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Member Since 2/19/2003 4:53:24 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
My personal web site (plus a demo of my game) Hi all, I'm a C++ programmer and I've been working on my personal game engine for about a year. Now, I have something that looks like a game. If any of you guys would be kind enough to find the time to play it, any feedback would be greatly... 
Posted March 11, 2006 2:28:26 PM
ATV Rage 2006 These are screenshots from an early version of ATV Rage 2006. I'm building this game as a means to show off some of the features of a game engine I've been writing over the past year. You can download the demo at: http://students.guildhall.smu.ed... 
Posted March 12, 2006 10:34:29 AM
Alpha operations with floating point render targets I am currently looking at the HDR samples in the DirectX SDK, and having a question about how alpha blending works with these textures. If I write some test code or change existing rendering code that works with integer render targets to use floating... 
Posted December 10, 2005 10:48:35 PM
Drawing custom graphics on existing controls I'm trying to do some kind of code editor by overriding the RichTextBox class, so I want to highlight a line of code. The obvious way to do that seemed to be to override the OnPaint stuff and draw a rectangle there, with a height equal to the lin... 
Posted November 10, 2005 5:31:36 PM
Embedding C++ engine to C# level editor Hi, I'm trying to embed an "in-engine" test feature in my C# level editor. I want the game's engine (written in C++) to start running the level in a .NET window, so I create a new process that executes the game and pass the level file and the HAND... 
Posted February 13, 2005 12:45:01 AM
Vertex shader problem I've just started playing with fx files under DirectX 9.0, and have the weirdest problem that I hope someone more experienced in these matters can help me with. I have an elementary vertex shader in my fx file, which simply implements diffuse lightin... 
Posted October 17, 2004 10:11:28 AM
Passing function pointers to DXUTSetCallback* methods Hi, I'm having a problem with function pointers in C++. The directX 9 sample framework allows us to create callbacks for significant events, e.g. the create device event can be handled by a function with this declaration: HRESULT CALLBACK o... 
Posted October 5, 2004 12:56:23 PM
Visual Studio .NET 2003 linker problem I got a very disturbing error today on my project, built using Visual Studio C++.NET 2003. All of a sudden, the DEBUG version won't link giving me a "LNK1000 unknown error". It's probably during the creation of the pdb file that something goes w... 
Posted June 18, 2004 10:18:33 PM
Java Applets for IE Greetings. I need to write a very simple 2D game for a web site, but must avoid requiring visitors to download anything if I can help it. I wanted to ask anyone with the experience, if I would be able to use Java 1.1 (that’s the version interne... 
Posted December 10, 2003 11:41:39 AM
midp2.0 application error I am writing a game using J2ME for the MIDP 2.0 profile. My game runs fine on the emulator, but won’t run on the cell phone. After some debugging, I managed to print the error message on the cellphone: "java.lang.ClassFormatError... 
Posted December 8, 2003 7:06:30 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
We are a publisher. Yeah, but at least, "we're not EA"! 
Posted June 15, 2006 11:15:47 AM
Starwars MORPG, help wanted! Well, sorry about my previous post (which was ironic). Since you're obviously very young, I would suggest you start programming a game much simpler than an MMORPG. Also, you shouldn't use star wars themes or other IPs, since you won't be able to rele... 
Posted May 21, 2006 4:28:04 AM
Starwars MORPG, help wanted! When you sign this brilliant design with a publisher, make sure you keep the rights to your IP. 
Posted May 21, 2006 4:17:00 AM
My personal web site (plus a demo of my game) Quote:Original post by discman1028 Realistically-speaking, how competent? And, by my area, do you mean game development, or just my current major? (Anyone?) I don't mean game development experience (they teach you game specifics there) but you ne... 
Posted March 20, 2006 10:22:57 PM
Torque Game Engine Sure you can... you'll just transfer the installer you downloaded after buying the engine. 
Posted March 19, 2006 11:59:35 AM
My personal web site (plus a demo of my game) Quote:Original post by discman1028 Hey, Andreas, I have an unrelated question: How do you like Guild Hall at SMU? Does it offer undergrad and/or grad programs? I'm trying to find an extremely challenging grad school, and I want to head towards... 
Posted March 14, 2006 3:32:18 PM
particle engine for dust You could try my game demo ( which has implemented that functionality. Of particular interest to you would be the particles.fx shader under /assets/shaders. That should be a good place... 
Posted March 13, 2006 11:28:01 AM
openGL and threads What they say about the OpenGL implementation not being thread safe means that you should use synchronization objects around all OpenGL API calls that might be called from multiple threads. What other processing you are doing with your data is up to... 
Posted March 13, 2006 1:43:16 AM
My personal web site (plus a demo of my game) Thanks for all the input, I appreciate that. Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster Lagged. AMD XP 1900+, 1024MB Crucial Ballistix RAM, Nforce 3 Motherboard, 40GB RAptor RAID 0, Geforce 5700 256MB, Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum. Co... 
Posted March 11, 2006 10:12:46 PM
Drawing custom graphics on existing controls Thanks, I will probably try that. And yes, there are Graphics.FromHDC and Graphics.FromHwnd functions that create the managed graphics object from native handles. I know about the richtextbox being able to change text colors and fonts, but i need mor... 
Posted November 10, 2005 6:52:05 PM
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