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Member Since 8/9/2001 10:37:41 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
EVE Online Rifter Render of a Rifter from the game EVE online that I made in 3DS Max. 1499 polys (goal was to keep it under 1500 polys:) about 6 to 8 hours total for modeling it. Let me know what you think of it. 
Posted November 3, 2006 9:18:07 PM
Pricing help for contracted work This is a general price list that is subject to change with the input of the game development community. The prices listed below are what I see fit for the project being created. Please discuss and give me your input on what you think the pric... 
Posted March 11, 2008 12:24:20 AM
Transformer Created in 3D Studio Max 8. 
Posted December 2, 2006 7:45:22 PM
Boat 1524 faces and its a boat what do you think of it? 
Posted December 10, 2006 11:59:29 PM
Battle GUI feedback I'm designing an RPG and have a few ruff images of the battle GUI done. I would like to get everyones feedback on what you think of it. Feedback as in confusing to use, boring, good, bad, easy to navigate, etc. Now remember that this was made... 
Posted April 27, 2005 10:16:32 PM
Our game feedback No, no this is not a demo release we are just planning everything right now. Have a game engine thats almost done and ready for use and a large chunk of the story done. But I would just like to get some feedback on the outline of the story o... 
Posted April 27, 2005 10:46:34 PM
Need artist for an RPG Hello we are looking for artists "non paying position" to do some modeling for our RPG game. We have one artist doing some modeling but he is a slow worker and it has turned out after writing half the story over the past 2 days that it is going... 
Posted March 24, 2005 10:11:00 PM
reply check out collins college it's located in AZ i'm currently going there for game design. You only need a GED high school diploma. It is a lot of school work involved but it's a great school. e-mail me with questions 
Posted February 17, 2005 10:54:06 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Pricing help for contracted work Quote:Original post by mtgcs2000 Coming from someone in the industry I can say programming is going to be the hardest part to figure out costs for, for the following reasons: 1. Paying per line is not going to work, period. I've written many func... 
Posted March 14, 2008 1:09:23 AM
Pricing help for contracted work bump 
Posted March 12, 2008 11:54:03 PM
Pricing help for contracted work Quote:Original post by evesirus Smog, I think Nathan was saying that $5 is too low for an average 4 min music track... which it is, even for this project. As for a single sound effect, $5 I would say would be reasonable for this project. J... 
Posted March 11, 2008 11:40:29 PM
Pricing help for contracted work Still looking for replys on the prices to the other areas. If you have any input please let me know. Still debating the pay by line of code. I see from some objections that I might switch to the overall work that needs to be coded. This do... 
Posted March 11, 2008 9:10:23 PM
Pricing help for contracted work Quote:Original post by nsmadsen Quote:Original post by smog890 Sound/Audio: $5.00 per audio file First off, its really cool that you're looking into pricing and consulting others before setting your rates! Very good idea! I'll rate you up for th... 
Posted March 11, 2008 9:04:40 PM
Pricing help for contracted work [quote]Original post by stimarco [quote]Original post by stupid_programmer Quote:Original post by smog890 In fact, your (smog890) numbers seem rather arbitrary. We have no idea whatsoever what your game actually involves. "Episodic FPS" is mea... 
Posted March 11, 2008 8:58:58 PM
Pricing help for contracted work Quote:Original post by Aiursrage Might as well be a volunteer project, 1000 lines for $15 $150.00 to be correct. .15*1000=150  
Posted March 11, 2008 8:31:15 PM
Transformer No, not working on an engine I'm just modeling stuff in 3ds max 8 to gain experience. Face count is a little of 20,000 Thanks for comments. 
Posted December 4, 2006 3:01:35 PM
Transformer Thanks, right now i'm setting it up to animate but will not have it transform busy with another 3d project, work, and school. 
Posted December 3, 2006 7:02:40 AM
EVE Online Rifter Edit [Edited by - smog890 on December 2, 2006 4:25:44 AM] 
Posted November 14, 2006 7:25:13 PM
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