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Introduction to Debugging

Issue Recognition

Issue recognition can be quite difficult to automate, as it requires that the tester know how the program should behave in order to detect when it differs from that. Some general-purpose tools for doing things like stress testing exist, which throw large amounts of random input at your program. They're non-intrusive, in that you don't generally need to modify your program in order to run the tool. Stress tests can help you find some of the better hidden bugs as they will often put your program into unusual states, exploring edge conditions and unusual interactions between components. However, as the name implies, stress testing only tests the behaviour of your program in extreme situations; it does not test the more common, "average" cases. Also, it knows nothing about the way your program should behave; so it can only detect very obvious error conditions, like crashes.

More helpful than these general-purpose tools are unit tests. These are small chunks of code that test parts of your program in a particular way, reporting a simple boolean pass or fail value. Because you write the tests yourself, you're expressing how your program should behave, which is why the tests give you much more useful results. Testing frameworks exist to help you wire up your tests for batch processing, so you can integrate the tests directly into your build process, running all the tests to check that they pass. Of course, there's a caveat: you might have bugs in your tests, so you should aim to keep each test as small and simple as possible, reducing the chances of a bug occurring.

There are also static analysis tools: the aforementioned tools that analyse your source code to look for potentially buggy code. For unmanaged C and C++ coders, one such popular tool is PC-Lint; the product website includes examples of the kind of bugs that it can find for you. There's also ITS4 and FlawFinder, freeware tools which focus particularly on potential bugs that have security issues, such as buffer overruns. Meanwhile, under .NET, tools like FxCop can help to ensure that your code obeys coding standards, even ones you define yourself. Static analysis tools are limited in that they are inferring intention from the code itself instead of getting it from the programmer as with unit tests, and so they will not know when something is being done deliberately, resulting in false positives; they are also always going to be incomplete in terms of the catalogue of bugs that they recognise, resulting in false negatives. Also, when it comes to things like syntax bugs, the build tools (compiler, linker, etc) will usually flag things for you, sometimes preventing you from even running your program until you fix them.

Right alongside the static analysis tools are runtime analysis tools. Instead of taking a source code database and poring over it, runtime analysis tools sit in the background while your program is running and watch how it behaves - an example would be something like a memory leak checker or a tool to monitor thread interactions. While you often don't get these tools out until you already suspect that a bug is present - as they can affect performance, or simply take slightly longer to set up - it is still useful to run your program with them every once in a while to make sure that nothing is awry. Some of the tools in this category are external to your program, packaged as entirely separate applications, while others come as libraries or headers that you build directly into your code. Examples of the former include Valgrind, BoundsChecker or the DirectX debug runtime; examples of the latter include Paul Nettle's MMGR, the profiler presented by Steve Rabin in Game Programming Gems 1 or the heap verification section of the C runtime library. And there are a further few that come as a bit of both, such as NVPerfHUD.

It should also be mentioned that the operating system will usually perform some runtime analysis. It can only detect situations where you've interacted with the system in an incorrect way - by dividing by zero, for example, or by accessing memory that does not belong to your program, or by writing past the end of your program's heap - but it tends to give you some information that can help track down the cause. To augment this, the build tools can automatically include extra state-verification code in your programs, checking periodically that you've not corrupted the stack, or written past the end of a buffer. This approach is semi-intrusive, in that it does involve changing your program, but doesn't require those changes to be made by you at the source code level. You can, of course, write such state-verification code yourself - the key technique in this hand is assertions; they are discussed in detail towards the end of this article.

There's more to issue recognition than simply seeing a bug and writing it down; the stage begins to blur into intelligence gathering as you pin down the exact nature of the issue. Is it repeatable? Does it happen under any other circumstances? Testing the exact nature of the symptom more extensively can help narrow down the hunting ground for the bug; in your average game, many processes are happening simultaneously, so when a bug occurs, it could be due to any of them. For example, say you're taking out an enemy AI with your electro-cannon when the game crashes. Is it the code that's rendering the electro-beam, is it the bot AI trying to react, is it the sound system trying to play the beam sound, is it the physics system trying to throw the bot backwards, is it the scoring system trying to give you a point, is it the networking system trying to notify all the other players, is it...? And so on. By trying it out in different situations - offline mode, maybe, or just firing the beam at the wall instead of an AI - the number of systems that need to be checked can be decreased.

Intelligence Gathering

Intelligence gathering is a process that cannot, at its core, be automated. It is the process by which you build the road between the symptom and the problem, and it is beyond any computer to determine which pieces of information you do and do not need in order to do so. The computer does not know about the past experiences of the programmer or the extent of the programmer's knowledge of the system, and it does not know which approaches the programmer prefers to use to solve the problem.

However, while the computer cannot decide which information you do and do not need, it is very capable of providing you with information that you request. A very large number of tools exist to assist you in this regard.

The most common package in this category is simply called a debugger. It usually contains a suite of tools that let you examine and control program flow, the values of variables and the ways in which they change, memory, program threads, and processor registers - sometimes more, sometimes less. Different debuggers have different tools, and may be targeted at different parts of the system (for example, a GPU debugger that contains a suite of tools for examining the execution of vertex and pixel shaders on the graphics card).

Tools exist for intelligence gathering on pretty much every part of a computer. Recently, Microsoft released a graphics profiling and debugging tool called PIX For Windows that allows developers to gather information about Direct3D objects; similarly, Graphic Remedy have released their gDEbugger tool, which provides similar (if more extensive) information for OpenGL. For people doing Direct3D graphics work on NVidia hardware, NVidia distribute a tool called NVPerfHUD that can expose a few things that PIX does not. People writing drivers for Windows will probably find the kernel debugging tool KD useful, as it allows them to inspect parts of the Windows kernel that are usually not accessible to a standard debugger. The Mozilla Foundation has developed a debugger to debug Javascript scripts, while elsewhere on the web Dmitri Dmitrienko has released a PHP debugger. The list goes on. The existence and quality of debugging tools is definitely something to bear in mind when evaluating a technology.

As far as general-purpose CPU debuggers for C++ go, the two most popular packages are the GNU project's GDB debugger, and Microsoft's Visual Studio (though I'm advised that Microsoft also offer a more powerful but less widely used debugger known as WinDBG). I'm going to cover some of the key tools in Visual Studio 2005 as applied to debugging native C++ code; hopefully many of the concepts will still be useful to readers using other languages or GDB, as much of the terminology is similar in other tools. For this article, I'm going to assume that you're using the default UI configuration for Visual Studio. If you've customised icons or selected a different key configuration, naturally some shortcuts or button icons may be inaccurate.

Execution Flow tools

  Issue Recognition
  Execution Flow tools
  Other Tools
  Diagnosis and Prescription
  Common runtime bugs

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