// VARIABLES // The DirectDraw object, used to create the Primary surface and // access the DirectDraw functions. LPDIRECTDRAW7 lpDD = NULL; // The primary DDraw surface, this represents the screen. LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDSPrimary = NULL; // The back buffer, things are blitted onto this then flipped to // the Primary surface. LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpDDSBack = NULL; // A surface description structure, used to describe the // primary and back surfaces for the CreateSurface() function. DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; // A surface capabilities structure, used to tell // CreateSurface() what kind of surface to create. DDSCAPS2 ddscaps; // GET DIRECT DRAW OBJECT // Create the DDraw7 object. if ( FAILED( DirectDrawCreateEx( NULL, ( LPVOID* )&lpDD, IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL ) ) return FALSE; // SET DISPLAY MODE // Get exclusive mode. Be sure to allow people to press // Alt-Ctrl-Del ( DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT ). if ( FAILED( lpDD->SetCooperativeLevel( hwnd, DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT ) ) ) return FALSE; // Set the display mode to 800x600 with 16 bits per pixel. if ( FAILED( lpDD->SetDisplayMode( 800, 600, 16, 0, 0 ) ) ) return FALSE; // CREATE PRIMARY SURFACE // Create the primary surface with 1 back buffer. Make it // the height and width of the screen. // First, zero the memory used by the ddsd structure. // If you don't do this, it may have some random data that // might mess up CreateSurface(). ZeroMemory( &ddsd, sizeof( ddsd ) ); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof( ddsd ); // DDSD_CAPS makes CreateSurface() check the // ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps value. DDS_BACKBUFFERCOUNT makes it // check the ddsd.dwBackBufferCount value. ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT; // Make it the primary surface that can be flipped. ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE | DDSCAPS_FLIP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; // Give it one back buffer. ddsd.dwBackBufferCount = 1; // Make it the same size as the screen. ddsd.dwWidth = 800; ddsd.dwHeight = 600; // Create the primary surface using the description in // ddsd. if ( FAILED( lpDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &lpDDSPrimary, NULL ) ) ) return FALSE; // CREATE BACK BUFFER if ( FAILED( lpDDSPrimary->GetAttachedSurface( &ddscaps, &lpDDSBack ) ) ) return FALSE;