Loading 3DS Files
by P.P.A.Narayanan

So, you have your 3D engine (written in D3DIM or OpenGL) up and running, but you only have 2 or 3 cubes or spheres on the screen. Time to add some more complex models. The code below listed can be used to load a 3D Studio R3 or higher .3DS files. The code loads only the vertex data, face data and materials. It ignores all other information (like camera, light, keyframe data etc), since for my purposes, I only need the mesh loaded.

If you think the code is written badly, I don't care! because it does the job and it was my desperate attempt to load some mesh into my D3DIM 3D Engine. But the code is (I hope!) simple and self explanatory for an average C/C++ programmer (or for that matter any programmer who can read C/C++ code). I have added some comments, see if it helps you. The code reads the .3ds file and creates a material list and mesh object list. The material list contains all the materials used by the mesh. The mesh contains references to the material in the material list (i.e the name).

The flag present along with face data gives the order of the faces for calculating face normals. Only the first (I think!) 3 bits are used. The code ignores the flag because I don't need it, but if you figure out the use of that flag, please let me know. Ignoring the flag in some files inverts the face normals for some faces, so it becomes invisible. But other files it works okay.

BTW the transformation matrix contains the local axis and local origin (if it is of any use 2 you).

If you have any questions about the code, or info about how to load camera/lights and other things.... you can contact me at digicrush_ii@rediff.com.

Note: You'll need to modify the code in order to make it work with your engine. I had to cut this out of a project that I am working on, so it might or might not compile right away... If anyone else out there is developing a 3-D engine and wants to share code/ideas, feel free to e-mail me at digicrush_ii@rediff.com. (FYI I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 with DX7.0)

Happy rendering!

By P.P.A.Narayanan (DiGiTaL-CrUsHeR) (digicrush_ii@rediff.com)

Download the code, or see it below.

