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Nickname Netsurfer 
State/Province, Country Moscow City   Russian Federation
GD Gathering City Moskva, Moscow City, Russian Federation
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Member Since 12/17/2005 5:44:26 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Linderdaum Engine Thos is the screen shot from Free Pascal version of the Linderdaum Engine written in late 2003. A playable demo with the source code is downloadable from Now the engine is rewritten in C++ and new demo will... 
Posted December 17, 2005 2:45:44 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
LinderScript virtual machine: feedback wanted It depends much on your language preferences, but neither Lua nor Pithon or Ruby gives you these of features (and even LuaBind dosn't). Or don't you like UnrealScript-like solutions in general? ;) 
Posted November 9, 2006 6:57:32 AM
LinderScript virtual machine: feedback wanted In using this engine in their own projects :) 
Posted October 22, 2006 9:57:22 AM
LinderScript virtual machine: feedback wanted Nobody interested? 
Posted October 22, 2006 9:20:19 AM
Linderdaum Engine Quote:Original post by Drew_Benton Wow, that screenshot looks amazing! Take a look at the demo itself!  
Posted December 24, 2005 5:28:38 AM
Linderdaum Engine Quote:Original post by marzec nice :) maybe you can rip off some of the code i used in my library LGPL differs slightly from MIT licence ;)  
Posted December 23, 2005 12:41:33 PM
Linderdaum Engine Quote:Original post by marzec i highly suggest to get rid of fmod and adopt libvorbis Just now i'm reimplementing the audio subsystem of the engine. The FMOD library will be deprecated in the next maintance release of the engine and LibVorbis will... 
Posted December 22, 2005 6:07:46 AM
Linderdaum Engine Quote:Original post by LorenzoGatti How does Linderdaum Engine compare with other well-established projects like Irrlicht, OGRE and others? By now i'd evade a direct head to head comparision with OGRE, CS or any other heavy well-established 3D engi... 
Posted December 19, 2005 9:45:23 AM
Linderdaum Engine Quote:Original post by B_Knight nice work. great effects. but why did you ade the demo first in pascal? Because the engine was started in 2001 in Free Pascal. And in 2004 because of lack of skilled pascal developers i switched to C++  
Posted December 19, 2005 4:52:49 AM
Linderdaum Engine Quote:Original post by ghostbear77 then you should perhaps note this requirement somewhere (in "features" or "FAQ") Thanks for suggestion. This requirement is now right one the Downloads page.  
Posted December 18, 2005 1:05:17 PM
Linderdaum Engine Quote:Original post by ghostbear77 GeForce4 Ti 420 64MB You need at least GeForceFX to run the demo.  
Posted December 18, 2005 11:26:20 AM
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