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Get to know QuadMV...  
Full Name Laurence Grant
Nickname QuadMV 
State/Province, Country PA   United States
GD Gathering City Doylestown, PA, United States
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ICQ ID 91152597 
AIM ID lgrant01 
Yahoo IM ID larrygrant01 
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Job Title Lead Designer 
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Member Since 6/14/2005 12:39:21 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Need help developing a routine to map a 3D sphere out of blocks Hey all. I want to draw a 3D Sphere out of a bunch of blocks. What I’m looking for is a function that will return me a list of 3D coordinates where if I placed a block at each coordinate it’ll create the shape of a 3D sphere. I’m assuming I’d pass... 
Posted August 23, 2008 2:19:02 PM
STARQuest Prototype These are just some random pictures of the new engine/game I've been developing in my spare time. MUVE is my new engine, which is highly dynamic, providing for many real-time dynamic changes to the environment. It supports space, ground, indoor, ou... 
Posted November 29, 2005 1:48:16 PM
XNA pipeline with XML Listtype Hey all, I've written an XNA pipeline routine to process an XML file representing a level in my game. I have a section in the XML file that contains repetitive tags <blocks> and I've been having a problem figuring out the "right code syntax... 
Posted February 23, 2008 11:47:43 AM
dds vs. jpeg, which is better I've always believed .DDS files were supposed to be better because they're compressed and provide HW support with the compression, right? Therefore, when loaded they don't expand to native size and therefore save space, right? I noticed on d... 
Posted October 16, 2007 6:55:34 PM
looking for scene cubemaps? I'm putting together a prototype and have been trying to find various outdoor scene cubemaps to render with different levels of a casual game. I'm looking for eihter terrain style, space, alien terrain, alien space, etc... if anyone knows a good... 
Posted October 13, 2007 11:20:08 PM
Problems with Normal Mapping Shader in XNA Hey guys, hoping you can help out. I’m developing in XNA, and using a normal mapping shader on an object I’m getting different results on windows and xbox. I don’t think either is right, but want other opinions. In the picture below, y... 
Posted September 17, 2007 4:44:31 PM
Object alignment (aka billboard) Hey guys, I’m not sure if this requires a billboard or if I’m overcomplicating it. I have a Matrix as follows: Right/X axis UP/Y axis Forward/Z axis I want to align the UP/Y to 0,1,0 and adjust the Forward/Z to whatever it s... 
Posted September 8, 2007 9:52:11 AM
Panda .x exporter with XNA Game Programming problem I don't know if any of you read the “XNA Game Programming” book by Benjamin Nitschke, but it's a good book. I'm currently trying some of the concepts he discusses on my own but I'm running into a problem. He talks about creating models in 3ds... 
Posted September 1, 2007 11:37:42 PM
Clarification on View, World, Camera and matrix multiplication Hi all, hope you can help. Ive never been strong with the 3D math and Ive been away from it for a couple of years so its even worse. Can you help clarify a few things? The view matrix is the inverse of where I want to view the scene from (the pl... 
Posted August 31, 2007 5:09:36 PM
3D Camera rotation on a fixed origin help Hoping you can help. I think the math is pretty basic 3D math, but that's never been my forte. I haven't been heads down programming for a while and just getting back into it I'm pretty rusty with the 3D details. I'm trying to create a camera wh... 
Posted August 31, 2007 11:44:22 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Need help developing a routine to map a 3D sphere out of blocks I think the brute force will give me what I want. I was originally thinking of that but didn't want it to return a cube, but a sphere instead. I think the addition of: int sum = i * i + j * j + k * k; if (sum <= radius) { ... 
Posted August 24, 2008 12:50:32 PM
XNA pipeline with XML Listtype If anyone is interested I got it to work. I was close, I needed to do a few things: 1. wrap each element in the XML <blocks> section with <Item></Item> <blocks> <Item> <blockid>0</... 
Posted February 23, 2008 5:04:17 PM
looking for scene cubemaps? thanks, these look promissing. Also, can anyone tell me where to find directions on the Nvidia script plugin for photoshop called: nvidia_cubemapshuffler? I've found reference to it as part of the dds tools, but nothing that explains how to... 
Posted October 14, 2007 4:03:12 PM
Problems with Normal Mapping Shader in XNA I got my issue resolved, I needed tangent data, and I wasn't using a tangent pipline function I had. I've since merged the tangent function and a bounding box function (the pipeline I was using) into a single pipeline, and now everything works perfe... 
Posted September 18, 2007 11:15:28 AM
Object alignment (aka billboard) I went a simpilar route and it seems to work, tell me what you think? // perform initial rotation newMat = newMat * Matrix.CreateRotationX(rotationY); // Calculate the DOT and Cross relative to 0,1,0 -- left out code for this // See... 
Posted September 8, 2007 10:16:12 AM
Panda .x exporter with XNA Game Programming problem How would I add specular or other affects in 3dsmax? Can anyone provide a simple overview on what the process would be to setup the model with the basics? Also, can anyone confirm it's not a limitation of the exporter Panda for 3DSMAX 7? I... 
Posted September 2, 2007 10:42:39 PM
Clarification on View, World, Camera and matrix multiplication Just in case anyone is interested, I got it to work with the desired results: if (rotationX != 0) { _3rdPersonMat = Matrix.CreateRotationY(rotationX) * _3rdPersonMat; } if (rotationY != 0) { _3rdPersonMat = _3rdPersonMat * Matrix.CreateR... 
Posted August 31, 2007 9:02:37 PM
3D Camera rotation on a fixed origin help Just in case anyone is interested, I got it to work with the desired results: if (rotationX != 0) { _3rdPersonMat = Matrix.CreateRotationY(rotationX) * _3rdPersonMat; } if (rotationY != 0) { _3rdPersonMat = _3rdPersonMat * Matrix... 
Posted August 31, 2007 9:01:45 PM
shader for DOTPRODUCT3 bump mapping? Thanks Sirob, this is just what I was looking for. However, glsensor is right, is there a c++ version of this anywhere? If not, I'll try and convert this, but I'm not really familiar with C#, so I don't know if this is easy or hard. I guess I'll f... 
Posted August 16, 2006 1:37:44 PM
DirectX Stencil Shadow Tutorial Thanks, It looks like they specifically create the stencil buffer as part of the device using: d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE; d3dpp.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD; d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = d3ddm.Forma... 
Posted August 14, 2006 1:16:35 PM
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