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Full Name Matt Yan
Nickname Retro3D 
State/Province, Country Liaoning   China
GD Gathering City Jinzhou, Liaoning, China
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Member Since 5/16/2005 11:40:29 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
ZX-Shader 48k+ This goes to all ZX-Spectrum fans out there. The newest technology (programmable shaders) doing something that was possible 20 years ago :P This demo is written in VB.NET with Artificial Engines and shows how to render a model with a HLSL shader,... 
Posted February 14, 2006 12:39:19 PM
Artificial Engines Reel This is more a video of the day, so go ahead and download our latest reel of things we did with Artificial Engines in the last year. There's two versions available: Large (640x480, 37MB) Small (320x240, 12MB) Artificial Engines are a group of... 
Posted March 17, 2006 8:20:14 AM
Article: How to move and rotate things in 3D Hey all! For long I've just lurked this forums but now I actually have something useful to contribute to the community. Well, I've seen a lot of questions from beginners in 3D about how to make a 3d model move around the world and then attach anot... 
Posted February 20, 2006 4:29:40 AM
Artificial Gamedev Community Hello all! Me and Kavan have been working on a VB.NET managed DirectX library for the last few years and have posted a number of articles and source code for short demos on our homepage: Our team's name is 3D-... 
Posted November 3, 2005 3:08:10 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Artificial Engines Reel You need to get the Xvid codec: 
Posted March 18, 2006 6:08:35 PM
Artificial Engines Reel As said, the source code for most of these demos can be found in our Game Code Library. Just browse the demo of your interest there :) 
Posted March 17, 2006 6:58:36 PM
Planet Quest 4.0 Nice work! I get something nice to look at when I return to my PC. I especially like the rings around planets. 
Posted February 24, 2006 8:04:28 PM
Article: How to move and rotate things in 3D Yes, Back to the future didn't have the Lotus, however one of the 007 movies had it (with underwater capabilites :)). I agree that it's not explainig a lot of theory. The intent was to have a ready answer for the next newbie that wants to do... 
Posted February 21, 2006 7:33:54 AM
Article: How to move and rotate things in 3D Yes, I am well aware and was (in some things still am) used to this approach. However, when you have 5 or 6 matrices to multiply in the correct order it's much easier to visualize what you're trying to do. I've now seen already too many topics where... 
Posted February 20, 2006 11:15:09 PM
Article: How to move and rotate things in 3D Quote:Original post by rmdeboer82 looks nice, although it doesn't tell the theory behind it i think (don't see any formulas). maybe it's something more practical then you probably suceeded. Yes, it doesn't deal so much with physics (I leave that... 
Posted February 20, 2006 6:34:56 PM
ZX-Shader 48k+ Thanks for all the nice words! It's great to find that my idea about doing graphics the oldschool way isn't just my weird deviation, but actually liked by a lot of people. And btw, please, stop calling me sir. I don't know that much about english,... 
Posted February 20, 2006 4:03:24 AM
ZX-Shader 48k+ Yes, the color clash is something that I really wanted to do. However, it will require a more complex shader or even software processing - I have no idea, cos I'm just starting HLSL and haven't done multiple-pass shaders that would read from 64 point... 
Posted February 15, 2006 6:52:30 PM
ZX-Shader 48k+ Yes, it's a 3D model. If you go to the source code page you can download the art files for this and see that it's just a normal .x model. Binaries of demos in the Game Code Library are not available, because a big part of the idea is that the user... 
Posted February 15, 2006 1:08:44 AM
Python or Basic? I don't want to say choose Basic over Python, because that is 85% a matter of your TASTE and perhaps the remaining 15% of the special features - the perks - each language has. What I will say is DON'T believe the "basic is crap and outdated" poste... 
Posted September 10, 2005 5:06:35 AM
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