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Get to know Stuart Morgan...  
Full Name Stuart Morgan
Nickname Stuart Morgan 
State/Province, Country Southampton
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Member Since 1/4/2006 4:26:55 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Lighting Problem Hi all, I'm having a problem with the lighting in my engine which uses OpenGL and GLSL. My test scene has one infinite directional light which points downwards and the problem is that when the camera moves away from the 0,0,0 world position t... 
Posted October 10, 2008 7:04:19 PM
Proxima GUI Some screens of my work in progress GUI that I am using for a Space Combat RPG type game. All of the gadgets (windows, buttons etc) are very flexible and require very few resources, just a 16kb data file has all of the resources that are needed. The... 
Posted January 18, 2006 8:47:34 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Lighting Problem Thanks for the help, I've managed to solve the problem by changing this line: vec3 dirCamera = gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse[3] -;  
Posted October 11, 2008 2:04:28 PM
List all the tree gen software you know here Quote:how many polys does that one scene there have? Tree has 960 triangles, grass about 5000 (roughly) 
Posted January 30, 2006 2:44:58 PM
List all the tree gen software you know here I use Arbaro for tree meshes. With sufficient tweaking you can get some excellent low-poly trunks and then just add your own billboard leaves in a modelling program. You will still need to find some textures though. ... 
Posted January 30, 2006 10:16:30 AM
Proxima GUI Quote:Is it shader-based or what? No, it doesnt use any shaders. Quote:Is the background just an image, or is it rendered realtime. Just an image.Quote:The demo opens and then closes right after. Do you know why?I'm guessing you didnt extract the... 
Posted January 25, 2006 10:12:58 AM
Proxima GUI Thanks for all of your nice replies. I'm trying to decide whether to abandon the DX support as it really isnt performing well at present and it just adds a lot more work (with no benefits?). Does anyone else get a lot of "mouse lag" when you swit... 
Posted January 24, 2006 8:08:46 AM
Proxima GUI Quote:Do you have an ETA for the game or is it too early to tell? Still very early to tell yet, a long way to go. Quote:What's the memory footprint of this GUI at runtime? About 2836 Kb with resources. Quote:What font is that? Its a freeware fon... 
Posted January 20, 2006 6:02:15 AM
Proxima GUI Quote:Wow, thats nice, the 'glow' on the window edges would get annoying to me at least There is a setting to turn down the amount of glow, but I forgot about adding a slider in the demo to adjust it. Quote:Are you using procedurally-generat... 
Posted January 19, 2006 7:20:34 AM
inline assembly with GCC Here is another way of swapping without having to declare any temporary variables, if you want to see how it compares with the other swap functions. void NoStorageSwap(int &a, int &b) { a ^ b; // a xor b b ^ a; a ^ b... 
Posted January 17, 2006 8:49:06 AM
Visual Studio .Net How to save IDE options Go to Tools -> Import And Export Settings in the menu (inside VS2005), and you can export the enviroment settings to a file to be put on a floppy disk or somewhere safe. 
Posted January 17, 2006 7:38:38 AM
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