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Member Since 9/12/2002 4:16:12 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Crystal Cubes Just wanted to show off my tetris clone. you can try it at: 
Posted February 8, 2006 1:18:12 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Crystal Cubes Quote:Original post by MichaelT First: White screen on my ati x800 pro, works fine in windowed mode. Now, if you don't capitalize on this you're criminally insane ;) No, seriously though. Since I am working with creating casual games I... 
Posted February 13, 2006 5:51:21 PM
Crystal Cubes Quote:Original post by Kal_Torak Quote:Original post by NiteZhifter Actually, the projected started as a prove to my girlfriend that tetris could be coded from the ground up in one day Wow, you wrote that in one day?? I'm sooo impre... 
Posted February 13, 2006 5:32:34 PM
Crystal Cubes Oh, for you guys with low frame rate, you can toggle some the effects: 'M' : mirror in floor 'L' : shadow 'B' : bloom "overbright" effect This could improve the controls a bit. you can make permanent changes in the settings.xml file 
Posted February 9, 2006 2:17:09 AM
Crystal Cubes Thanks for the replys, guys. The glass cubes are rendered in two passes. firstly, the depth is calculated from back to front side. Then, a ray is cast from the eye to the front side, recfracting another ray onto the back poly, refracting aga... 
Posted February 9, 2006 1:56:54 AM
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