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State/Province, Country Bayern   Germany
GD Gathering City Regensburg, Bayern, Germany
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Member Since 6/23/2008 2:55:57 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Life Simulation Game Idea Hi! For a couple of years now I have a game idea in my head but although I've been thinking about it for quite some time it is not even close to complete. Today I'd like to share the idea and maybe get some feedback or even additional ideas. Pleas... 
Posted September 5, 2008 7:44:49 AM
3D starmap prototype for web browser I created a starmap or galaxy renderer for the webbrowser. The prototype uses a special canvas-tag currently not supported by Internet Explorer browsers so if you try out the prototype please consider using Firefox, Opera or possibly Safari. For Inte... 
Posted July 24, 2008 11:41:55 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Subvein, now with GTA2 like vehicles :) This is very cool. 3 years, that's a lot of dedication. I'm trying it out right away. Did you create all the assets yourself? 
Posted August 24, 2010 2:15:32 PM
Space Program Manager This is awesome! I would like to play it - right now! :-) 
Posted March 19, 2010 4:56:59 PM
How do you keep up with your various ideas/etc? I'm using TiddlyWiki ( - very useful. I've been looking into Org-Mode ( lately as it seems very useful as well. 
Posted March 13, 2010 9:04:57 AM
Life Simulation Game Idea Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts on the idea. I did not know the 'Osmosis Jones' movie and I think that definitely goes in the direction I was thinking about - although maybe a little less comicy. So thanks Wavinator! And Tangireon you'... 
Posted September 8, 2008 4:10:00 PM
2nd Demo of my new Shump! - Help! A good way to get a couple of people to try out your game is the "Image of the Day" Section of this forum. Create a couple of nice looking screenshots, interesting description and a download link and submit it. Even if it is not accepted as "Image of... 
Posted August 29, 2008 12:59:50 PM
What do you get when you mix a space fighter with 12 tonnes of cytoplasm? Awesome game! I enjoyed it a lot! 
Posted August 21, 2008 3:52:39 PM
Anacondzor: a retro-arcade-style-snake-like game! Indeed I guess I missed it. I only had notebook speakers on when I tried it. So never mind :-) 
Posted August 11, 2008 4:32:56 AM
Anacondzor: a retro-arcade-style-snake-like game! Hey, cool game! I tried it and it worked like a charm. I enjoyed playing it. Has a cool feel to it too. You could add a sound file that is played when the player dies. 
Posted August 10, 2008 11:20:15 AM
Nefatavl 2.0 Hey, I just played it and I think it's really cool! I liked both the game concept itself and your very nice and well polished implementation. The different objectives of the two players make it almost as if it were two different games because you hav... 
Posted July 28, 2008 6:49:18 AM
3D starmap prototype for web browser Thanks for the kind words! Quote:Original post by leiavoia I was a big MOO fan and was for a time designing and creating my own space TBS game. One suggestion: You might consider adding some random jitter to the exact star placements. That woul... 
Posted July 25, 2008 7:24:17 PM
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