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Get to know Jakelee80...  
Full Name Jake Kukuk
Nickname Jakelee80 
State/Province, Country WA   United States
GD Gathering City Lake Stevens, WA, United States
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Current Occupation
Job Title CEO/Founder 
Job Description Senior Executive 
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Rating 969  (Rate this user)
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Member Since 1/17/2005 1:31:03 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Dumb Bomb This bomb will be placed in a upcoming game project in kukuk games called Battle world. 
Posted April 9, 2006 9:23:19 PM
E3 Booth Render - Half way done (Might be used for 2010 E3) This is Kukuk Games Basic Booth design theme half way done. I still have to add alot of things like computer terminals, signs, lighting, ect. This is just a basic preview not finished. Update #1 Update #2 Update #3 Update #4 Up... 
Posted April 9, 2006 9:24:28 PM
First time with water material I'm still a newb at this stuff but this is kinda what I can do with water. I ask my self why do senior executives of studios learn this stuff? My awnser is because I want to have more fun then my 3D artists!!!!!! lol [Edited by - Jakelee80 on Apri... 
Posted April 9, 2006 9:24:05 PM
Battle World Engine Battle World EnginePosted by: Jake Kukuk at April 11, 2006 11:41:56 PMKukuk Games presents idea of a new engine called the battle world engine. The basic idea of this new engine would be to have the ability to change the land parameters live. For... 
Posted April 11, 2006 11:41:56 PM
Kukuk Games Website Now Open! Well after hard work on it I finaly have half the website running. The fourms should ne working so drop in and leave a post! Thanks, Kukuk, Jake CEO - Kukuk Games 
Posted January 17, 2005 1:36:24 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
First time with water material Quote:Original post by skow Easy there, I never said anything negative, just that you don’t fall under the normal “senior executive” category. You are not alone in that position, I have co founded an indie group myself. I do the graphical programm... 
Posted April 16, 2006 11:47:44 PM
First time with water material Quote:Original post by skow If you don’t mind me saying, you don’t really fall under the category of a typical senior executive. You are 17 and kukuk games is really quite far from producing a game. But best of luck to you, and keep following yo... 
Posted April 16, 2006 5:49:32 PM
E3 Booth Render - Half way done (Might be used for 2010 E3) Well at the moment i'm "in the works" of doing a new game engine. And i try to keep my booths close to a trade show style. Thats why I have it for 2010 because that gives me a few years to finish the project. (Hint: Its not done) This is w... 
Posted April 12, 2006 12:47:15 AM
Austin Game Conference Announces Call for Speakers I wish I could attend it but I'm saving cash to attend E3. 
Posted April 11, 2006 11:31:48 PM
Study Claims Games Lead to Drug and Alcohol Abuse Why is it i'v been playing games sence I was about 6 now i'm 17 and I havent done anything in this nature. I think the real ression for somone starting is pure pressure in schools and health classes teaching kids about drugs. Also it might have to do... 
Posted April 11, 2006 11:26:38 PM
E3 Booth Render - Half way done (Might be used for 2010 E3) Posted a update on the booth project for you all at the top :-) 
Posted April 11, 2006 11:22:50 PM
E3 Booth Render - Half way done (Might be used for 2010 E3) Quote:Original post by thakook Curious as to how kuk is pronounced, its it like Kuck? or is it like kook? Its kookuck if your trying to pronouce the name. 
Posted April 11, 2006 9:59:28 AM
E3 Booth Render - Half way done (Might be used for 2010 E3) Yes but when its your last name it changes everything. Anyways I dont want to argue about this anymore because thats not why I'm here. And thanks for the comment on the img. 
Posted April 10, 2006 7:21:05 PM
Dumb Bomb ok i'll do that next time. 
Posted April 10, 2006 5:58:17 PM
E3 Booth Render - Half way done (Might be used for 2010 E3) I dont feel the topics relate to what this comment area is about. Now is anyone actualy intrested in actual game content? Or is it just a waste of my time to post "game content" and have people complain about our name? 
Posted April 10, 2006 9:48:17 AM
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