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Get to know AtomicTuba...  
Full Name Tomas 
Nickname AtomicTuba 
State/Province, Country    Sweden
GD Gathering City Sundsvall, , Sweden
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Member Since 9/1/2004 9:16:02 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Eye Candy! Some early glassrender shots, looks pretty nice but still much work do to..=) If anyone missed our previous post, be sure to check out our demos of Switchball and Crazyball at: (A new demo of Switchball will be rele... 
Posted February 28, 2006 11:27:03 AM
Winner SGA and IGF nominee! Hi! We have now released a one level alpha-demo of Switchball. Check it out! We are as always thankful for any feedback so if tell us what you like/dislike about the game on our forum. Also try Crazyball it's our first demo and the w... 
Posted February 24, 2006 3:43:17 AM
Try our demo Download it from ,and please give us feedback on our forum or at Thanks! /Tomas 
Posted February 4, 2006 1:25:41 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Torque vs Roll-Your-Own-Engine Check out RakNet, nice network lib. 
Posted February 28, 2006 7:31:37 AM
Winner SGA and IGF nominee! Thank you! Yes we are, I have heard that the two first years was crappy. I think it has improved since and best if all, it have given me the time to focus on starting a company and put 100% of my time to developing games. Best Regards / T... 
Posted February 26, 2006 3:17:05 PM
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