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Full Name Karsten Schwenk
Nickname macnihilist 
State/Province, Country Rheinland-Pfalz   Germany
GD Gathering City Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
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Member Since 6/7/2006 4:38:32 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Faking Area/Volume Lights [Rather long post follows] There was a post here recently about (almost certainly faked) area lights in Deus Ex 3 that rekindled my interest in incorporating area lights into a real-time renderer. The upcoming real-time global illumination method... 
Posted October 1, 2010 3:56:11 PM
"Hyperdecals" - Well, sort of... Maybe this has been done before, but Humus' 3d decals inspired me to try to combine hypertexture with 3d decals. The basic idea is to add or subtract volumes from solid geometry by rasterizing some proxy geometry and then raymarch through a volume. ... 
Posted December 16, 2009 5:56:41 AM
Valve's Ambient Cube Patent @mods: Maybe this belongs in the law forum, but it is of relevance to graphics people, so I'm posting it here. Please move if you disagree. For the last few days I was experimenting with techniques to generate ambient cubes for completely dynamic... 
Posted August 2, 2009 4:24:58 AM
Little program to generate swizzle functions for C++ vector classes Hi all - just wanted to share a neat little program I wrote today, maybe some of you will find it useful. It generates swizzle functions for C++ vector classes that allow you to use swizzles similar to those available in high-level shading languages.... 
Posted May 1, 2008 8:59:57 AM
Fight Win Prevail - A vehicle-based multiplayer FPS game Brief description: Fight Win Prevail (or FWP for short) is a vehicle-based multiplayer shooter. It is set in a futuristic scenario and gameplay lies somewhere between the Mechwarrior-series and Quake 3. It is faster and more action-orientated than... 
Posted June 13, 2006 4:19:11 PM
Multiplayer FPS game looking for developers Team name: The FWP-Team Project name: Fight Win Prevail Brief description: Fight Win Prevail is a vehicle-based multiplayer shooter currently in alpha stage. It is set in a futuristic scenario and gameplay lies somewhere between the Mechwarr... 
Posted June 8, 2006 9:17:06 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Calculating the "zoom out" value In addition to what szecs wrote here are two numerical examples using the values you gave (so you can compare them to what your code produces). fovX = 45 resX = 400 (These look a bit like already halfed values, but I'll use them anyway.) Cas... 
Posted December 23, 2010 4:39:01 AM
Calculating the "zoom out" value Can you post what you're using for resX, fovX, how many texels you use per tile and what the width of a tile is (in world space units)?  
Posted December 22, 2010 5:19:41 PM
Calculating the "zoom out" value I think you can almost directly apply what I wrote. Let's say the width of your viewport in pixels is resX and you have ppu pixels per unit in your tiles. Then you can use width = resX / ppu // how many units are resX pixels? dist... 
Posted December 21, 2010 11:15:59 PM
Calculating the "zoom out" value I have not tested it, but if you want to displace the camera in neg. z direction, so that everything in your scene is visible, something like this should work: // width, height, depth: extents of scene // origin: center of scene // fovX, fovY:... 
Posted December 21, 2010 1:58:09 PM
Cache Coherence and Memory Barriers Quote: But is the code from Macnihilist not a Problem of cache coherence? thread 1 is using a cached value and it does not know that the value should be reread. I thought the mesi protocol is handling that: No, t... 
Posted December 21, 2010 8:29:48 AM
Cache Coherence and Memory Barriers Quote: This would also mean, that i dont need to have memory barriers, when my CPU is a multicore CPU that has a common cache for all cores as long as my data elements dont get out of cache? No, memory barriers are useful to guarantee ordering... 
Posted December 20, 2010 5:46:16 PM
Question about spherical spreading of light. I'm not saying (and have never said) that this isn't a good approximation if you're only interested in the mean temperature of the earth and if r >> 0 (or, more likely if r is much greater than the diameters of earth and sun). (But even th... 
Posted December 18, 2010 3:09:45 AM
Visual Studio and Shaders I have been using nshader. (I only used it with 2008, but according to the site 2010 is supported, too.) Here are build rules for fx files (if you're using them). I don't know if they work for 2010, though. (Actually I didn't even try them wi... 
Posted December 17, 2010 2:46:51 PM
Question about spherical spreading of light. Well, I'm not sure whether I should add fuel to the fire but here it goes: Quote:Original post by taby It's called the inverse square law because Newton proved mathematically that when viewed from a distance, a point source of zero surface area i... 
Posted December 17, 2010 4:32:19 AM
GLSL Bytecode Hm, it's been a while and I've never been an OpenGL-expert, but IIRC nvidia's cg compiler outputs viewable ARB-assembler. (It compiles many things to many other things.) I once had to compile shaders for an OpenGL project and wanted to look at t... 
Posted December 13, 2010 2:51:40 PM
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