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Member Since 6/19/2004 12:15:19 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Parallel FOV? Hi, Im making something that resembles a 3d model edit. It has the standard 4 viewports. 1 spec cam and 3 ortho (top,left,right ect). I have my spec cam have a normal FOV, but I want the other 3 to have a parallel FOV so that the objects always seem... 
Posted September 2, 2004 9:12:26 PM
Images On Camera This is probably a really simple question, but what are the images that are on the camera on. For example in a FPS the gun and the arm that you see. What is the technical name for those and does anyone know any resources on implementin... 
Posted August 8, 2004 12:07:42 AM
Orthographic Zooming Hi, Im writing something that resembles a 3d editor with the normal 4 vewports. Top, Front, Left, Perspective. The first 3 are in orthographic mode. If I want to zoom in on the scene in those view ports how can it be done. When I add a camera it... 
Posted August 5, 2004 4:29:57 PM
XLight Program Hi, I'm now working on a program that should help people with loading complete static levels with lights still using a .x file. The main problem I was having with .x files where you could not easily export lights with them along with your level.... 
Posted July 26, 2004 2:53:45 PM
Importing Blender X File Does anyone else here have a problem with loading a XFile that you exported from blender. Everytime I try even with just a cube LoadMeshFromX works fine with meshes from milkshape or anyother 3d modler. Please, I need help here le... 
Posted July 5, 2004 5:09:51 PM
XFile Loading Class I'm having trouble with a Class im writing to load a X-File. The code should be self explanitory.. #include <vector> #include <math.h> class CLevel { public: ID3DXMesh* mesh; ID3DXMesh* meshCollision; std::vector<... 
Posted July 3, 2004 1:44:47 PM
Extracting Index Buffer Information I'm trying to get get a list of the triangles that make up a mesh then use D3DXIntersectTri() to test if my player intersects a triangle in a mesh then use those points to do collision detection. I'm trying to get the triangle information from the me... 
Posted June 25, 2004 1:17:10 PM
Brute Force Collision Detection Hi, Im a new Direct3d programmer and am working on my first actual 3d FPS engine. I don't plan on it being very good but I just want it to work. Here is my idea for collision detection that I started to work on and am just wondering if... 
Posted June 19, 2004 12:32:18 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Images On Camera Nonono...I'm already using directX to build a game engine. I have it so you can move around the world, lets say I want a cross hair in the middle of the screen. What do I use to get that 2d image so its always right in the middle of the camera. Do I... 
Posted August 8, 2004 12:25:18 AM
Web site with Programming Tutorials and more Site is nice, and is full of great resources for starting programmers. Really nice! =) 
Posted August 5, 2004 8:32:08 PM
X Files For static level meshes I use DeleD...its 100% free and is a powerful level editing tool...with full UV mapping functions...and I think it can do lightmaps now...not sure...ill have to check it out again. 
Posted July 29, 2004 3:08:08 PM
XLight Program Wow, thats a great idea with the multiple meshs! And if you load every mesh that you want to make up your level you wouldnt have to worry about coverting piece of the level into world space. You would only have to do it once. A hard par... 
Posted July 26, 2004 4:47:31 PM
DirectX COLLISION DETECTION Like I said 3 posts ago, i am going to give breaking the level up using the ajency array to make precise level collision faster....much faster. 
Posted July 7, 2004 12:32:57 AM
DirectX COLLISION DETECTION I was thinking that you can split meshes up using the adjency buffer and make sections of ... idk .. 50 or so triangles..make a bounding box for each section. Then test your ray against each bounding box and if it hits use your ray to do triangle by... 
Posted July 6, 2004 2:27:30 PM
DirectX COLLISION DETECTION My Collision Detection is basically the same system and i got it working are just a few observations of my own on the code: g_pD3DDevice->GetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &m ); D3DXMatrixInverse( &m_i, NULL, &m ); // Transfo... 
Posted July 5, 2004 10:30:57 PM
Importing Blender X File For all having the same problem: will fix it =D 
Posted July 5, 2004 7:10:18 PM
Importing Blender X File Hmm...the SDK XFile view doesnt work going to email blender foundation..also ill give exporting to milkshape a try but I think I loose the materials that way. 
Posted July 5, 2004 5:58:27 PM
Please test my GUI After I went through your install instructions everything worked perfect! Really nice window based GUI imo! 
Posted July 4, 2004 10:10:56 PM
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