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Member Since 6/21/2000 5:26:09 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Yarr Buster a software anti-piracy protection technique Hello, I've been working on a protection technique that I think has never been tried. I protects a program by encoding the serial protection in the source and generating a unique .exe for every user. Each serial can only be used with the... 
Posted October 10, 2010 4:01:23 PM
2D Object Engine Development General: This is a 2D engine I'm currently working on and have been working on for about 5+ years on and off. I will use it to probably make a action-adventure game with some action and some interactions with characters. Technique:... 
Posted March 14, 2009 3:41:34 AM
2D (Using Direct 3D) game engine source release Hello, since I have no more time for now to work on my almost complete 2D engine (still work to be done and few bugs to eradicate), I'm offering the VB6 SP3 source code here. It's old but nice. You can learn a little about the engine here:... 
Posted May 29, 2010 12:04:16 PM
Sprite engine needs Alpha Channels PAID - Filled Team name: N/A Project name: N/A Brief description: Visual Basic sprite engine using DirectX 7. I need someone to add the possibility to use alpha channels (RGBA, not alpha transparency wich is already implemented as transparency, but real... 
Posted October 14, 2008 5:32:36 PM
Looking for free help to design a game. Hello, I have an idea for a space exploration/slow-pace combat game. I would like to explore the concept, write a design document and eventually make the game if the idea is worth it. I have general ideas, but they will have to be examined, refine... 
Posted March 8, 2004 5:45:25 PM
Beta-test my anti-spam program OK, it’s not a game. But I’ve been in these forums for so long, I thought I’d post something I’ve finally done... So if anyone’s interested, please visit downloa... 
Posted April 27, 2003 8:59:31 PM
1984 / totalitarian social multi-player game Hello, I was thinking about the movie (book) 1984 and wondered if a good game would be possible from that concept. Suppose a multi-player game where when you join you are either with the party or with the "people". Players who are with the part... 
Posted January 18, 2003 10:28:48 AM
A.I. Project Hello, I would like to know if anyone would be interested in joining an new A.I. project. It will be to create the basis of A.I. Design the "mind language" of the computer. How to tell the computer what you think and how the computer should store thi... 
Posted December 19, 2002 11:15:53 PM
Anyone from Montreal? I’d like to know how many people live in (or near) Montreal on this board. Thanks  
Posted November 11, 2000 2:46:28 PM
DVD programming / authoring Hello, since DVD players are becoming very popular, I would like to know if any of you know of a site that talks about DVD programming. Since games like Dragon’s lair are possible on a DVD, I would like to know what possibilities lies in this... 
Posted April 4, 2002 9:16:13 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Yarr Buster a software anti-piracy protection technique Quote:Original post by Servant of the Lord Sounds cool, but what's to prevent a hacker from just copying the program, with the same serial key? Couldn't he just distribute his key with his version of the program? You're right. He could. You could... 
Posted October 10, 2010 5:44:05 PM
Sprite engine needs Alpha Channels PAID - Filled Position filled, offer has expired. Thanks. 
Posted October 17, 2008 11:32:33 AM
Sprite engine needs Alpha Channels PAID - Filled The current alpha channel code is only applicable to the whole texture, it varies from 0 to 1 and it doesn't use an alpha texture for per pixel variable transparency. I can only make the whole texture transparent or not. What I need is to b... 
Posted October 16, 2008 10:15:42 AM
basic copy proection Extrarius: There would be more than the registration number that would be encrypted. All the text in the exe and data files. They would be encrypted with the checksum of the user's name wich itself would be encrypted with the checksum of the exe. So... 
Posted March 4, 2006 5:39:15 PM
basic copy proection Caculate the checksum of your exe except for the parts that contain strings of text. Also include a string that will be used to display the registrant's name thanking him for his support. When someone registers the game, encode his name and registrat... 
Posted March 3, 2006 6:51:51 PM
Space Age - Galactic conquest game Hello, I have sent you a private message, please login to read it. Thanks. 
Posted December 22, 2004 8:28:10 AM
Game Idea - Space Probes Exploration Hello, this idea would make a great educational game. Imagine learning about astronomy, topology, physics, programming at the same time in a concrete virtual project instead of like in school in separate classes. There are educational software fo... 
Posted January 5, 2004 11:18:37 AM
1984 / totalitarian social multi-player game I was referring to 1984 just as an example, it would have to be somewhat different. But you get the general idea. The game design would have to be worked out a lot more. I just wanted to know if this type of game would interest people. Thanks. 
Posted January 19, 2003 6:01:28 PM
Your art - let's see it! Some old and some new This one is in 3D. If you cross your eyes you will see it in 3D. (But some people can't seem to do this...) My site [edited by - Octarinne on January 5, 2003 7:34:13 PM] 
Posted January 5, 2003 7:21:29 PM
vegans == murderers We have problems in the meat and vegetable industries. 
Posted December 25, 2002 12:28:23 PM
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