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Get to know AJirenius...  
Full Name Andreas Jirenius
Nickname AJirenius 
State/Province, Country Sodermanlands Lan   Sweden
GD Gathering City Eskilstuna, Sodermanlands Lan, Sweden
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Member Since 8/7/2002 3:08:30 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Cryptex of Time - New screens As game is moving towards completion I just wanted to post a few more screens to show off the progression. It's a 3D puzzlegame losely based on the Cryptexidea of turning wheels to solve puzzles. Move along in 4 different worlds to solve myster... 
Posted July 19, 2007 9:43:53 AM
Chosen - Creative writers needed Project name: Chosen - WIP title Brief description: Chosen is a eventdriven online multiplayer adventure. See 'Additional Info' Target aim: Prototype build. Alternative businessplan Compensation: Potential revenue, contracted - wil... 
Posted May 19, 2009 9:45:30 AM
Gamedeveloper offering his help Hi, my name is Andreas Jirenius and I've been working in the game industry both as a hobbyist and professional for a while now. Throughout the time I've been involved in almost all different aspect of gamedeveloping and have a broad experience in m... 
Posted July 3, 2008 10:30:59 AM
Cryptex of Time - released I tried to find my old thread where I was looking for help in here. As I've spend a lot of time in here I would just like to post and say that the game is actually released now and that it is very well possible to create games in this scale and finis... 
Posted January 1, 2008 7:39:18 PM
Freehand - 2D vector primitives I'm fiddling around with a couple of ideas of a game and need your help guys. Do anyone of you know how to calculate freehand drawings into simple 2d primitives? What I mean is basically like in Flash, or these physics techdemos you've probably se... 
Posted October 4, 2007 2:32:57 AM
Free hand - 2D Vector primitives I'm fiddling around with a couple of ideas of a game and need your help guys. Do anyone of you know how to calculate freehand drawings into simple 2d primitives? What I mean is basically like in Flash, or these physics techdemos you've probably se... 
Posted October 4, 2007 2:33:41 AM
Gathering dev team for next casual game Team name: SOLO development Project name: Ponder Brief description: As my latest game, Cryptex of Time, now is going through the last paneltests I am starting up with my next game. This one will require a smaller team of 3-4 experience... 
Posted September 14, 2007 4:59:23 AM
Cryptex of Time - prerelease Just wanted to show of a small video before the release this autumn. Hope you like it and maybe care to comment CRYPTEX OF TIME ... and before you comment it: yes it's the face from RE4 and it IS a placeholder ;) 
Posted August 4, 2007 6:25:14 PM
Cryptex of Time - Finishing up Team name: SOLO development Project name: Cryptex Of Time Brief description: This game I've been working on for half a year is now in the state of being finished. I've mainly created everything myself but as I have a publisher wait... 
Posted July 19, 2007 7:25:34 AM
Cryptex of Time Cryptex of Time (working title) is my first project aimed for the commercial casual game market. I've been working on this title for 2 months now and all modelling, texturing, 2D, audio and code has (so far) been made by me. A beta is to be rel... 
Posted March 6, 2007 11:10:42 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[MMO] Looking for testers to play our game Hi Raul Congratulations to a very nice nice progress so far. I'm quite impressed with how far you have come with a project like this with only two guys in the team. Well done! Now I'm not applying for the position as a tester but was interes... 
Posted December 1, 2010 6:11:26 PM
looking for a team for an mmorpg-ish game Im no fan of the bashing that's been going on but now you have been in here and answered things 3 times and still don't care about editing due to the MANDATORY posting template. Earlier, I surely would like that information but now it's getting... 
Posted November 27, 2010 3:31:03 AM
Chain Reaction: Escape [UDK] - needed 3d/2d artists, flash programmers I am just curious about what kind of role the flash programmer will have in the project. I'm a professional flashdeveloper and would like some more info about this. best regards Andreas 
Posted October 19, 2010 4:32:25 PM
Zunar Games - Read Within zobadof: You´re still not even making an effort following the rules of this forum (or even to read them I suppose) and stil you expect people to spend a lot of their precious time to create games for you? You want professional developers but stil... 
Posted September 4, 2010 7:02:00 AM
Game designer(s) needed for fine point games Tman: I would consider not to be so defensive against the replies given to you. Personally I've been developing a few games and also published a few during the years. In my experience acting professional both in manners, expression and quality of... 
Posted August 30, 2010 7:52:31 AM
iPhone programmer looking for artist (possible pay) :D well, there's maturity! 
Posted August 11, 2010 4:29:59 AM
OpenSource Lightcycle Game - gathering a development team Word: I am not trying to be a pain the ***. But you obviously didn't read the link I sent you. Quote:Original post by Word Please read Destiny's post on unity forums for more information about copyright issues. (topic: http://forum.unity3d.... 
Posted July 15, 2010 11:10:55 AM
OpenSource Lightcycle Game - gathering a development team Hodgman: If you are looking at the media done so far they are trying to copy all design and IP as genuine as possible. A great idea but definitely a violation. 
Posted July 15, 2010 7:15:20 AM
OpenSource Lightcycle Game - gathering a development team Guess I have to be the punk this time and points towards the GameDev - policy when it comes to violations of IP and trademarks. Please read the sticky post to get a better understanding of the policy: 
Posted July 15, 2010 5:41:34 AM
War For the Over World KyleM: With all respect. This aint the way the industry is working. Nor the way this forum is working. Please read this "read before posting" Sticky thread at: And you'll see the po... 
Posted June 5, 2010 9:06:15 AM
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