Interview with Nabi Software
The CMP Game Group (producer of Game Developer magazine,, and the Game Developers Conference) established the Independent Games Festival in 1998 to encourage innovation in game development and to recognize the best independent game developers. They saw how the Sundance Film Festival benefited the independent film community, and wanted to create a similar event for independent game developers as well as the student population of game developers.
I got a chance to chat online with two of the developers behind the all-out fighting game Toribash, which was nominated this year for Design Innovation.
 Who are you and how were you involved in Toribash?
 Congrats on your IGF nomination. What made you enter Toribash into the IGF?
 Is this your first game or have you guys done previous work in the industry?
 Have you guys always wanted to make games or was there another reason for switching careers?
 Have you guys always lived in Singapore? Is there anything you feel it offers you towards game development?
 So with everyone so spread out - what ways have you found work best to communicate rapidly and keep everyone in sync?
 So where did the idea for Toribash come from?
 Was the physics system tailor-built for this game or was existing software put to use?
 What was the most difficult aspect of developing the game in terms of transforming it from concept to reality?
 What is it about the current control scheme makes it suitable for the game?
 Were there any problems during development that you would like to share as a caution to other developers?
 Perhaps instead something you do that you think eases problems?
 What was used to make the game and what tools aided in development?
 What's next in development for Toribash?
 Well good luck to you guys at GDC this year, I'll see you at the conference
Interview conducted by Drew Sikora
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