Occlusion Culling Using DirectX 9
by Dustin Franklin


Introduction to Occlusion Culling

Object culling is a very important facet of graphics programming. It is incredibly wasteful and time consuming to render objects that are not even going to be visible to the user. However, it is critical to optimize the culling process itself. Often, it can use up a lot of processing time instead of saving it.

Even though the culling process needs to be optimized to every extent possible, numerous traditional methods, which have proven themselves to be fast and adequate enough for standard situations, leave much to be desired. Some cull too many objects, and others do not perform enough culling.

The theory of occlusion culling spawns from the fact that even though an object is inside the camera frustum, it could still be hidden and out of view.

Diagram 1.1: Example scene layout

Diagram 1.2: Example scene render

Here, as Diagram 1.1 shows, five primitives are displayed in a scene. However, in the final render (Diagram 1.2), only 3 of them are actually visible. Even though those other two objects turn out to be hidden, they are still rendered, wasting a lot of time. A simple frustum-based culling procedure would still result in the objects being rendered, since they are inside the camera’s view.

Occlusion-based culling procedures are used to determine which objects will actually be visible. Only those objects will actually be rendered, thus saving loads of time. An occluder is an object that hides other objects (for example, the large red box in Diagram 1.1). Half-occluded objects are partly visible (the blue pentagon and purple wedge), and are still rendered. Fully-occluded objects are completely hidden (the green sphere and orange box), and are excluded from being rendered.

For more background information on occlusion culling, please refer to Occlusion Culling Algorithms, by Tomas Möller and Eric Haines.

Introduction to IDirect3DQuery9

The IDirect3DQuery9 interface is one of the new features of DirectX9. It allows developers to access a wealth of statistics, including optimization information, objects handled by the resource manager, and triangle processing.

IDirect3DQuery9 can also perform occlusion queries, which calculate the number of pixels visible on the screen. Only pixels that were rendered between the query start and the query finish are included in this count. If the result is zero, the vertices rendered are fully occluded, meaning they are not visible from the current camera position. So, if the occlusion result is greater than zero, the vertices rendered are visible to the user.

Query Type Datatype Use
D3DQUERYTYPE_VCACHE D3DDEVINFO_VCACHE Information about optimization, pertaining to data layout for vertex caching
D3DQUERYTYPE_RESOURCEMANAGER D3DDEVINFO_RESOURCEMANAGER Number of objects sent, created, evicted, and managed in video memory
D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXSTATS D3DDEVINFO_D3DVERTEXSTATS Number of triangles that have been processed and clipped
D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT bool For any and all asynchronous events issued from API calls
D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION DWORD The number of pixels that pass Z-testing, or are visible on-screen.
Table 2.1: Uses of IDirect3DQuery9

The ATI Occlusion Query demo conveys the basics of IDirect3DQuery9 implementation.

Occlusion Culling with DirectX9

The emergence of IDirect3DQuery9 provides an easy way to implement effective occlusion culling. The basic process is presented below:

  1. Render every object's bounding mesh
  2. For every object:
    1. Begin query
    2. Re-render the bounding mesh
    3. End query
    4. Retrieve occlusion query data. If the pixels visible are greater than zero, the object should be rendered. Otherwise, the object should be occluded from rendering.

Step 1

The actual mesh contains too many vertices to use in the occlusion culling process, so a bounding mesh, with a much lower vertex count, will be used as a substitute. Why use a bounding mesh instead of a bounding box or sphere?

Diagram 3.1: Types of bounding volumes

Diagram 3.1 shows multiple types of bounding volumes, including box, sphere, and mesh. Note that the number of vertices of the sphere and mesh are the same, in this particular case. However, even though the vertex count is close, the fit of the volumes drastically varies. The bounding mesh is the only volume that truly approximates the original mesh well enough to be accurate. This is very important in the occlusion process, as a large amount of vertices may be mistakenly rendered or excluded based on their bounding volume.

However, a bounding mesh cannot be calculated through an algorithm like a bounding box or mesh can. It needs to be modeled and loaded at runtime, just like a normal mesh.

