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Full Name Leonardo Boselli
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Member Since 9/30/2002 5:50:33 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
APOCALYX 3D Engine: 0.9.2 Release APOCALYX 3D Engine: 0.9.2 Release Posted by: Leonardo Boselli at May 2, 2008 1:18:09 PMA new release of the APOCALYX 3D Engine is available for download, also in a all-in-one easy-to-get 60 Mb installer (including the runtime, the documentation, the... 
Posted May 2, 2008 1:18:09 PM
APOCALYX 3D Engine: 0.9.2 Release APOCALYX 3D Engine: 0.9.2 ReleasePosted by: Leonardo Boselli at April 28, 2008 9:55:56 AMA new release of the APOCALYX 3D Engine is available for download, also in a all-in-one easy-to-get 60 Mb installer (including the runtime, the documentation, th... 
Posted April 28, 2008 9:55:56 AM
APOCALYX 3D Engine APOCALYX 3D Engine is based on OpenGL and a lot of open source libraries, that cover from 3D sound to AI functions. The engine can be used to create demos or small games completely programmed throught LUA scripts. Some of the graphics features... 
Posted April 17, 2008 10:06:37 AM
APOCALYX v 0.8.9 Lua-based 3D engine enhances its features APOCALYX v 0.8.9 Lua-based 3D engine enhances its featuresPosted by: Leonardo Boselli at August 31, 2006 3:01:49 PMAPOCALYX is a 3D engine written in C++ that uses the OpenGL API, OpenAL, Lua and other open source libraries. The latest release, v... 
Posted August 31, 2006 10:01:49 AM
APOCALYX Engine: New Terrains, AI and Networking Support APOCALYX Engine: New Terrains, AI and Networking SupportPosted by: Leonardo Boselli at July 31, 2006 7:19:27 AM 
Posted July 31, 2006 7:19:27 AM
APOCALYX 3D Engine In the screenshot you can see the APOCALYX 3D Engine animating the mythical MD2 model "Dragon-Knight" by Magarnigal. APOCALYX is an open source 3D engine based on OpenGL 2.0, OpenAL 1.1 and other free libraries. The engine already includes man... 
Posted July 20, 2006 2:05:46 PM
APOCALYX Engine: New Terrains, AI and Networking Support APOCALYX Engine: New Terrains, AI and Networking SupportPosted by: Leonardo Boselli at July 20, 2006 3:27:27 AM 
Posted July 20, 2006 3:27:27 AM
GUN-TACTYX Programming Game GUN-TACTYX Programming GamePosted by: Leonardo Boselli at September 26, 2004 10:53:48 AMThe release 1.1.2 of GUN-TACTYX is available for download. GUN-TACTYX is an advanced "programming game", a game where the players must program the AI algorithms o... 
Posted September 26, 2004 10:53:48 AM
GUN-TACTYX Programming Game GUN-TACTYX Programming GamePosted by: Leonardo Boselli at September 26, 2004 10:52:20 AM 
Posted September 26, 2004 10:52:20 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Cascading explosions with many objects I have found a similar problem in a game in development (MekaWars) For the moment, I tried with a non-optimal solution. If you find any good optimization, please, let me know. Thank you in advance. 
Posted September 1, 2008 3:42:45 AM
3D fly-through engine with Borland Builder C++ Quote:Original post by hexa I'm working with Borland C++ Builder 5.0, it uses OpenGL version 1.1... As someone as already pointed out, BC++ has no limitation about OpenGL. I have developed a 3D engine (known as APOCALYX) using the free Borland C++... 
Posted June 19, 2008 12:57:23 PM
APOCALYX 3D Engine Quote:Original post by animator Nice looking pictures. Have you got a simple link to the game in treas6.jpg? I want to try it but don't want to download everything else. Link to more "Treasure Hunter" screenshots Link to TrasureHunter-lua-0.8.10... 
Posted April 19, 2008 9:35:17 AM
Need Programer for RTS Quote:Original post by LordOverkill Realy need a programer for our game... have decided to go with the Ogre3d engine. I'm interested to join as a programmer, but if and only if you consider to use for your game my engine (APOCALYX 3D Engine)... 
Posted December 4, 2007 7:33:18 AM
2d graphics engine??? > been usin SDL and found it a bit slow... I have recently used the SDL for a game entry in the "CCN SpeedGame Contest 2007" and I haven't found the SDL slow, just the opposite. If you want to try it: 
Posted August 31, 2007 7:05:36 AM
flight sim physics Quote:Original post by testyturtle Does anyone have any good reference material for simple flight dynamics? I have written a basic flight simulator in Lua. The demo is available here (the source is in the file with "lua" extension) http://apocalyx... 
Posted July 26, 2007 7:16:08 AM
APOCALYX v 0.8.9 Lua-based 3D engine enhances its features Quote:Original post by kariem2k Great engine but license info is mysterious,No license on the web site,but lots of the engine's code is commented with comments stating that The engine is under GPL license,but the author says that it can be used... 
Posted September 3, 2006 7:33:29 AM
APOCALYX 3D Engine Quote:Original post by cdoty This looks like a nice engine, with a decent feature set. Thank you! Quote:Original post by cdoty The only thing I would complain about is the licensing. LGPL or ZLib would have been more useful. Unluckily som... 
Posted July 22, 2006 12:37:38 PM
APOCALYX 3D Engine Quote:Original post by Maddi None of your demos works on my PC. The mouse is totally jumpy everywhere, and the Urban Tactics demo doesn't work either. All I see is a skybox. I'm sorry for this problem. Usually that happens on old, or slow... 
Posted July 21, 2006 9:24:53 AM
APOCALYX 3D Engine First of all, thanks for the messages of appreciation! Quote:Original post by Ravuya Do you have a Mac port? I'm kinda-sorta about to start on the next revision of my core library, but if someone else has something that'll satisfy my needs... 
Posted July 21, 2006 9:16:18 AM
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