Interview with Three Rings
The CMP Game Group (producer of Game Developer magazine,, and the Game Developers Conference) established the Independent Games Festival in 1998 to encourage innovation in game development and to recognize the best independent game developers. They saw how the Sundance Film Festival benefited the independent film community, and wanted to create a similar event for independent game developers as well as the student population of game developers.
This interview from Three Rings talks about the rootin' tootin' strategy game Bang! Howdy, nominated this year for the Seumas McNally Grand Prize and Technical Excellence; the latter of which they won back in 2004 with Puzzle Pirates.
 Who are you and how were you involved in Bang! Howdy?
 Congrats on your second IGF nomination. The IGF has changed quite a bit since your last entry, Puzzle Pirates. How do you view these changes?
 Is there anything about the IGF you would want done differently?
 What was the design goal behind Bang! Howdy? What kind of game were you looking to make and why?
 To take a stab here - you shoot up people in the game, but afterwards the heavy community aspect helps people pardner up with each other easily. Is this what is reflected in the title Bang! Howdy?
 How much of an influence was Puzzle Pirates in the game and visual design of Bang! Howdy?
 The mechanic of moving pieces and waiting for them to recharge, also used in another IGF finalist Kung Fu Chess, lends a quasi-turn-based aspect to the gameplay. Was this always part of the design, or were any experiments done with real-time and/or turn-based gameplay as well?
 What about Bang! Howdy do you think is most responsible for earning it a nomination for technical excellence?
 What made you decide to up the technology from 2D in Puzzle Pirates to 3D in Bang! Howdy?
 What were some technical issues that arose as a result of using 3D?
 What advantages did 3D give you over 2D for this game?
 What was the technology used for Bang! Howdy?
 What tools were used that helped aid in development?
 How long was the game in production? What was one major issue during production and how was it solved?
 Was there any crunch time? Could it have been avoided or lessened?
 What's next for Three Rings?
 Is there anything else about Bang! Howdy that you would like to reveal to other developers?
Best of luck to the Bang! Howdy team at GDC!
Interview conducted by Drew Sikora
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