Each object’s bounding mesh is rendered first to make sure the entire scene is present in the Z-buffer. If the occlusion query were to take place before all the objects were present in the Z-buffer, then the object being queried could mistakenly be found to be visible, even though it would actually be occluded in the final scene.

Step 2

Now that every object's bounding mesh is in the Z-buffer, the same thing must be done again, except this time, the occlusion query is used to determine each object's visibility status. If the query finds zero visible pixels, the object is excluded from the final, full-scale rendering. If the query finds one or more visible pixels, the object is included in the render.

It is important to note that the occlusion cull rendering does not take place on the primary, full-size surface. A much smaller surface (320 pixels by 240 pixels seems to work well) is used to improve performance.

The Code

Type Declarations

SObject (Code Listing 4.1) is the main object entity. CMesh is a class that encapsulates the loading, rendering, and release of an ID3DXMesh interface.

struct SObject
    CMesh* meshReference;    // Reference to a mesh object
    CMesh* boundingMesh;     // Reference to low-poly bounding mesh

    D3DXVECTOR3 pos;         // Position of this object
    D3DXMATRIX matTranslate; // Translation matrix for this object

    bool render;             // If true, render the object
    float distanceToCamera;  // The distance to the camera (player position)
    // Constructor
    SObject( CMesh* meshRef, CMesh* boundMesh, D3DXVECTOR3 position )
        meshReference = meshRef; 
        boundingMesh = boundMesh;
        pos = position;
        render = false;
        distanceToCamera = 0.0f;
Code Listing 4.1: SObject definition

Object Declaration

For the occlusion process, interfaces of LPDIRECT3DQUERY9, LPD3DXRENDERTOSURFACE, LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9, and LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 need to be declared.

LPDIRECT3D9 d3dObject;                 // Direct3D Object
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 d3dDevice;           // Direct3D Device

LPDIRECT3DQUERY9 d3dQuery;             // The occlusion query
LPD3DXRENDERTOSURFACE occlusionRender; // Occlusion's render to surface
LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 occlusionSurface;   // Occlusion's surface that it uses
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 occlusionTexture;   // Texture to get surface from

std::vector<SObject> objects;          // Vector of objects

Code Listing 4.2: Declarations of objects pertaining to the occlusion culling procedure

Setting up the Occlusion Objects

The query itself must be created, along with the texture and the render-to-surface. D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET is used during the creation of the texture, since it will be rendered to. The surface itself is obtained through the GetSurfaceLevel() function of LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9. A Z-buffer format of D3DFMT_D16 is used for the LPD3DXRENDERTOSURFACE interface, as it will be needed for use.

// Name: SetupOcclusion()
// Desc: Create the objects needed for the occlusion culling
HRESULT SetupOcclusion()
    // Create the query
    d3dDevice->CreateQuery( D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION, &d3dQuery );

    // Get the display mode to obtain the format
    d3dDevice->GetDisplayMode( 0, &mode );

    // Create the texture first, so we can get access to it's surface
    if( FAILED( D3DXCreateTexture( d3dDevice, 320, 240, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET,
                                   mode.Format, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &occlusionTexture ) ) )
        return E_FAIL;

    // Obtain the surface (what we really need)
    occlusionTexture->GetSurfaceLevel(0, &occlusionSurface);

    // Create the render to surface
    if( FAILED( D3DXCreateRenderToSurface( d3dDevice, desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format,
                                           TRUE, D3DFMT_D16, &occlusionRender ) ) )
        return E_FAIL;

    return S_OK;
Code Listing 4.3: The SetupOcclusion() function

Culling the Objects

The OcclusionCull() function implements the theory presented earlier. First, the LPD3DXRENDERTOSURFACE is activated and cleared. Second, every object's bounding mesh is rendered. The meshes are re-rendered and then their occlusion queries are retrieved. Finally, the surface's scene is ended and deactivated.

