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Why doesn't this work?
This is what I want to do: (This source code works in dx8).
I want it to work in dx9 common files framework, the 2nd source listing is the result of one day's work trying to port to dx9 common files.
Why doesn't it work properly? Yes, they b... |
Posted July 23, 2005 4:22:27 AM
Direct X 9.0 Interfaces
I have been working on a breakout game with the ID3DXSPRITE interface of Direct X 9.0 Has anyone had any luck with the ID3DXLINE interface or just has any ideas on how to draw a single pixel on the screen? The SPRITE interface let's... |
Posted September 23, 2004 3:57:56 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums |
Direct X 9.0 Interfaces
Trip99, did you actually get the interface methods to work? I've got the program to compile, and set things up, but none of the methods will work, and when I execute my code, the computer locks up and connects to microsoft to report the error...
... |
Posted September 23, 2004 4:25:11 PM
Direct X 9.0 Interfaces
Thank you, I'm sure that site will be very helpful. I will have a look at that, the guy who put it up, seems like my kind of programmer!!!
Anyways, also I tried using the ID3DXLINE interface, and it locked up my computer, just in the initializati... |
Posted September 23, 2004 5:57:13 AM
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