Interview with Viqua Games
The CMP Game Group (producer of Game Developer magazine,, and the Game Developers Conference) established the Independent Games Festival in 1998 to encourage innovation in game development and to recognize the best independent game developers. They saw how the Sundance Film Festival benefited the independent film community, and wanted to create a similar event for independent game developers as well as the student population of game developers.
The team from Viqua Games took some time to answer some questions via email all the way from Thailand . Thomas and the Magical Words is nominated this year for Innovation in Visual Art.
 Who are you and what was your role on Thomas and the Magical Words?
 Congrats on making it into the IGF finals. Is this your first attempt at entering the competition?
 What made you decide to enter Tommy into the IGF?
 How do you view this year's competition? Do you think the IGF is heading in the right direction?
 How did the idea for Tommy come about?
 How much did the game evolve from its original inception? What drove this evolution?
 What prompted the fantasy setting for the game?
 What's your most enjoyable part of the game and how did that feature come about?
 During the development of Tommy, what were some major issues that caused problems and how were they solved?
 What tools/technology was used for the creation of Tommy?
 What's the one thing about the way you develop games that you think helps you do your job best?
 How long has Viqua Games been around? What's a brief history of the company?
 Not too many developers can say they hail from Thailand. What's it like developing games over there?
 How difficult does the time difference make in working with companies here in the US or even in Europe ? What works best to help alleviate this issue?
 What's next for Viqua Games?
Interview conducted by Drew "Gaiiden" Sikora
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