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GD Gathering City Houston, TX, United States
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Member Since 8/12/2008 12:50:44 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Wanderlust: Rebirth GREETINGS ALL YE GENTS AND LADIES! TEAM WANDERLUST Matthew Griffin - Lead Design, Programming Jason Gordy - Lead Artist, Animations, Map Design Aaron Connell - Characters, Scenes, and World Art Skyler D. Stone - Music Cole Medeiros - Sound Ef... 
Posted August 31, 2009 10:09:05 AM
Custom Sites For Cheap Hey guys, I am in need of some extra cash so I have decided to create some websites for cheap. Would be perfect for a small business, game websites, etc. More information can be found at my site: If you have any qu... 
Posted November 6, 2008 7:04:30 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Vantage - prehistoric crafting game I sent you an email (the one on the website) regarding doing graphics for free. 
Posted March 15, 2009 10:18:07 PM
3D RTS Project Seeks Concept Artists, 3D Modelers, etc! (screens!) I sent you a PM regarding this. :D 
Posted February 11, 2009 8:00:18 PM
Custom Sites For Cheap I just sent the link to a directory because all of those images are ones that I created for the company. 
Posted November 6, 2008 7:49:53 PM
Beginners 3d (OpenGL) project (small fps) I am a 2D/3D artist, with experience in 2D games, but I have been dying to get my hands dirty with a 3D game. Hit me up on AIM and I can show you some of my work: dragonslay3rboy I have MSN, but I would have to dust the cobwebs off of i... 
Posted August 12, 2008 12:54:36 AM
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