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Get to know Goober King...  
Full Name Michael Wheatley
Nickname Goober King 
State/Province, Country MO   United States
GD Gathering City Kansas City, MO, United States
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Member Since 9/4/2001 2:41:44 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Dreamcast remembered I know Gamespot isn't most peoples' favorite gaming source but they have a piece that is close to my heart. A flashback looking over the history of the Sega Dreamcast(links at bottom). About that time I was still an avid gamer I remember reading all... 
Posted September 10, 2009 9:00:56 PM
As an "Obamunist " what do I do about this! While what I'm about to say may involve Obama and McCain, its not really about them and its so off the chart I feel it may deserve its own thread and it will be long(as that's the way I do things). So........onward. So if you've read the Obama o... 
Posted October 30, 2008 11:02:55 PM
Any Air Conditioner gurus out there? So something the other day puzzled me. My sister-in-law has an apartment and not too long ago discovered mildew or mold growing around an outflow vent. She had her computer desk in front of it so it got fairly bad before she knew she had a problem. T... 
Posted August 31, 2008 12:48:16 PM
Just call me(you) Aladdin One day you are shuffling though a closet looking in boxes you had more or less forgotten about long ago. Simply hoping to find some little thing you kept because you would one day need it, and today was that day. While sifting boxes you come... 
Posted August 18, 2008 12:25:35 PM
Holy crap its an infestation. At first we thought it was one that just got into the garage. It seemed to be dying off so I swept it out. Then he came back, or was it a new one? I swept him out and thought I heard something buzzing from above. Then later coming in from t... 
Posted July 20, 2008 9:07:59 PM
So who understands that GPL/LGPL thing? I was reading the GPL license that is floating around everywhere and I'm not real sure I understand what I'm reading. In fact I'm quite sure I have no clue what I'm reading. I know nobody here is a lawyer but figured someone might have some experienc... 
Posted July 13, 2008 9:25:24 PM
perception of a programmer. So I've been doing this little coding thing for something like 18 years. I'm not sure exactly how long but that's the ballpark. There have been some good chunks of time where I haven't messed with it at all and seeing as how its been mostly hobby dri... 
Posted June 28, 2008 10:07:23 AM
deserialize Ok I went off and got stuck again. So I recently asked for some direction on how to save an object to disk for later use, which led me to serialize /deserialize. After writing the saver and secondary loading application, it is looking like I may... 
Posted June 18, 2008 11:25:55 PM
Nasty suprise comming home. So today I got off work happy to have it be both a Friday and a payday. It Wasn't too bad a day at the office and, barring something of a fiasco brewing while trying to buy a house, I had little to complain about when I got off. So crap happens fr... 
Posted June 13, 2008 10:56:26 PM
Saving Objects? I've searched the best I can but I'm not totally sure I know what to search for. Basic situation is this. I have a program that I use to create lots of little fun things just for me. As a part of it there are a few object types with a fairly subs... 
Posted June 12, 2008 6:11:49 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Photoshop Pro vs. Photoshop Elements For Game Development Quote:Original post by Lode Quote:Original post by capn_midnight Like, "look, we have the Clouds filter." Okay? Who even uses Clouds? Dunno, maybe clouds can be a good "starting base" for creating a texture? Generally I use it as some sor... 
Posted December 24, 2009 10:49:54 AM
openGL + SDL_SetVideoMode Fullscreen problem How are you going about reloading your textures? When you reload them they are going to get an entirely new ID and need to be re associated with the quad. Bottom line is you may be heading in the right direction just not be doing it just right. So le... 
Posted October 26, 2009 8:49:03 PM
The Daily Quote:Original post by Someone13 Nice! Didn't even know about that World of Goo "sale". Just bought me a copy of World of Goo! I got it for 5$ during Direct2Drive 5$ thing recently. Brilliant in every way and worth more than 5$.  
Posted October 16, 2009 7:29:43 PM
Building a computer - first time, need some help Quote:Original post by daviangel Also, as other's have suggested I recommend holding off on building your own rig until you do more research since just from the above and question #7 shows that you have no idea that the i920 is optimized for... 
Posted October 13, 2009 8:58:11 PM
checking if I'm missing something in this hardware diagnosis Quote:Original post by Gaiiden Quote:Original post by Goober King Its also not impossible that it could be the ribbon cable and not the IDE port. If there are two IDE connectors(the HD SATA or PATA?) you could connect to it and see if a boota... 
Posted October 12, 2009 7:53:21 PM
checking if I'm missing something in this hardware diagnosis Its also not impossible that it could be the ribbon cable and not the IDE port. If there are two IDE connectors(the HD SATA or PATA?) you could connect to it and see if a bootable CD works using it. Live Linux CDs are great for testing if a hardw... 
Posted October 11, 2009 11:26:43 PM
Does The Bible condemn the use of modern medicine? I don't remember anything that suggest such a thing. I know plenty of avid Bible readers and none of them are afraid of the Doctor. Its one thing to say God can heal. It's quite another to say he's the only one allowed to do so. I'm no... 
Posted October 10, 2009 10:36:29 AM
Dreamcast remembered Quote:Original post by Moe Gamasutra had a really good article on it as well. Kind of sad, really, but still an interesting tale to hear. I never personally owned one (poor junior-high school student at the time), and I always thought th... 
Posted September 11, 2009 8:19:26 AM
USA : Land of the Idiot, Home of the Moron. Quote:Original post by nsmadsen I love how you say USA : Land of the Idiot, Home of the Moron. At least most (not all but most) are peaceful idiots or morons. :) I can think of other places in the world where folks get killed for thinking-saying-doi... 
Posted September 8, 2009 8:16:12 PM
Video editing software There is also Guncam Which I think you can try for free. I've used it and found for recording does a great job. If you like it, it cost like 25$ if I remember correctly. Not the greatest editor mind you but you can do basic splicing and get a solid... 
Posted August 31, 2009 7:32:48 PM
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