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Member Since 4/25/2002 9:14:27 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Possible to clamp blending result? I'm using glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE) to create some lighting effects in my game 2D game. I first draw the entire scene, then fade it depending on the light level I want, and finally add in some textures using the above function to crea... 
Posted October 18, 2008 3:25:51 AM
Blob Wars : Blob And Conquer v0.92 Hi All, Just wanted to say that Blob Wars : Blob and Conquer v0.92 is now available. Source and Linux binaries (Deb and RPM) have been uploaded. Changes include, * Real time cutscenes (some are still quite rough around the edges) * Items... 
Posted April 26, 2008 5:59:10 AM
Transparent PNGs in OpenGL and SDL I'm attempting to use transparent PNGs as sprites for a game. However I cannot get SDL or OpenGL to ignore the alpha channel. I either end up with black backgrounds or I have to use glEnable(GL_BLEND) that makes my sprites blending in to the scene... 
Posted April 30, 2007 4:38:37 PM
"Aiming" in 3D worlds I'm currently working on a 3rd person action game and right now the game supports a method of auto aiming where targets are automatically chosen for the player. All the player needs to do is fire and move around. However I want to add in manu... 
Posted August 17, 2006 1:28:32 PM
Quadtrees and Collision Detection I'm trying to use quadtrees for collision detection. Could someone help me with adding objects to Quadtrees? I understand how to create one and have done so, but I'm having problems understanding dealing with the process of adding things too... 
Posted May 30, 2006 1:50:29 PM
BSP Collision Issues Hi, For the most part my BSP collision engine works but sometimes I find that whilst walking on a slope I just fall through. Has anyone else had an issue like that..? Could anyone suggest anything I could investigate? This happens to enemi... 
Posted April 4, 2006 8:44:47 AM
Blob Wars : Blob and Conquer 3rd person action game, sequel to the Linux hit Metal Blob Solid. This is epsiode two in the Blob Wars Saga. Source can be downloaded from,  
Posted April 6, 2006 10:18:00 PM
A better third person camera I'm working on a 3D 3rd person action game and like most games in the genre the scenery can obstruct the view of the player. I've managed to get around this by doing the following, Each frame the camera will start at the player It will at... 
Posted April 3, 2006 5:00:58 AM
Blob Wars : Blob and Conquer Blob Wars : Blob and Conquer the sequel to Metal Blob Solid is now available for download at, No binaries right now, just souce code. Here's a screenshot,  
Posted April 1, 2006 5:53:35 AM
glReadPixels problem I'm trying to use glReadPixels to read the depth of the pixel at a particular window coordinate, The problem that winZ is always 1.0 I'm calling the following code after rendering my scene. Any common errors anyone can think of? glGetError() re... 
Posted March 17, 2006 10:25:57 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Transparent PNGs in OpenGL and SDL I've decided to go with TGAs instead to deal with this issue... It'll be quicker than spending hours trying to work out what's wrong with my PNGs Ta :)  
Posted May 1, 2007 4:41:49 PM
Transparent PNGs in OpenGL and SDL Nope. No joy just yet. Just to show you what's going on I've included some images, This is the result of glEnable(GL_BLEND) This is the result of glDisable(GL_BLEND) This is the result of glEnable(GL_BLEND) with glBlendFunc(GL_S... 
Posted May 1, 2007 1:27:15 PM
Transparent PNGs in OpenGL and SDL Shows as a transparent PNG in GIMP. I basically take my image, add an Alpha Channel in Gimp and then clear the areas that I wish to be transparent. I'll have a play around though and see what I can do.  
Posted May 1, 2007 7:30:49 AM
Transparent PNGs in OpenGL and SDL Here's my code... In case you can see what I'm doing wrong, OpenGL Texture creation, Texture *Graphics::createTexture(SDL_Surface *surface) { int w = Math::toNextPower(surface->w, 2); int h = Math::toNextPower(surface->h, 2); ... 
Posted May 1, 2007 3:15:16 AM
Quadtrees and Collision Detection "You might consider a grid as opposed to a quadtree." Cheers, guys. Sounds like a quadtree could get nasty. I did do a grid once before but I messed it up. However I think I'll be able to do it right this time. Incase you're wondering what... 
Posted May 31, 2006 3:06:59 AM
BSP Collision Issues I've sort of solved the issue. I say sort of because it's a nasty hack, After I have finished the movement I then lift the entity upward by EPSILON. I then trace down by a small amount (0.5 in my case). If the trace fails it has hit the ground and... 
Posted April 8, 2006 1:03:56 PM
BSP Collision Issues I've been doing some more work on this and I think it may be due to the objects at some point lying exactly on the plane. I'm guessing I should move they a little away from the plane that they have hit as CadeF suggested. The response re... 
Posted April 8, 2006 4:42:21 AM
BSP Collision Issues Hi, Could you do so..? That would be great... :)  
Posted April 6, 2006 3:27:41 PM
A better third person camera Cheers for that, Anon. I was looking at a few PS2 games the other night and noticed how they do it and it sounds a lot like your idea. I've decided against the transparency thing since it can have poor side effects like revealing the outside of... 
Posted April 4, 2006 2:01:42 PM
BSP Collision Issues Collision detection is fine perfect horizontal and vertical surfaces. I guess I should google for it a bit more... collision detection was put together from tutorials so I'm guessing they're not perfect.  
Posted April 4, 2006 9:53:02 AM
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