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Member Since 6/26/2000 4:29:03 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
iPhone Tower Defense released Hi Everyone, We've just released our second game, iPhone Tower Defense. Strategically build different types of towers to destroy the oncoming waves of enemies. It features multi-touch, pinch-zoom, original music, and 9 challenging levels.... 
Posted November 7, 2008 7:34:23 PM
Electropy Pre-Release Demo My team just released a demo of our first game, Electropy. Check it out here. Here is our press release: BOULDER, Co., November 24, 2007 - Team Phobic today announced the availability of a pre-release demo for Electropy. The demo contains 36 pla... 
Posted November 30, 2007 9:58:55 AM
Electropy (independent game) released Hey everyone, My team has just released its first game, Electropy, an arcade style platform game. Players make their way through over 130 levels, collecting power-ups and coins to reach the exit in the fastest time possible. Scores may be sub... 
Posted December 16, 2007 3:14:14 PM
Cancelling an SDLNet_TCP_Open call Hey everyone, I'm wondering if there is a safe way to cancel a call to SDLNet_TCP_Open before it finishes. Sometimes SDLNet_TCP_Open blocks for a long time before returning an error, and I want a way to cancel it from another thread. I considered... 
Posted November 5, 2007 9:15:17 PM
Electropy Beta Team Phobic has just released a limited beta for Electropy. The limited beta contains 30 playable levels to demonstrate the gameplay and to test across users' systems. The limited beta is available for download for Intel based Macs and Windows... 
Posted October 7, 2007 8:14:35 AM
Submitting games to online publishers Hey everyone, My team has been working on a game for several years, and a few weeks ago we finally decided it was ready to submit to online publishers. The game is certainly not finished, but the gameplay is essentially done, and the leve... 
Posted September 7, 2007 8:06:24 PM
Electropy Trailer My team has just developed a trailer for our game, Electropy. Check it out. Also, check out our website at We should have a playable demo up on the website next week. 
Posted September 9, 2007 4:35:33 PM
CPU spikes on OSX with SDL and OpenGL Hey everyone, I'm having a problem with my game under OSX. Every so often, at completely random intervals, the game will freeze for a few hundred milliseconds, which is a big problem since my game is very twitch based. The game runs at about 90 fp... 
Posted July 13, 2007 2:05:31 AM
Shaders vs FFP speed I'm considering switching my current FFP code to shaders, but I'm wondering if there would be any speed issues. Specifically, on old cards (such as 1st gen ps 1.1 cards), will I see a slowdown if I implement basic pixel operations like blending... 
Posted May 9, 2007 1:33:38 PM
Minimizing vertex shader calls Hi everyone, I'm working on some skeletal animation code for opengl and I want to make sure it runs as fast as possible. I will be using the a vertex shader to transform vertices based on the bone matrices for the current frame. My ver... 
Posted July 25, 2006 12:11:05 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Damage/Attack system In my games, I use a GameEntity class which all soldiers, vehicles, etc derive from. When one entity attacks another, it calls applyHit() on the target, passing in information needed to determine the damage. The attacked entity can then c... 
Posted September 7, 2010 1:56:59 AM
Electropy Pre-Release Demo Thanks for the feedback. The ninja rope in Worms was indeed part of our inspiration for the gameplay :) We're talking with several publishers at the moment, and the game will probably sell for around $20. 
Posted November 30, 2007 12:37:27 PM
Electropy Trailer "he trailer was a little, erm, over dramatized" Exactly :) Thats the whole point :) 
Posted September 9, 2007 4:50:52 PM
Submitting games to online publishers We made a trailer for our game. Check it out: Electropy Trailer 
Posted September 8, 2007 9:12:40 PM
Submitting games to online publishers Thanks for the advice guys. Guess its back to the drawing board... 
Posted September 8, 2007 10:32:26 AM
Submitting games to online publishers Maybe I worded that wrong. With the exception of sound effects, the gameplay is complete. We have almost 100 polished levels, a menu system complete with visual options and account creation, and a functional online score system. Even in its c... 
Posted September 7, 2007 9:02:04 PM
CPU spikes on OSX with SDL and OpenGL Yeah, I call SDL_PumpEvents() every frame. I'm running OSX 10.4.9 on a 2ghz (core duo) Intel MacBook with 512 megs of ram. 
Posted July 13, 2007 4:49:03 PM
Minimizing vertex shader calls Thanks guys. 
Posted July 25, 2006 2:06:28 PM
Replays using determinism on other processors Thanks guys. Guess I'll have to rework my replay code a bit. 
Posted February 21, 2006 1:19:52 PM
A hard problem! Get maximum one of two natural numbers. This works for all the numbers I've tried. If the = operator and new variables arent allowed it can easily be edited so that they are not used. Commented for your viewing pleasure. unsigned int Max(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) { //adding... 
Posted February 12, 2006 11:03:39 PM
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