Interview with Dreaming Media
The Independent Games Festival was established in 1998 as a forum for independent developers to exhibit their work, receive recognition, and meet with commercial publishers. Finalists to this event attend the GDC and compete for several awards and cash prizes. This year's Seumas McNally grand prize is $15,000 (up from $10,000 last year).
I finally had the chance this weekend to sit down with the two brothers, Ted and Mick Skolnick, behind Dreaming Media and the game Bad Milk, an original interactive live video puzzle adventure. We had a great interview as they explained the game and their humble beginnings, as well as their take on the IGF and what they¹re looking forward to in the future.
So who are you guys, and what do you do?
And you guys live right down the hall from each other huh?
And that brainstorm became Bad Milk? Or was it something else at first?
So who did what during the development of Bad Milk?
What's the whole point/theme behind the game?
And the game is mostly puzzle-based with an interactive story?
Explain the player¹s role in the story; in what ways does he interact with the environment?
Did you guys try any other live action puzzle games like Grim Fandango to see what might have been cliché or to get ideas?
How long was Bad Milk in development? Was it a full-time project or were you both pursuing other interests as well at the time?
Yes, communication is normally a problem in development. Seems your were spared that. What other problems cropped up over course of development?
What tools and software did you use to develop Bad Milk?
When did you guys decided to enter Bad Milk into the IGF?
Looking at the other finalists in this year¹s competition, the selection is extremely wide and varied. How do you think you guys stack up?
Did you guys even expect to make it to the finals? What was it like when you heard you were finalists?
Do you think you guys will be making any other forages into the game development world in the future?
Haha. At the same time, is there anything else you guys are interested in pursuing?
Sounds great guys. Good luck at the GDC and thanks a lot for doing the interview :)
Interview conducted by Drew "Gaiiden" Sikora.
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