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Member Since 7/29/2006 4:54:54 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Turtle(Intro to Maya Final Project) This is a turtle I modelled as part of my final project in Maya. This is the first time I've ever done anything in Maya on my own, and I'm pretty pleased with it. It has a world, some trees, and I'm thinking about adding a pond and heightmapped... 
Posted December 9, 2006 10:06:40 PM
Intel GMA 950 Performance So what kind of performance can I expect from the Intel GMA 950 on my MacBook? It looks like spec-wise that they are better than a lot of older consoles, like Dreamcast/Gamecube etc. So can I get that kind of graphics out of it? 
Posted November 27, 2006 11:40:28 AM
Voxels I had been doing some research in graphics and came across Voxels. I understand what the word means and take it to be like a 3D arragment of screen elements where instead of having an (x,y) arrangement of pixels there is an (x,y,z) arrangement of vox... 
Posted September 25, 2006 11:35:33 AM
Core Data I have started developing a game design environment/engine for windows and mac, and am researching the best way to store scene data. I am planning to support both Collada, and a custom format, but wanted to kno if Core Data from Apple is also a good... 
Posted July 29, 2006 6:14:26 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Quick question - XORing two strings Yes. You would loop through each character, since in C, the only values that can be XORed are primitive values, such a int,char,byte,etc. and a char is really just a byte. If you tryed XORing the strings your way u might accidentally XOR the mem... 
Posted December 1, 2006 10:20:47 AM
Sqlite + Linking Problem My problem was with Borland C++ compiling from the Cg library. I think in Visual Studio there are build settings for your project which is a dialog with things to choose from like Linking/Debugging and the like. I would look through your project's se... 
Posted September 27, 2006 11:56:11 AM
Sqlite + Linking Problem I had a problem like this before. It looks like you need to find your linker seting for prefixing library names with an underscore. Try turning it on or off to see what happens. Which compiler are you using? 
Posted September 27, 2006 11:29:58 AM
Nudity I say use bump mapping 
Posted September 25, 2006 11:19:00 AM
Core Data Thanks. Ill check in2 it. :) 
Posted August 5, 2006 3:17:23 PM
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