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Get to know Clawer...  
Full Name Gionathan Pesaresi
Nickname Clawer 
State/Province, Country Piemonte   Italy
GD Gathering City Turin, Piemonte, Italy
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Job Title Junior Programmer 
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Member Since 8/21/2006 10:45:34 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Animations Management Tutorial Hi there, I'd like to show to the community a tutorial I wrote which provides a solution to animate 2D game's characters using a finite state machine and an animation manager class. The documented code is written in cpp using SDL. You can find th... 
Posted August 28, 2009 8:32:54 PM
Can't run SDL application on other computers Hi all, I got this problem and spent a lot of time looking at gamedev's previous threads trying to solve the problem but none of them helped me. I'm using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition and I can't get my SDL application to work on other... 
Posted October 18, 2008 10:53:34 AM
Performing 3d animations Hi there, I'm going to work on a 3d flash game and I'll have to do with low poly 3d models. Of course I'd like to perform a minimum of animations of these 3d models. So I was wondering what could be the best options to store and perform a... 
Posted January 18, 2009 9:41:23 AM
Strong Algorithms Hi all, I'm working on a NintendoDS project for my company and I see how a lot of routines cannot be achieved by the use of algorithms in their simpliest form ( performance reasons ). If you want an example I'm reffering to stuff like this... 
Posted April 12, 2008 9:06:21 AM
Multiple sounds Hi there, I was wondering how sound streaming is usually implemented inside APIs. It's easy to guess that this implementation is higly influenced by the particular platform APIs are programmed for but I was trying to figure out a "general schem... 
Posted January 29, 2008 9:26:50 AM
Stop hiding behind make files Hi all, recently I've come across several problems when I was trying to run my own programs without using templates and prebuilt makefiles. I think that all these is because a poor knowledge about all the stuff is working behind when I simply... 
Posted October 5, 2007 1:20:19 PM
Saving space Hi all, I was wondering how can I save space in final binaries of my application. Could these -for example- be solutions? - using int instead of long - create less structures - using smart algorithms thank you.  
Posted September 12, 2007 2:35:52 AM
for instead of if Hi all, what do you think is the better solution in terms of performance and "space saving" inside binaries between these two? if( level == 5 && points >= values[ 5 * level ] ){ // do something } else if( level ==... 
Posted September 11, 2007 10:12:19 AM
Nokia S60 emulator too slow! Hi all, so far I've been trying to run from the command line my midlet using the Nokia S60 emulator and I've always come across the same problem: the emulator is freaking slow. I've tried to change parameters and options in order to gain more heap... 
Posted September 5, 2007 3:54:35 AM
[ J2ME ] 2D platform engine Hi there, This week I have been working on my 2D engine for CLDC. I haven't tried this MIDlet on a real cellphone yet, so I would be very glad if anyone of you, who is interested, could test the application! To download the game cli... 
Posted May 11, 2007 1:53:10 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[SDL] 8 Bit only The third parameter of SDL_SetVideoMode is the desired bits per pixel of the video mode to set. Have you tried this? screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( 640, 480, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE ); Hope this helps.  
Posted January 8, 2010 9:10:17 AM
Java or C++ (games) Hi, If you've just started with programming I'd suggest you to learn C. If you are ready to go and pretty motivated to start working on a videogame you have in mind I think that you should consider a wide range of factors, for example: w... 
Posted January 14, 2009 9:42:19 AM
Optimizing my c++ code Hi, if you want to use good object oriented solutions I suggest you to read this book. The book is not for beginners so, before buying, consider if you would be able to understand it. Another good solution would be to study on good source... 
Posted December 19, 2008 3:02:26 AM
2D collisions Hi, I think you should start with something very simple and not optimized to get a basic idea of performing collision detection between game entities. Let's say you have your game's main character and one obstacle! You must find a way to... 
Posted December 15, 2008 3:21:34 AM
Collision detection? Have you tried to consider per-pixel collision detection?  
Posted October 28, 2008 8:50:59 AM
Can't run SDL application on other computers Hi AgentC, thanks for the advice. Next days I'll test my program on different computers embedding SDL_win32_main.c in my project. Last days I tested my program on other computer with Vista and it worked perfectly, at this point it seems... 
Posted October 28, 2008 8:37:02 AM
From C++ and SDL to C++ and PAlib I guess it shouldn't be very difficult since PAlib is designed to be very easy to use. 
Posted October 18, 2008 12:22:13 PM
Can't run SDL application on other computers Quote:Original post by deadstar Those error messages might help, any chance you could quote them? It just says "app.exe has stopped working" then Vista tries to find a solution to the problem and it doesn't. I've just tested the program ... 
Posted October 18, 2008 12:01:54 PM
3D Programming - where do I begin? I started to understand the basics of 3D programming after spending time on other programmer's source code. It might be sound funny but just understanding the concept of vector and testing its operations helped me a lot to cover all the t... 
Posted October 3, 2008 7:22:06 PM
Finally in the industry! Good job. I wanna see if you'll still have all that enthusiasm after a couple of months into the industry! ;P  
Posted September 24, 2008 12:08:25 PM
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