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Get to know DanDraver...  
Full Name Daniel Sadowski
Nickname DanDraver 
State/Province, Country Warszawa   Poland
GD Gathering City Warsaw, Warszawa, Poland
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Current Occupation
Job Title Junior Engine Programmer @ CD Projekt RED 
Job Description Working on The Witcher 
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Rating 1015  (Rate this user)
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In our forums
Member Since 4/25/2006 8:09:06 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Nyx: Amethyst Prologue Nyx is a realtime technology and gameplay demo created by Daniel Sadowski (that's me) and Jaroslaw Socha in 2006 as a Bachelor in Computer Science degree project at the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies. The project's goal was to... 
Posted July 8, 2007 3:53:43 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Nyx: Amethyst Prologue You must be thinking of some other project, because I'm pretty sure I did not post any earlier screens. :) 
Posted October 6, 2007 7:10:35 AM
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