// Name: OcclusionCull()
// Desc: Cull the objects
HRESULT OcclusionCull()
    // Begin occlusionRender
    if( SUCCEEDED( occlusionRender->BeginScene( occlusionSurface, NULL ) ) )
        // Clear the occlusionRender's surface
        d3dDevice->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER,
                            D3DCOLOR_XRGB( 200, 200, 200 ), 1.0f, 0);

        // First, render every object's bounding box
        for(int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++ )
            objects[i].boundingMesh->Render( d3dDevice, objects[i].matTranslate );

        // Now, render each box again, except this time, count how many pixels are visible
        // by using an occlusion query. We are guaranteed to get the right amount,
        // since all the bounding boxes have already been rendered
        for( int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++ )
            // Start the query
            d3dQuery->Issue( D3DISSUE_BEGIN );

            // Render
            objects[i].boundingMesh->Render( d3dDevice, objects[i].matTranslate );

            // End the query, get the data
            d3dQuery->Issue( D3DISSUE_END );

            // Loop until the data becomes available
            DWORD pixelsVisible = 0;
            while (d3dQuery->GetData((void *) &pixelsVisible, 
                                     sizeof(DWORD), D3DGETDATA_FLUSH) == S_FALSE);
            if( pixelsVisible == 0 )
                objects[i].render = false; // No pixels visible, do not render
            objects[i].render = true;      // Pixels visible, render

        // End the occlusion render scene
        occlusionRender->EndScene( 0 );
        // User is pressing the 'M' key, save this buffer to .BMP file
        if( keys['M'] )
            D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( "buffer.bmp", D3DXIFF_BMP,
                                   occlusionSurface, NULL, NULL );

    return S_OK;
Code Listing 4.4: The OcclusionCull() function

The Render Loop

The render loop consists of building all the matrices, including the camera and object transforms, then culling. Finally, the objects that will be visible in the final scene are rendered.

// Name: Render
// Desc: Render a frame
HRESULT Render()
    // Setup the matrices for this frame

    // Cull the objects

    if( SUCCEEDED( d3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
        // Clear the main device
        d3dDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER,
                           D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,0,0), 1.0f, 0 );

        // Render the appropriate objects
        // Leave out objects that are occluded
        for( int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++ )
            if( objects[i].render )
                objects[i].meshReference->Render( d3dDevice, objects[i].matTranslate );
    // Present the scene
    d3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
    return S_OK;
Code Listing 4.5: The simplified render loop


Pros and Cons

There are many pros and cons to the occlusion culling interpretation presented. It is very easy to implement, and it is very accurate and flexible. For example, objects behind a pane of glass can be culled appropriately (this can be achieved by making the glass object's bounding mesh an outline of the glass). Also, the level of accuracy and speed of the algorithm can be altered easily by changing the bounding meshes that are used. More vertices means more accurate and slower; less vertices means less accurate and faster.

However, there are numerous faults in this method. For one, it renders every object up to 3 times (twice during the culling operation, and possibly again during the primary render). This slows the cull down tremendously. Also, it requires a DirectX 9 compliant graphics card.

Possible Optimizations

  • If frustum culling were to be implemented, the sectors and objects outside of the view volume could be thrown out from the start.
  • The size of the occlusion texture and surface could be decreased, although smaller sizes tend to decrease the accuracy of the occlusion culling.

The Demo

Included is a fully working demo (with source code) that implements the method discussed. It renders a small forest of 300 randomly placed trees, totaling over 100,000 vertices. The demo requires a DirectX9 compliant card to run. The controls are as follows:

  • WASD: Slide camera
  • IJKL: Rotate camera
  • M: Save bitmap of occlusion surface (saves to buffer.bmp)

Diagram 5.1: Demo screenshot

Final Thoughts

Well, thank-you for checking out my implementation of occlusion culling. I hope that you gained some knowledge from it. I welcome any ideas, suggestions, or corrections.

Dustin Franklin

Dustin Franklin (aka circlesoft) is a high school student in Mount Joy, Pennsylvania. You can feel free to email him at dustinhimer@comcast.net or contact him through MSN (at that address) or AIM (dutsin2323).

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Date this article was posted to GameDev.net: 8/6/2004
(Note that this date does not necessarily correspond to the date the article was written)

See Also:
DirectX Graphics
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