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Echoes of the Past

When tracking prey by scent, a predator will follow by picking up the scent and then continually checking in which direction the scent is strongest. If tracking is left too late, then the scent may have faded and so the prey cannot be tracked.

Here's an idea inspired by that. Have moving entities leave 'scents' in the network which can be followed by others. This would deal with the problem of tracking more than one moving target (the most recent scent would indicate the nearest entity), and the problem of an entity moving out of sight (perhaps even out of the network, if the 'education' technique is in use).

Give each node a list of pairs of entity IDs (or whatever) and timestamps. Then, whenever an entity visits a node (moves within a certain radius of it), either update the timestamp, or add it to the list if it not already present.

When tracking by scent, the predator bot needs the entity ID of its prey (or some way of checking any entity ID to pick out interesting scents), and a node that the prey has visited. Then, it searches all connected nodes, and finds the node with the most recent timestamp for the given entity ID. It moves to that node.

There's also a certain amount of clean-up that needs to be performed, too. Looking back to our original inspiration, a scent 'fades' after a certain amount of time. Once a scent has faded, it needs to be removed (well, it does if you don't want to run out of memory). Rather than checking the entire network for 'expired' scents frequently, we only need to ensure that the nodes we're processing are up-to-date - so, the scent list only needs to be cleaned up when it's being examined. As a result, the number of nodes you process is proportional to the number of entities in the network, rather than the size of the network.

Why use timestamps rather than a simple decrementing counter? Because a decrementing counter still needs to be decremented. Every game loop, you'd have to process the entire network, decrementing all the counters - and that's one heck of a performance hit, especially for a large network. When you take into account that many nodes may not have scents attached to them anyway, it is obviously inefficient. Timestamps only need to be calculated once, and are unchanging (until they are updated or removed); they're also much more versatile, in that different entities can use them in different ways. A decrementing counter only tells you how many iterations are left until the scent disappears; a timestamp, on the other hand, tells you how long the scent has been there, too.

There's a whole bunch more variations on this theme. Firstly, playing the with 'fade times' is definitely a good idea. Different scents could linger for different times; different predator bots could have their own 'threshold' values (for example, a bot tracking by sight rather than smell would have a fairly small time threshold). That does create a problem with cleanup - you can't be sure that a scent has faded to a point that no entity will detect it - but simply picking a sensibly large 'threshold' value should ensure that no entity is 'robbed' of the scent. It's a trade-off - the larger the value, then the surer you can be that entities will be able to pick up scents properly, but the more memory you use.

Also, be aware of movement speeds; when presented with two scents, the more recent of the two doesn't necessarily mean the nearest, because the more recent entity might move many times faster than the less recent, and so might be further away.

Finally, linking fade times into the nodes themselves could be very interesting, as I hinted at earlier. Perhaps nodes in a small river would have much quicker fade times - any predator tracking to the river would lose the scent, unless the prey had entered the river very recently.


I hope you've figured out by now that you can attach pretty much any information to a node - be it a 'scent,' a mood, a warning, a reference number... you name it. And much of that information is static, and can be precalculated - found by a compiler tool, stored to a file, and then loaded and decompressed for instant use in-game. The network can be used not just for finding a route, but for deciding whether to use it.

Whenever you work with node networks like these, remember your constraints:

  • Minimise memory usage, mainly through minimising duplication of information.
  • Process nodes 'on-demand,' rather than forcing the whole network to be processed frequently.
  • Keep good connectivity in your game worlds to make the networks efficient.
  • Don't be afraid to use the network for more than just pathfinding.

I think I've covered everything I wanted to cover. Feel free to email me at rfine@tbrf.net - I'll be happy to answer questions, discuss problems, and merely hear about how you're using the technique and how it's working for you. So.. until next time...

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  Echoes of the Past

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