// Copyright (c) 2000. Aanand Narayanan.P.P // For questions email digicrush_ii@rediff.com // Reads a .3ds file and create a linked list of objects #include <windows.h> #define D3DOVERLOADS #include <d3d.h> typedef struct _map_list { char filename[256]; // Mapping filename (Texture) float u; // U scale float v; // V scale float uoff; // U Offset float voff; // V Offset float rot; // Rotation angle _map_list *next; }map_list; typedef struct _mat_list { char name[200]; // Material name DWORD ambient; // Ambient color (RGBA) DWORD diffuse; // Diffuse color (RGBA) DWORD specular; // Specular color (RGBA) _map_list *htex, *ttex; // Texture maps (presently only 1 is used. diffused map) _mat_list *next; }mat_list; typedef struct _face_mat { char name[200];// Material Name WORD ne; // No. of entries WORD *faces; // Faces assigned to this material _face_mat *next; }face_mat; typedef struct _mesh_object { char name[200]; // Object name float *vlst; // Vertex list WORD *flst; // Face list WORD nv; // No. of vertices WORD nf; // No. of faces WORD mnv; // No. of vertices having mapping coords. float *mc; // Mapping coords. as U,V pairs (actual texture coordinates) float lmat[4][4]; // Local transformation matrix _mesh_object *next; // Pointer to the next object face_mat *fhead, *ftail; }mesh_object; char temp_name [100]; float trans_mat [4][4]; // translation matrix for objects FILE *bin3ds; mesh_object *head=NULL, *tail=NULL; mat_list *mathead=NULL, *mattail=NULL; map_list *maphead=NULL, *maptail=NULL; void ReadObject(); unsigned char ReadChar (void) { return (fgetc (bin3ds)); } unsigned int ReadInt (void) { unsigned int temp = ReadChar(); return ( temp | (ReadChar () << 8)); // I really don't know Y I'm do'n this, too lazy to change } unsigned long ReadLong (void) { unsigned long temp1,temp2; temp1=ReadInt (); temp2=ReadInt (); return (temp1 | (temp2 << 16)); // same as above } void read_mat(DWORD len) { unsigned long count=ftell(bin3ds) + (len - 6); WORD id; DWORD llen; int done = 0; BOOL is_ambient = FALSE; BOOL is_diffuse = FALSE; BOOL is_specular = FALSE; // Allocate a new material if(mathead == NULL) { mathead = new mat_list; mattail = mathead; } else { mattail->next = new mat_list; mattail = mattail->next; } mattail->next = NULL; mattail->htex = NULL; while(!done) { id = ReadInt(); if(feof(bin3ds)) // OOPS! EOF { done = 1; break; } llen = ReadLong(); switch(id) { case 0xA000: { int i=0; char ch; mattail->next = NULL; // Read material name while((ch = fgetc(bin3ds)) != 0) { mattail->name[i] = ch; i++; } mattail->name[i] = '\0'; }break; case 0xA010: { // Hey! AMBIENT is_diffuse = FALSE; is_specular = FALSE; is_ambient = TRUE; mattail->ambient = 0; }break; case 0xA020: { // Hey! DIFFUSE is_diffuse = TRUE; is_specular = FALSE; is_ambient = FALSE; mattail->diffuse = 0; }break; case 0xA030: { // OH! SPECULAR is_diffuse = FALSE; is_specular = TRUE; is_ambient = FALSE; mattail->specular = 0; }break; case 0xA200: { // Texture if(mattail->htex == NULL) { mattail->htex = new _map_list; mattail->htex->next = NULL; mattail->ttex = mattail->htex; } else { mattail->ttex->next = new _map_list; mattail->ttex = mattail->ttex->next; mattail->ttex->next = NULL; } mattail->ttex->u = mattail->ttex->v = mattail->ttex->uoff = mattail->ttex->voff = 0.0; mattail->ttex->rot = 0.0; }break; case 0xA300: { // Texture name (filename with out path) char ch; int i=0; while((ch = fgetc(bin3ds)) != 0) { mattail->ttex->filename[i] = ch; i++; } mattail->ttex->filename[i] = '\0'; }break; case 0xA354: { // V coords fread(&(mattail->ttex->v), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); }break; case 0xA356: { // U coords fread(&(mattail->ttex->u), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); }break; case 0xA358: { // U offset fread(&(mattail->ttex->uoff), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); }break; case 0xA35A: { // V offset fread(&(mattail->ttex->voff), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); }break; case 0xA35C: { // Texture rotation angle fread(&(mattail->ttex->rot), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); }break; case 0x0011: { char r, g, b; // Read colors if(is_diffuse) { fread(&r, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Red component 1 byte fread(&g, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Green component 1 byte fread(&b, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Blue component 1 byte mattail->diffuse = long((r&0xFF)<<16) | long((g&0xFF)<<8) | long(b&0xFF); } else if(is_ambient) { fread(&r, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Red component 1 byte fread(&g, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Green component 1 byte fread(&b, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Blue component 1 byte mattail->ambient = long((r&0xFF)<<16) | long((g&0xFF)<<8) | long(b&0xFF); } if(is_specular) { fread(&r, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Red component 1 byte fread(&g, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Green component 1 byte fread(&b, 1, 1, bin3ds); // Blue component 1 byte mattail->specular = long((r&0xFF)<<16) | long((g&0xFF)<<8) | long(b&0xFF); } }break; default: { unsigned long pos; pos = ftell(bin3ds); if((pos - 6) >= count) // Check if v've crossed the chunk bound. { fseek(bin3ds, -6, SEEK_CUR); done = 1; break; } // Unknow CHUNK ID pos += (llen - 6); if(fseek(bin3ds, pos, SEEK_SET)) done = 1; } } } } void read_mesh(DWORD len) { unsigned long count=ftell(bin3ds) + (len - 6); WORD id; DWORD llen; int