posted August 12, 2005 10:05:51 AM
Using a HLSL shader to store a position ina texture. Quote:Original post by xsirxx I see you use tex2Dproj(...) I use tex2D... I looked it up in my book and on msdn and it just says its a 2D projective lookup, whats the difference between the two? thanks I construct the texture-coordinates f... 
Posted August 12, 2005 5:15:47 AM
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