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Get to know ShoeStringGames...  
Full Name Mark St. Jean
Nickname ShoeStringGames 
State/Province, Country MA   United States
GD Gathering City Easthampton, MA, United States
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AIM ID ShoeStringGames 
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Current Occupation
Job Title Founder 
Job Description What a Founder should do :) 
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Member Since 5/9/2005 5:49:27 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Wont read all my if statements correctly? if(newB1 > b1) { b1+=5*time; if(b1>newB1) b1=newB1; } else if(newB1 < b1) { b1-=5*time; if(b1<newB1) b1=newB1; } if(newB2 > b2) { b2+=5*time; if(b2>newB2) b2=newB2; }... 
Posted May 6, 2008 5:12:19 AM
Moving at an angle formula Hi, Im trying to make an object move at a angle, particularly like this. Assume that you only know its x and y coords, how would you make it arc? 
Posted November 3, 2007 5:55:44 PM
Pro-Porn Advocates: "Honk If Your Horney!" Linkage 
Posted January 30, 2007 3:54:34 PM
0Xc0000005: Access Violation ? When I try and compile this project I get the error: 0Xc0000005: Access Violation. I dont know what the problem is, everything looks fine to me. Here is the code: #include <SDL.h> #include <iostream> class Sprite { public: in... 
Posted November 30, 2006 2:03:41 PM
Video Game Industry makes its next big blunder News Source So if I recall what I read. The point of changing E3 was to give the developers more time to work on the games and not focus on showing stuff off at a convention. It was also to save some money. Now doesnt it sound a little w... 
Posted November 2, 2006 10:13:25 AM
What is your Age/Job/Location? Curisoity and to learn more about the community, what is your Age/Job/Location? Age: Im 19 years young. Born on June 19, 1987 Job: I work for a company called Knowledge Matters Inc. in Northampton, Massachusetts as a programmer for there H... 
Posted October 24, 2006 9:55:49 AM
Abandoned game ideas I like when people share there ideas on here so im gonna start a thread to show off game projects that you have started on and killed before. Make sure to only show stuff that you do not plan to work on anymore, as it would be ver... 
Posted October 6, 2006 8:21:37 PM
Codenamed: KingPong Codenamed: KingPong is ShoeString Games first commercial project. It has currently been in development since March 1, 2006 and has already seen many interesting developmental points. The game is still in an early development stage and you can follow... 
Posted March 26, 2006 10:20:14 PM
TimeKilla Tech Demo v2 Released Feel free to check out the new release of TimeKilla Today! The project is currently in development and many exciting things are beginning to happen. Thanks for all of the support so far, its greatly appreciated! You can view some screenshots of th... 
Posted February 1, 2006 3:30:24 AM
TimeKilla seeking an artist Project name: TimeKilla Download the tech demo here! Brief Description: TimeKilla is a fun and addicting game of chase and kill. Two players can duke it out or you can face the computer in multiple modes. Current Progress: Currently the gam... 
Posted January 14, 2006 12:45:17 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Moving at an angle formula Ok assume you know the x and y of the start and stop position, and it moves at say 20.0units*time. What would the formula be? 
Posted November 3, 2007 6:36:57 PM
Pro-Porn Advocates: "Honk If Your Horney!" Thats how they wrote the sign, lol 
Posted January 30, 2007 3:58:05 PM
0Xc0000005: Access Violation ? lol I know the code sucks. It was just a straight rip. I couldnt figure out why it wouldnt compile if I just completly copied it from something else. The code is going to get changed. I wrote this a while ago before I really knew what I was doing. :)... 
Posted December 1, 2006 5:08:41 AM
0Xc0000005: Access Violation ? NM I fixed it, I was initializing the player before I initalized SDL, durh! Thanks everyone 
Posted November 30, 2006 2:42:00 PM
0Xc0000005: Access Violation ? if I comment it all out, it runs, if I comment out everything but maxframes=numframes I get an error. It has something to do with that line.... ? 
Posted November 30, 2006 2:17:55 PM
0Xc0000005: Access Violation ? How would I tell if im compiling in debug, if I go to project settings it says Win32_Debug. Also the loop has always been like that, and I never got any errors before. Its a straight copy from my old projects. If I comment out the loop, it still... 
Posted November 30, 2006 2:16:09 PM
0Xc0000005: Access Violation ? It doesent stop on a line, Disassembly window comes up on this line though:10027305 8B 88 38 01 00 00 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+138h]  
Posted November 30, 2006 2:10:32 PM
BaboViolent 2 - free Multiplayer game! Having Lamb of God music alloud in your game makes you better then me. I will now go kill myself, and wish I was you. Bye. 
Posted October 20, 2006 8:00:35 PM
BaboViolent 2 - free Multiplayer game! My only thing is I highly doubt that Lamb of God allowed you to use there music. Everything they own besides there first CD is owned by multiple recoring studios such as: Goatboy Farms Recordings Prosthetic Records Sony/Epic deaf american... 
Posted October 20, 2006 1:25:33 PM
Abandoned game ideas Thanks for all the replies, it fun to see this kind of stuff. 
Posted October 9, 2006 8:47:50 PM
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