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Nickname tberthel 
State/Province, Country TX   United States
GD Gathering City Lewisville, TX, United States
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Member Since 9/25/2005 8:02:05 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Zepto Racer Applet Version: A little race car game. It is my fifth game. Second J2ME game. My first to use pathfinding and tiles. Also, it is my first game I going to try to sell. I am thinking of either adding... 
Posted October 1, 2006 12:53:23 PM
J2ME Game for the PC and a question I made an installer for a simple J2ME game I made a few years ago. The game is 40k while the emulator and installer are 2MB. It requires a JVM. I tested it with 1.5.0_06. It should run with >... 
Posted June 26, 2006 1:00:33 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Zepto Racer Yea, I know all of that stuff. Acceptable Losses: My problem is testing on the real device. I know it is really important, but I don't have an array of phones available to me. 64K is not an option. I would say the current limit is mor... 
Posted October 3, 2006 6:54:07 AM
Zepto Racer Yea, my sounds suck. I am working on making the engine noise better. Also adding a tire noise and music. As far as game input. Well, the input issue is real. It is well known that applets are not as performant for keyboard input. The sol... 
Posted October 2, 2006 1:47:02 PM
J2ME Game for the PC and a question Reasons I can't get a Software Developer Job in order: 1. Government Controlled Exchange Rates 2. Insane Contracts 3. Since I have never been able to make much $ moving and interviews are just to expensive now. 4. Most Software Developers and s... 
Posted June 27, 2006 8:11:50 AM
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