done = 0; while(!done) { id = ReadInt(); if(feof(bin3ds)) { done = 1; break; } llen = ReadLong(); switch(id) { case 0x4100: { if(tail == NULL) break; }break; case 0x4110: { int i; tail->nv = ReadInt(); // No. of vertices tail->vlst = new float[tail->nv * 3]; // Read vertices for(i=0; inv; i++) { fread(&(tail->vlst[i*3]), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); fread(&(tail->vlst[i*3+2]), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); // Swap z and y fread(&(tail->vlst[i*3+1]), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); } }break; case 0x4120: { int i; unsigned int nf; nf = ReadInt(); // No. of faces tail->nf = nf; tail->flst = new WORD[tail->nf * 4]; // Read all the faces for(i=0; inf; i++) { fread(&(tail->flst[i*4+2]), sizeof(WORD), 1, bin3ds); // clock wise order fread(&(tail->flst[i*4+1]), sizeof(WORD), 1, bin3ds); // worth experiment'n fread(&(tail->flst[i*4+0]), sizeof(WORD), 1, bin3ds); fread(&(tail->flst[i*4+3]), sizeof(WORD), 1, bin3ds); // face order } }break; case 0x4130: { // Material mapping Info. int i=0; char ch; if(tail == NULL) break; if(tail->fhead == NULL) { tail->fhead = new face_mat; tail->ftail = tail->fhead; } else { tail->ftail->next = new face_mat; tail->ftail = tail->ftail->next; } tail->ftail->next = NULL; // Read material name while((ch = fgetc(bin3ds)) != 0) { tail->ftail->name[i] = ch; i++; } tail->ftail->name[i] = '\0'; // Read no. of faces for this material tail->ftail->ne = ReadInt(); tail->ftail->faces = new WORD[tail->ftail->ne]; // read all faces (actually indices to the face list) fread(tail->ftail->faces, sizeof(WORD)*tail->ftail->ne, 1, bin3ds); }break; case 0x4140: { // Material mapping coords if(tail == NULL) break; int i; tail->mnv = ReadInt(); // No. of mapping coords tail->mc = new float[tail->mnv * 2]; // Read mapping coords // These are actually texture coords for vertices. for(i=0; imnv; i++) { fread(&(tail->mc[i*2]), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); // U fread(&(tail->mc[i*2+1]), sizeof(float), 1, bin3ds); // V } }break; case 0x4160: { // Local transformation matrix int i, j; if(tail == NULL) break; for (j=0;j<4;j++) { for (i=0;i<3;i++) { fread(&(tail->lmat[j][i]),sizeof (float),1,bin3ds); } } tail->lmat[0][3]=0; tail->lmat[1][3]=0; tail->lmat[2][3]=0; tail->lmat[3][3]=1; }break; case 0x4000: { // Object fseek(bin3ds, -6, SEEK_CUR); done = 1; break; } default: // Unknown CHUNK { unsigned long pos; pos = ftell(bin3ds); if((pos - 6) >= count) { fseek(bin3ds, -6, SEEK_CUR); done = 1; break; } pos += (llen - 6); if(fseek(bin3ds, pos, SEEK_SET)) done = 1; } } } } void read_object(DWORD len) { unsigned long count=ftell(bin3ds) + (len - 6); WORD id; DWORD llen; int done = 0; head = tail = NULL; maphead = maptail = NULL; mathead = mattail = NULL; while(!done) { id = ReadInt(); if(feof(bin3ds)) { break; done = 1; } llen = ReadLong(); // length of chunk switch(id) { case 0x4000: { // He He! MESH! int u=0; char ch; if(head == NULL) { head = new mesh_object; tail = head; } else { tail->next = new mesh_object; tail = tail->next; } // Initialize tail->next = NULL; tail->flst = NULL; tail->vlst = NULL; tail->nf = 0; tail->nv = 0; tail->mnv = 0; tail->mc = NULL; tail->fhead = NULL; tail->ftail = NULL; // Read mesh name (object name) while((ch = fgetc(bin3ds)) != 0) { tail->name[u] = ch; u++; } tail->name[u] = '\0'; read_mesh(llen); if(tail->nv == 0) // Object was not a mesh (might be a light etc) { // So free up the previously allocated mem (if any) if(tail->flst != NULL) delete tail->flst; if(tail->vlst != NULL) delete tail->vlst; if(tail == head) // check if first mesh { delete tail; tail = head = NULL; } else // No, then detach last and relocate tail { mesh_object *t, *p; t = p = head; while(t != NULL) { if(t == tail) break; else { p = t; t = t->next; } } delete tail; tail = p; tail->next = NULL; } } }break; case 0xAFFF: read_mat(llen); break; // Read materials default: // Unknown { unsigned long pos; pos = ftell(bin3ds); if((pos - 6) >= count) { fseek(bin3ds, -6, SEEK_CUR); done = 1; break; } pos += (llen - 6); if(fseek(bin3ds, pos, SEEK_SET)) done = 1; } } } } int read_3ds() { WORD id; DWORD len; int done = 0; while(!done) { id = ReadInt(); if(feof(bin3ds)) { break; done = 1; } len = ReadLong(); switch(id) { case 0xFFFF: done = 1; break; case 0x3D3D: read_object(len); break; // Read Objects default: // Unknown { unsigned long pos; pos = ftell(bin3ds); pos += (len - 6); if(fseek(bin3ds, pos, SEEK_SET)) done = 1; } break; } if(feof(bin3ds)) done = 1; } return 1; } int read_primary_chunk (void) { unsigned char version; if (ReadInt ()==0x4D4D) { fseek (bin3ds,28L,SEEK_SET); version=ReadChar (); if (version<3) { // Invalid version return 1; } fseek (bin3ds, 16, SEEK_SET); // Relocate to chunk start read_3ds(); } else return (1); return (0); } int load_3ds(FILE *fp) { char buf[6] = ".PMF"; WORD ver = 0x0002; unsigned long sz; int st; if(fp == NULL) return -1; bin3ds = fp; fseek(bin3ds, 0, SEEK_SET); // Just to make sure while (read_primary_chunk ()==0); // TODO: IMPORTANT!!!!!! // Free all the linked list here after u do watever u want to do // with the obj data (i.e u could write the data to a custom format file. // I use my own mesh format) return (0); } // Code end here

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Date this article was posted to GameDev.net: 12/18/2000
(Note that this date does not necessarily correspond to the date the article was written)

See Also:
Sweet Snippets

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