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Full Name Jonas Johansson
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ICQ ID 60826683 
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Member Since 8/2/2003 7:56:34 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Secret of Time Secret of Time is a story-driven action/adventure game developed by thirteen students from the Swedish school Gamemaker. The original game was produced in approximately seven weeks plus one week of planning, so we were on a tight schedule.... 
Posted June 6, 2007 9:28:04 AM
Secret of Time Screenshots - Videos - Downloads Hello there! Information Secret of Time is a story-driven action/adventure game developed by thirteen students from the Swedish school Gamemaker. The original game was produced in approximately seven weeks plus one week of planning, so we w... 
Posted June 5, 2007 4:35:06 AM
Volleyball (Multiplayer, OpenGL, Inverse Kinematics) Hello there people! Now, we have released the first beta of our game Codename Bolleyvall (Yes, the name will be changed). This interactive game is a fully playable Volleyball game. You control your character with the keyboard and it's arms with yo... 
Posted March 24, 2004 4:38:44 PM
BETA-Testers Needed for Ball Competition! Hello folks! Me and a friend has for almost 5 months been working on a project called Ball Competition. It is a game that differs a bit from others - it has no violence in it... "OH NOOO" I can here you shout. That's the reaction we want you to... 
Posted August 28, 2003 3:38:24 PM
Having no fun? Try Ball Competition! Hidelihow there! We are a small hobby-team that currently is trying to develop something without violence but with multiplayer and a huge gameplay. I don't know how we are doing, because the gameplay is under development. If you want to checkout the... 
Posted August 2, 2003 8:29:53 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
What game engine? If you are willing to spend some time and with Unity and C# or Java I think it's a wise decision. The bang for the buck with Unity is great. A friend of mine work as an animator and is using Unity to build games. Try to start there and see where it g... 
Posted December 5, 2010 5:21:29 PM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by JohnHurt Very nice. Especially like the purple sky. I'm always a fan of Victoriana as well. Yes, it is quite beutiful. Did you play through the entire game? / Jonas Johansson 
Posted June 12, 2007 7:01:39 PM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by madk I should have been more clear in my first post. I get the error after the launcher loads and I proceed from there. And yes the alot of the texture and objects are invisible. I'm at the office so I cannot be more spec... 
Posted June 12, 2007 11:08:21 AM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by ZippoLag whoa, it looks really professional. Nice job! Congratz! Thank you! ;) 
Posted June 12, 2007 11:04:31 AM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by shirsoft i tried the demo. Its pretty nice. The character and environment look very cozy. The music is very good. Thank you very much! 
Posted June 11, 2007 2:59:46 AM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by madk I get an error when I lauch it saying 'Wrong Directory' I went into system/release and ran game.exe manually and the game launched. But when I got into the game a lot of the textures didn't display. Nothing unus... 
Posted June 11, 2007 2:56:57 AM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by Endar It keeps locking up for me. You know the part where you're on the roofs? When I get to the area where you're supposed to come down and go through the open gate, when I jump to the roof area to the left of the ga... 
Posted June 9, 2007 4:04:56 AM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by Fuzz Face Looks gorgeous, still have to play through most of the demo, but from what I've seen, some variation in enemies and some slightly fuller levels wouldn't hurt :) I agree. There are quite a few open spaces in this gam... 
Posted June 9, 2007 4:01:24 AM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by Ravuya What I was doing was poking you so that you move in a direction I want (namely, towards compiling it for Mac OS X). [smile] Keep on poking! That's good! ;) Quote:How many artists did you have? We had seven art... 
Posted June 9, 2007 3:58:09 AM
Secret of Time Quote:Original post by Ravuya I saw this in YA earlier; looks amazing, especially given the time it took to develop! I wish there were a Mac port, though. I guess I could do it myself. That is absolutely not impossible. We tried to write it as... 
Posted June 8, 2007 1:31:31 AM
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